Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 290: Epic props-engraved traps

And the two Gemini Stars have already invisible to the team of the Tyrant Guild...

   Juli Ant Head: Brothers, those two scums are hidden in the obstacles in front? what should we do?

   Juli Ant Soldier: Removed.

   The battle between humans and ants is about to start.

  Some players from the Domineering Alliance turned their heads and ran away. The giant ants in the canyon on the other side of the hill are the most terrifying creatures they don’t want to provoke.

   In twenty minutes, none of the hundreds of thousands of troops of the Tyrant Alliance were spared, and all died and returned to the town...

  Although they have mounts for blessing, who can control the chaotic scene?

   Seven or eight forbidden curses were torn apart, but the effect was almost zero.

   As soon as an area was cleared, it was immediately filled by Juli ants behind. The number of Juli ants is a mystery.

   Second-rate and above masters were spared, but in front of the overwhelming Juli ants, they could only retreat and lift off.

   This kind of battle that can't see victory has crushed a boulder in everyone's heart.

The guild leaders of   Batian, Sangbiao and other guilds levitated in the sky with flying mounts, looked viciously in the direction of Longjian Henge, and quickly evacuated in the next second.


   In this unnamed mountain forest, there is a piece of equipment in every place.

   Everything from black iron to gold.

  The Dragon Alliance and others had already taken out a resident order to return, and at the same time all the thieves dispatched carefully to bring back the harvest.

   A bumper harvest, an absolute bumper harvest.

   Although everyone died once, lost a piece of equipment and 10% of the experience value, but generally speaking, the problem is not big.

   And with the supplement of these equipment, their combat effectiveness has not decreased but increased.

  The player's momentum of the Dragon Alliance rises by one level,

  The players of the Domineering Alliance have dropped by one level, and their anger has risen by several levels.

   Two hundred thousand people in the Dragon Alliance are ready to set up the battlefield in the middle of the jungle and the canyon to intercept.

   Previously, with the help of the mighty ants, although they wiped out all the players of the Decepticon Alliance, they also understood that this could only stop the Decepticon Alliance for a short time, and they would still be on the ground in a short time.

   If it doesn't hurt once, it hurts twice. If it doesn't hurt twice, it hurts three times.

   As long as you dare to stretch out your claws to the dragon, you will definitely break one.

   Once and again, Changjian Henge used his wisdom to drag the Tyrant Alliance for an hour and fifty minutes.


  The eight major guilds first attacked and touched their noses. Ninety percent of the reason was because of Tyrant, because of his wrong command...

   So there was a disagreement within the alliance: the presidents of the six major guilds unanimously felt that Tyrant was not suitable for being a commander, and requested his evacuation.

   As for being exchanged for the benefits behind, it's not a Taoist person.

   After negotiating the new leader of the Tyrant Alliance in a very short time, the Nine Great Guilds once again mobilized to attack.

   The previous jungle has been quiet at this moment, and the Juli Ant has returned to its own canyon.

  No players can harass, Juli Ants generally do not go out of the valley.

   Twice before and after the nest out of the nest, although for Juli Ant, it is not enough to damage the muscles and bones, but the same moves can not be lured out by repeated use.



  The players of the Overlord Alliance pass quickly like a long dragon, but the Long Sword Hate Song will not make them so comfortable and relaxed.

   took a night pterodactyl with Yuye, came to the densest place, tore a forbidden curse and dropped it.

   A forbidden curse of fifty thousand players disappeared...

   By this blow, the players of the Tyrant Alliance quickly dispersed and no longer gathered together.

   Changjian Hengge is not greedy, and returns quickly without waiting for them to fight back.

   Dwarf Tyrant looked at the president of the Zombie Legion, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and he whispered: mentally retarded.

   was his favorite dance before, removing Tyrant from the position of leader.

   Ba Tian had already anticipated the return of Changjian Hengge, but he just didn't remind him. Instead, he let the members of his guild all stay behind and protect himself.


   Ba Tian knew in his heart that this time the goal of the Dragon Touring Guild had failed by 50%.

   Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to say that Changjian Hengge is a very powerful president, far better than the mobs in front of him.


   Sangbiao looked at the carefree Tyrant, and his anger was even greater, but he didn't show it clearly, and continued to move forward.


   Qingshan led You Long to harass more than 10,000 people in the rear, but it had little effect.

   Soon the Decepticon Alliance composed of the nine guilds met face to face with the troops of the Dragon Alliance.

   The enemy was extremely jealous when they met. There was nothing to say, and the battle began.

   "Batian, here your guild has the largest number of people and the strongest strength. You should be the first one. Do you have any objections?"


   Ba Tian replied decisively, without any hesitation, the picking point will be the first.

   I expected that he would have such a hand...

   Domineering decisiveness made Sang Biao's follow-up method nowhere to be done, and his heavy punches were like hitting cotton.

   It feels very uncomfortable if there is a fire, it is impossible to make it, and if there is a b can not be installed.

   After the close combat, the more than 200,000 people of the Dragon Alliance did not choose to die, but to retreat while fighting...

   They seem to be seducing...

   But the price of this temptation is really big enough. For every two deaths in the Dragon Touring Guild, the Tyrant Alliance only has one casualty.

   Soon everyone in the Dragon Guild retreated into the canyon.

   Looking at the steep peaks on both sides, Sang Biao hesitated to enter. Although he was ambitious, he was not a fool.

   Players can't disperse in the terrain of the canyon. After entering, there will be a lot of people who will die on their side after entering the long sword hate song throwing a forbidden curse.


   "President, I just watched them ambush not far away, can we also throw a Forbidden Curse back in?"

   The spies from the Nine Great Guilds report.

   Good idea, implement it now.

   Boom, the sky thunder rolled, falling straight from the top of the canyon.

   Changjian Hengge had already reminded the three major to let them not lie in wait, but the three did not listen.

   A forbidden spell, the three parties lost at least 70,000 people.

   At the mouth of the canyon, the two sides confronted each other like this, and no one dared to take a leap forward.

   A few minutes later, Sang Biao made up his mind to fill the gorge with human lives.

   Changjian Henge watched coldly, and when they entered the third of the canyon, the three forbidden curses were torn apart.

   Fire, thunder, wind... Players of the Overlord Alliance disappeared in an instant, leaving behind a piece of equipment.

   Long sword hate song commanded the remaining players to launch an attack, defeating them with fewer enemies.

  Md, do you have a curse?

  The Batian side also tore three forbidden curses, and the entire canyon was instantly destroyed.

  The players on the dragon's side are all destroyed...

   But there are still 300,000 people left in Batian...

   Three hundred thousand people make zero? Such a big advantage.



   They have already smashed their eyes, rushing inward no matter what.

   "Xiao Ming, quickly turn on the backup plan."

   After the long sword hate song was resurrected in the town, he quickly sent a message to the fortune teller: Shengtian.

"it is good."

   300,000 people can already see the city wall of the Dragon Touring Guild's residence while speaking, and their feet can't help speeding up.

   However, they would never have thought that the seemingly level ground under their feet is actually an epic prop: engraved traps. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow "Hot Netwen or rdww444" on WeChat and talk about favorite books with more book friends