Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 289: Rainy night


Compared with the participating guilds, there are also some guilds that sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. They are also holding back bad water and conspiring.

Such large-scale battles are rare. Once they lose both sides, it is time for the fisherman to play.

Although this is likely to offend the guilds on both sides, how can they manage these before the huge benefits?


The number of people involved in tonight’s battle is likely to reach a million, and there are many people who follow, but more casual players still say it doesn’t matter...

You hit yours, we play ours.


Yu Ye was still forging. Two hours later, when the time came to eight o'clock, Yu Ye walked out of the forging room and handed it over to Bath's ten gold-class flame daggers.

Buzz's eyes are straight...

Even the pinnacle gold forge can not forge ten gold-level equipment in just a few hours.

One handle for four hours is already their limit... If you fail, you have to start all over again, which will take longer.

If so, Yuye’s work efficiency is ten times that of other blacksmiths...

Walking out of the blacksmith's shop, Yuye did not go directly to the Dragon Touring Guild, but went to the City Lord's Mansion first.

From the city lord's mansion, he took out the Guild Teleportation Order of the Dragon Touring Guild in a flash.

At the same time, a system prompt sounded from the outside world:

Ding, congratulations to Guild Dragon for successfully entering the 48th town.

Ding, according to the principle of survival of the fittest, in the next four hours, which guild takes the lead to set foot in the dragon guild and destroy its guild stone, and after four hours, its guild will become the master of this heart-stay.


When the rainy night arrived, 90% of the personnel in the Dragon Touring Guild were dispatched, and the protection time above the head had already been emptied.

"Huh? What's the situation? Why didn't you hear the sound of fighting?"

The rainy night was very strange. I came to watch the towering city wall. Hey, there is no sign of fighting in the distance. What's the matter? Could it be that they gave up and failed? impossible.

Yuye hurriedly found his grandparents and asked them about the situation.

It turned out that Changjian Henge unexpectedly set the battlefield on the huge plain.

The Tyrant Alliance originally wanted a team of hundreds of thousands of people to rampage directly into the forest and place the battlefield in front of the residence of the Dragon Touring Guild.

But hundreds of thousands of people are dispatched at the same time, can that scene be smaller?

Changjian Hengge instantly joined forces with other three guilds willing to help to intercept, and a melee broke out on the plain.

Although this is not the result that Ba Tian wants, they can only be forced to fight.

You Long gathered three big guilds, more than 200,000 people; Tyrant Guild gathered nine big guilds, more than 600,000 people.

The combat effectiveness of the two sides is very different.

A large-scale melee begins...

During the battle, Ba Tian, ​​as a leader, sent a message to the presidents of several major guilds and asked them to act according to plan.

Although Changjian Hengge's hand can be effectively contained, she seems to have overlooked one point: the emptiness behind.

However, the players of the four major guilds that had been promised were somewhat unwilling.

Now that he has the advantage, he can completely eat the 200,000 people in front of him.

Two hundred thousand equipment, this is a lot of wealth, but now Batian is letting them go? What does this mean?

Are you planning to leave them alone? The presidents of the four major guilds issued different opinions.

However, it was useless at all, the domineering bully let them perform their tasks forcibly.

Although the presidents of the four major guilds were angry, there were still 100,000 people quietly touching towards the rear...

Looking at the leaving crowd, Changjian Henge's mouth smiled.

The dragon guild in the middle of the mountain forest ahead did not know how many traps had been dug, and when these 100,000 people passed through, they didn't know how many were left.

Those remaining players with some mental fatigue will face crazy blows from the old cow.

Changjian Hengge gave Lao Niu a death order and wiped them out.

Yuye quickly drove the night pterodactyl to the battlefield, and the blight of the group quickly flew, sending the bone dragon to harvest, and at the same time jumped into it.

The plague world, the raging flu, the dark light, the plague halo, the A plague, the B plague and other skills swayed desperately.

When he was about to die, he turned on the nihilization to hide in the side and slowly returned to blood.

It is no exaggeration to say that the number of players killed by a single person on the rainy night is absolutely over a thousand.

However, this kind of melee, the bone dragon was not very helpful at all, and died within a few minutes.

Rainy night played a bigger role than bone dragon, but it was also extremely limited.

The name on the top of Rainy Night's head turns red and black at a speed visible to the naked eye, until it turns purple.

Soon some masters stared at Yuye, wanting to jointly kill it.

However, Yuye had already expected that night pterosaurs would be summoned to the sky, like a machine gun to perform group disasters.

Even if it is a first-rate master, but without a flying mount, it is no use at the moment, and it is impossible to encounter a rainy night.

Players with flying mounts ascend to the sky and want to fight Yuye. A group of disasters flies by, and their attributes are halved. They can only be hammered by Yuye...

Ba Tian could only watch the rainy night do his best, but he could do nothing.

However, even with the support of Yuye, 200,000 people disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After supporting for an hour, these people turned into white light and returned to the town.


The Tyrant Guild’s casualties were also not small, reaching 250,000.

Originally, their casualties shouldn't be so huge, but with rainy nights like shit-chucking sticks...

Moreover, the 100,000 people who had been sent to the surprise attack sent a message: They were ambushed and the whole army was wiped out.

The faces of Ba Tian and other guild leaders are ugly...

This is completely different from what they imagined. Why is this happening?

Shouldn't it be crushed? Why did you suffer so much harm?

They dare not act rashly, who knows if there is an ambush ahead?

Slowly move forward and wait for the players behind, and only move quickly when the army gathers again.

However, Ba Tian would never have thought that was so careful and slow before he started the sword and hate song.

The sound of monsters rushing in the dense jungle...

A few minutes ago, Changjian Henge ordered Gemini.

Let them take a Molotov cocktail and a small forbidden spell to the Juli Ant Canyon.

How can such a good resource not be used?

Boom, the fire blazed into the sky, and the densely packed giant ants in the canyon were irritated for the second time in a short time, sending out a low, penetrating sound wave out of the sea of ​​fire, trying to crush the Gemini into pieces.

The two hurriedly changed into acceleration gear, and started all the blessings.

History repeats itself, and there is another commotion in the jungle.

Countless monsters sensed the danger and ran out.

To reach the residence of the Dragon Touring Guild, you must pass through this mountain forest. The Tyrant Alliance has no choice.

Seeing the group of monsters coming in assault, feeling the majesty of the army behind him, the Domination issued a stupid command:


He believed that the army behind him could destroy everything in front of him.

But he was wrong.....

After slaying thousands of monsters, giant ants from the rear rushed like a tsunami.