Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 283: Advanced Gold

After dealing with these trivial matters, Yu Ye took out the two invaluable inheritance books for Grandma Sun to choose.

These things must be given to the closest person, otherwise they will be left in the backpack.

"Legendary? Epic? Such a high level? Xiaoye, I want one, no, I want both."

The wretched old Zhang Tou grabbed the two books before Grandma Sun could choose her, and clicked to use it with a smile.

Uh, this shameless old man...

Ding, the system has detected that you already have a deputy and cannot continue to add it.

Uh, the old Zhang head was very sad, and he put the two books of inheritance back into the distance and cursed constantly.

"Xiao Ye can have two secondary jobs, why can't I? Age discrimination?"


Ten thousand words are omitted here...

Lao Zhao Tou and others also meant to snatch, but looking at the empty ground, they still couldn't lick their face to grab Lao Zhang's hands. After all, there were not many shameless existences like Lao Zhang's.

When they saw Lao Zhang's look that seemed to have eaten shit, the two immediately mocked.

This matter can also be laughed at for decades...

"I want a legendary pharmacist's inheritance."

After comparing the two carefully for a long time, Grandma Sun finally made a decision.

The engineer did not help Yuye in a short time, but the pharmacist was different. In the final time, she would be able to refine all kinds of potions for Yuye.

Note: Inheritance Bo is called Inheritance Bo, because it contains all the experience of the predecessor and all the inherited formulas.

"Then you use it as soon as possible." After Yu Ye finished speaking, he handed another engineer's inheritance book to Lao Zhao and Lao Li and asked:

"Grandpa Zhao, Grandpa Li, you two have the same profession, have you ever thought of replacing it?"

Note: It is very simple to replace the secondary profession, as long as you go to the deputy vocational tutor and spend 100 gold coins to eliminate it.

"Can you replace it? Then I want it."

Seeing that Old Zhao was still thinking, Old Head Li gave him a blank glance and took the engineer's inheritance into his hand.

"Why are you so fast? I haven't reacted yet."

Old Zhao's complaints are destined to be useless.

Seeing the old head of Li's majestic and arrogant look, the old man opened his head. The old head Zhao couldn't help it anymore, and together it was a brutal beating.

So far, all six people have deputy positions: Rainy Night: Chef and Blacksmith; Gentle: Engraver; Old Zhang Tou, Blacksmith; Old Li Tou, Engineer; Old Zhao Tou, Architect; Grandma Sun, Pharmacist.


Some sharp-eyed players saw these two books with a thin heritage, but they couldn't be clear because they were far apart, so they didn't care about it.

If you tell him that these are two books with a thin heritage, God knows how he will react.

In the process of spawning monsters, the rainy night was not idle, and he did not look outside to let the old cow bring out the ingredients in the guild. He must first promote the assistant chef to silver.

Otherwise, if the assistant professional advancement stone is used to raise the chef level to silver, wouldn't it be a big loss?

There are also skill runes, and you have to find opportunities to use them.

What if there is no stove?

Are the two architects next to Yuye fake? Fix one on site.

Ten minutes later, a brand new stove was completed. As for the cooking utensils, it was ready for rainy night.

Dingling bang, a sound of pots and pans sounded, which seemed abrupt in the upsurge of spawning monsters.

But Yuye didn't care about these, and still devoted himself to cooking.

Exquisite dishes were born from the hands of Rainy Night. These were supposed to be provided to the players on the front line to spawn monsters, but there are foodies like the gentle and old Zhangtou, and the dishes cooked in Rainy Night cannot be spread.

The five of them eliminated them all, and from time to time they expressed their opinions:

"Sao Ye, your dish is really bad."

"That's it, it's very unpalatable, that is, my old head Zhao doesn't dislike it, and I change to someone else... old head Zhang, let me go.

"Don't you say it tastes bad? I don't dislike it, just give it to me."


Uh, the bickering of these three people must not stop.

That is, in the game, everyone does not feel full, otherwise five people would have been lying in the hospital after eating so much.

Bronze-level cooking can only temporarily increase attributes, and cannot be permanently fixed.


The twelve o'clock bell rang, and the rainy night just came out of the cooking, still at the bronze level, it is estimated that it will take a whole day tomorrow to upgrade the **** of cooking to silver.

As for his own level, he was raised to 16 and 94%, far behind Gentle and others. After all, he is a pet and a mount with three aspects of experience.

The five gentlemen have already taken the east wind to raise their level to 17 and 15%.

As for the members of the Dragon Touring Guild, they have also gained a lot. Their three-pronged approach to spawning monsters has more than doubled their usual efficiency.

Although only a short period of two hours, it is more efficient than an entire day.

In the eyes of Grandma Sun looking like she was about to kill, Yu Ye quit the game after saying goodbye to many uncles.

At 12 o'clock in the morning, at the beginning of July 14, the six felt a little hungry. Let's have a supper.

As for the chef, of course it is rainy night.

The previous passion for cooking is far from extinguished.

After ten minutes, the light four dishes and one soup were brought out, and the six people returned to their room and fell asleep after a comfortable warming of the stomach.

No words for a night.

It is worth mentioning that the rainy night is still immersed in endless dreams: he keeps walking, but he can't go to the end.

The next morning, the rainy night woke up naturally.

Get up to wash and eat breakfast after gently pressing the quilt.

Seeing the busy grandmother grandmother yawning and dark circles under her eyes, Yu Ye suddenly had a temper and asked: "Grandma grandmother, did you sleep all night last night? Are you studying the legendary inheritance?"

"Grandma is too old and can't sleep, don't worry about my night."

Grandma Sun didn't have the consciousness of being exposed at all, she still said with a smile.

"No, you go to bed after breakfast. Staying up late will exhaust your body."

Looking at the rainy night without breakfast, pouting and sulking, Grandma Sun suddenly felt relieved and agreed to the request of the rainy This trick was unsatisfactory on rainy nights, so Grandma Sun would eat this set.

After eating breakfast, watching grandma grandmother lying in bed, rainy night before entering the game with confidence.

Just like yesterday, while releasing the blight of skill groups, cooking in front of the stove.

Without the five foodies, the dishes cooked on the rainy night were quickly delivered to the front line, and the end of their monster spawning was fuller and more aggressive.

Soon, Gentle and Gentlemen went online, bringing joy and laughter to this deserted land of monsters.

After one morning, the rainy night's level was increased to 17 and 35 percent, and the level of mounts and pets was the same.

As for the chef's level has reached 70% of the bronze level, I must be able to successfully upgrade in one afternoon.

When the time comes, the two vice-professionals of Yuye will both enter the gold, thinking about it is a little excited. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow WeChat to read novels, chat about life, and find friends~