Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 282: Seal of the Evil Holy Cloak

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"Xiaoye, I can incorporate this three-color stone into it, but some other materials are needed. Once the fusion is successful, your cloak will break a seal and enter the epic level."

Batu is very confident and never seems to have thought about failure.

"There is a seal on this evil demon saint cloak"

After wearing it for so long, it was the first time Rainy Night knew about the seal.

Before that, he always thought that this equipment was just a few skills sealed, but he didn't expect that even the equipment level was also sealed.

"What materials are needed, I will look for it." Yuye couldn't wait.

"In addition to the three-color stone, a legendary material keel and two epic materials, silver flower stone and flame mitsubishi stone are needed.

These materials are relatively scarce, especially the legendary keel, which is nowhere to be found.

But don't worry, because once the seal is unlocked, this cloak is likely to reach level 20 before it can be worn. I think you should be level 16 now, and there is still a long way to go. As long as you can find these three materials before you reach level 20. "

Hearing these three materials, the rainy night almost didn't jump up.

The legendary dragon bones living bone dragons, he is still worried that there are no bones. As for the silver flower stone and the flame mitsubishi stone, he has also seen it in the treasury of the city lord mansion.

He believes that as long as he continues to complete some tasks, these two materials will still be available.

But after hearing the restrictions after unblocking, the rainy night calmed down.

There is no need to rush to unblock it. Even if it is unblocked and cannot be used now, it is better not to unblock it.

"Brother Batu, then I will go to upgrade and find materials first."

After saying goodbye to Batubas, we left quickly on a rainy night.

There are countless high-level monsters in the residence where the Dragon Touring Guild is located, not to mention the existence of the Soul Calming Stone in the guild.

And the soul calming stone at this moment is very different from the previous one.

There is a golden thread on it, although it is not obvious, it can still be seen.

The more important point is that its rank has been improved.

This soul stone was originally dependent on money to be able to glow and heat, so as long as the gold coins are consumed to a certain level, its level can be improved.

The reason why Changjian Hengge generously contributed it in Novice Village because of this.

After the upgrade of the level of the soul-saving stone, the gold coins consumed for each activation doubled to 20,000; but the additional attributes also increased by a factor of two.

The range of monsters that can be controlled has doubled, and the use time has doubled.

The most important thing is to add a most important skill to summon the boss.

As long as a boss appears in the area controlled by the Soul Calming Stone tenfold, it can be summoned forcibly.

It doesn't matter whether you use it for your own use or beheaded to obtain equipment.

Having this skill means that there will no longer be a boss around the Dragon Touring Guild.

Having this item is also an important reason why Changjian Hengge has the courage to compete against the five guilds.

This is only the second stage of the calming stone, the third stage of the calming stone will be even more terrifying.

There seems to be a lack of wealthy people in the Dragon Touring Guild. The second-stage soul stone is activated, and they are quickly spawning monsters and upgrading their levels.

The arrival of Yuye made them excited and hurriedly invited Yuye to join the team.

These three hours are assisted by golden light, and they are quick and easy to level.

The short three hours is more than the usual five hours.

However, Jin Guang is only a bear after all, even if it has a bear roar, it cannot be compared with Rainy Night.

Once the blight of the crowd is scattered, their mob spawning efficiency can at least be more than doubled.

"Sao Ye, come, come, I want to die brother."

"That is, Xiaoye, this is your fault. You haven't been to the new guild residence yet."

"Hurry up, don't rectify the useless ones, let the disaster of the group go quickly."

For a time, the rainy night became the sweet cake among them, and even if you don't brush the monsters, you have to come and say a few words to the rainy night.

A group of experts such as Changjian Hengge are discussing the matter of the dwarf architect to fix the exploitable loopholes in the contract, so although they knew the rainy night was coming, they did not appear.

The inheritance of epic-level architects is not trivial. The winner must sign many unequal treaties with the Dragon Tour Association for system filing; even real life must be monitored and contracts signed.

It can not be said that Changjian Hengge is careful, but there are too many lessons for us.

For example, the Mustang Guild in the previous game

The guild has worked so hard and suffered a lot of nerves and bones to obtain something similar to an epic architect's inheritance. Without signing a contract, and without any precautions, it was given to a trustworthy confidant by the president.

As a result, as soon as the power of the guild had cultivated him to epic, he jumped.

It is said that the president of the Mustang Guild vomited three mouthfuls of blood that day, secretly cursing himself for having no eyes, and the guild was dissolved with the passage of time, and he also owed a debt.

It is better to say something ugly beforehand than to repent afterwards.

In the end, this architect gave it to a third-rate master in the guild under numerous safety measures.

Not much to say, when the rainy night came to the place where the grandparents were resting, the blight of the group flew Although his group blight attracted a lot of hatred, the monsters had to be able to break out of the circle of many players. can.

Release the Bone Dragon and Mount Night Pterodactyl and set the experience to three points.

As soon as the huge body of the bone dragon was released, it immediately caused many players to discuss it.

"Hey, what is the monster that appeared next to Xiaoye is a boss? Do you want to kill it?"

"Aren't you stupid, I haven't seen Pet Shine" a hunter said with contempt.

"What do you say is that pets are impossible."

Many players who spawn monsters can't believe it.

The body of the night pterosaur is already large enough, with its wings open for a full ten meters; but the size of the bone dragon is not weaker than that of the night pterosaur with open wings.

Other people's guess Yu Ye did not pay attention, but sat down and quietly told Gentle and others what happened in the tomb.

After listening to Lao Zhang and the others, he was very satisfied, and seemed to have known that Rainy Night would make a fortune in it.

"Haha, Xiaoye, let the bone dragon go out to spawn monsters. We don't raise waste."

Looking at the bone dragon lying on the side and waiting to die, like the second uncle of his family, he suddenly stopped beating and commanded towards the rainy night.

d. This place is where we play cards. Your bone frame is really an eye-catcher here.

Helpless, Yu Ye had to release the bone dragon to join the battle.

Golden Light, Bone Dragon, and Bone Dragon, the efficiency of everyone's monster spawning is once again improved.

Especially bone dragons, although they have died, the natural deterrence of dragons still exists, and they can inadvertently reduce the monster's attributes by 10%.

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