Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 292: What if the upgrade is too slow? Throw f

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: [二月天小说网]https://fastest update! No ads!

Yuye did not choose to sell, but exchanged all of them into materials.

With a ratio of one to ten, nine hundred gold-grade materials were piled in the forging room, and there was an inexplicable sense of satisfaction in his heart.

You must know that it was a gold-grade material. Just before Yu Ye was promoted to gold and came to the blacksmith's shop, he had read the information about the gold material in the auction house and was shocked.

The death is expensive, it can be said that the death is not worth the life.

And don’t accept bargaining, love to buy or not

Ordinary casual players who want to buy enough materials to forge a piece of gold-level equipment will get one hundred gold coins and ten thousand Chinese coins.

Eighty percent of players at this price cannot afford it.

tnnd, the finished product of Rainy Night is only two hundred gold coins.

In other words, if you buy two materials, you must at least succeed in one in order to maintain costs.

But is it possible for the current blacksmith to do it? Is there a chance of success?

Not to mention that their ranks are still bronze and silver, even if they are upgraded to gold, their success rate is not one in ten.

Expensive materials limit the growth of forgers' skills, and forging skills cannot increase without increasing forging. This is an endless loop.

So far in this game, many players who understand the deputy position of the forge have been crying in the toilet.

Except rainy night

Rainy Ye did not reveal his name on the vice-professional rankings, otherwise the guild that wooed him would definitely exceed the sky, unimaginable.

Changjian Hengge is a typical representative. After learning that Yuye’s forge was promoted to gold, he had to forge a hundred gold-level weapons to the guild first, as the money owed first.

This pretty unreasonable woman.

While progressing on the rainy night, Grandma Sun was not to be outdone. She crossed the silver in just one day and raised her sub-professional to the golden rank. This speed was terrifying.

There is a legendary Bruman pharmacist with a thin heritage, and this speed cannot be overstated.

But her speed will definitely slow down when she reaches the gold level, because the Dragon Touring Guild does not currently have so many gold level materials.

Hundreds of silver-level healing potions restore blood volume to 3,000 points per second for five seconds and a cooling time of ten seconds.

Divided half of the results to Changjian Henge, and Grandma Sun picked up the other potions.

These potions must be available soon.

A fulfilling day passed quickly.

The wind and waves were calm, the players in the forty-eight town were struggling to reach the level and did not dare to slack in the slightest.

And Bruman's tomb, such a wild copy, has been visited by more than 10 million people throughout the day.

There are many monsters and many experiences. Is there a better place to level up?

It is said that starting from the 20th level, suit copies will be gradually opened, more missions will be unlocked, and the battle between the ordinary camp and the **** camp will also be on the agenda.

Everyone in the final chapter sighed and squeezed in, and could not lag behind.

In the past few days, the final chapter company has been very calm, there is no deliberate publicity, and no new expansions have been released, I don't know if it is brewing any big moves.

July 15

At six o'clock, rainy night, wake up on time, wash, eat breakfast.

Entering the game, just forging the equipment for an hour, she was forcibly pulled down by Grandma Sun to exit the game.

Without him, the four teachers are already waiting for class because of the rainy night and gentleness.

Rainy night is very distressed. What should I do with the game? What should I do with the gold-level equipment?

Gentle and unhappy

When the two were in distress, the four teachers said with professional smiles, "Grandma Sun, we are here this time to let the two children experience the in-game learning course."

Looking at Grandma Sun’s puzzled eyes and suspicious eyes, Teacher Zhao quickly explained

"Grandma Sun must be able to see that with the passage of time, we will become more and more inseparable from the final chapter, and we cannot even distinguish between the game and reality, so we have a bold idea.

Let children learn in games and learn knowledge in the final chapter continent, especially for children of the age of Rainy Night and Gentle. We must give them a grand view of the world and broaden their horizons.

It’s better to study in a fresh and comfortable environment than to stay at home all the time. What do you think"

Uh, I have to say that Teacher Zhao's speech did have a brush, and it was obvious that Grandma Sun was tempted.

Yuye and Gentle looked at each other, and they could see the joy in each other's eyes.

Regarding the things learned in the game, Yu Ye has already talked to Gentle, and Gentle is not surprised at all.

"Grandma Sun, you should have a better understanding of the professions in the Rainy Night game. Let those rough old men in the guild clean up the monsters. Xiaoye only needs to throw away the evil of the group, without delaying learning."

Teacher Zhang next to him added, telling the things in the game, she must be a member of the Dragon Touring Guild.

Although Grandma Sun is old, she is not always stubborn. After thinking for a long time, she looked at the three old men who nodded in agreement, and finally decided to give it a try.

"I agree, but I said in advance that if the learning efficiency is low or there is no effect, the game course must be cancelled immediately."


"Grandma, we love you so you are so kind."

Yuye and Qingrou hurriedly rushed over, holding grandma grandma's arm alone, and said coquettishly.

The four teachers find a good place at home, turn the ring, and enter the game.

Soon, the rainy night returned from the blacksmith's shop to the residence of the Dragon Touring Guild, and the monster spawning had already begun.

Yu Ye originally thought that the four teachers would be familiar faces, but he did not expect to be the faces of four students, who had never seen them before.

The appearance of the four teachers did not change much in reality, and Changjian Henge quickly ordered people to sort out an open space for rainy night and gentle learning.

The rough old man in the guild saw the serious study, meticulous rainy night and gentleness, and subconsciously closed his mouth and did not speak, even his hand movements were much lighter.

In order to take care of both sides, Rainy Night first spent ten minutes to halve the attributes of those monsters, and then studied safely for half an hour.

So back and forth

Maybe it is a bonus to the player's attributes in the game. Rainy night feels better than the brain in reality, and I can absorb a lot of knowledge in the morning.

But there is one thing, four hours later, his experience has only reached seventeen and sixty-five percent, and his rise is very slow.

The five gentlemen have been promoted to level 18. The highest leveling madman in the Dragon Touring Guild has reached level 19 and will soon be transferred.

Have to find a way to upgrade as soon as possible

I was thinking about rainy nights when I was eating and studying, but it seemed that there was really no good way.

He thought of Juli Ant Canyon, but as long as he entered that place, he would definitely die within minutes, and there would be no other choice.

Hey, no, if you are immune to death, or damage, wouldn’t it be possible to upgrade quickly in Juli Ant Canyon

How can I protect myself from harm?

Flying in the air

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