Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 297: Level 27 Golden BOSS-Black Ape

Level: Twenty-four

Class: Gold

Quality: Supreme

Physical attack power: 2000

Magic attack power: 10000

Physical defense: 1500

Magical defense: 1500

Health value: 3000000

Magic value: 100000

Agility: 200

Skills: Poisonous breath breath, poison spread, entanglement, bite, chaotic gaze.

With five skills, everyone in the Dragon Touring Guild was terrified.

They didn't even force the chaotic gaze of this giant anaconda before, one can imagine how trash they are...

The battle has not yet begun, and Changjian Henge summoned his epic pet: Xiaomeng.

Xiaomeng's highest level can grow to an epic level, but now it has just been upgraded to silver with the level of Long Sword Hate Song.

Uh, it seems that I forgot to introduce what kind of creature Xiaomeng is:

Listen well, it's a cute Husky...

The Silver-level Huskies didn't panic at all to the silver-level giant anacondas, looking at each other frantically.

However, Jin Guang roared, bone dragon groaned, and the body of a dog and anaconda suddenly trembled.

This is the suppression of equal ranks, as well as the suppression of blood vessels.

The dragons suppress all creeping creatures.

Fight, rainy night, the first time to watch the disaster of the group, you can use it.

With a swish, -150,000 damage came out of the poisonous fog giant's head.

At the same time, the hatred was firmly locked into the rainy night, and the rainy night did not panic at all facing the poisonous fog giant anaconda to fight damage.

Yuye is still at level nineteen now, and there is still some distance from level twenty.

But the attributes were all reduced by half, and this giant anaconda could not overcome any big storms.

And with the participation of Golden Light and Bone Dragon, their sharp claws and bone spurs can instantly tear the stiff skin of giant anacondas, revealing blood-red flesh.

How could the ten players of the Dragon Touring Guild let go of such a good weak attack, and their skills and attacks poured into the giant anaconda's wounds.

Soon ten minutes later, the giant anaconda died, bursting out four or five pieces of 24th grade fine gold equipment.

According to the previous setting, you should get dark gold equipment for killing giant anacondas, but it is still fine gold at the moment...

Is something wrong?

The system will naturally not reply to them, everyone can only accept this fact.

All occupations are available, which are allocated according to their occupations.

One of the fine gold priest breastplates was given to Gentle, without the equipment required by the plague mage, the rainy night could only jealous.

The fourth floor passed, and ten people quickly entered the fifth floor.

As soon as I entered, I was shocked by a loud roar. Is this an ape? No, it's the black gorilla.

With a body nearly three meters tall, standing upright makes people shudder.

While Yuye and others were dizzy, the gorilla quickly rushed over and picked up one of them randomly, held it in his hand, and threw it around.

Hearing that voice can also tell that there are hundreds of broken bones...It's miserable.

At the moment he was about to die, a gentle recovery therapy flashed through, and the player's blood volume quickly recovered out of danger.

Rainy night didn't say anything about the group's misfortune, and only then did the Eyesight Surgery.


Even if its attributes are reduced by half, the attributes of the gorilla are still higher than the attributes of the giant anaconda on the fourth layer.

Name: Black Great Ape

Introduction: The guardian of the fifth floor of the Tower of Heroes.

Level: Level 27

Rank: Gold-level BOSS.

Quality: Supreme

Physical attack power: 13000

Magic attack power: 0

Physical defense: 2000

Magical defense: 2000

Health value: 2000000

Magic value: 0

Agility: 260

Skills: petrified skin, black ape roars, fast attack, transposition, rage, giant stick attack.

There are many skills, and there are many points to pay attention to.

Go ahead...

The rainy night opens the plague world, the attributes are instantly increased eight times, and the black ape is fighting.

Among them, he may be the only person who can resist the black ape's damage, with a blood volume of 360,000.

For the column of BOSS defensive power, Yuye will not look at it directly, because it is not necessary, sickle the real damage.

Quick attack: Black ape’s attack speed is doubled.

Petrified Skin: Defense increased by 200 points.

The rainy night was beaten and retreated steadily, and he moved wildly under his feet, and the moving skills of the great gods appeared in his mind, learning quickly and blending into his own memory.

Plague ray...the backhand absolutely counters, the world is in the same sadness...

If he didn't rely on hidden occupations, or the sickle of good and evil in his hands, he would never have reached such a point.

The real operation level is only enough for the threshold of a second-rate player, not even a second-rate player.

But today, under the pressure of the black ape, in just five minutes, the rainy night broke through its own shackles and successfully entered the level of a second-rate player.

Whether it's consciousness or operation, or the connection and use of skills, you truly become a second-rate master.

Yuye could clearly feel his own progress. At the beginning, his attributes increased eight times and he could not be attacked by the black ape, but when the amplitude state ended, he was beaten back to his original shape.

But now, by virtue of his own position, he can also avoid the attack of the black ape three times out of ten, which is a huge improvement.

If it weren't for Grandma Sun's gold-grade potion support, Yuye had already died, how could he make progress between life and death?

Gold-level recovery potion-instantly restores 50% of the blood of gold-level and below, with a cooling time of one second.


This kind of medicine was simply against the sky, so Grandma Sun didn't have much in stock, so she gave all the 100 bottles to Yuye, and Gentle only divided it into ten bottles.

Uh, it seems a bit patriarchal.


Long Sword Hengge was willing to help, and wanted to show off the operation, but the hatred of the black ape fell on Yu Ye, she was unable to show her true strength.

The most painful thing in life is more than this: I want to pretend to be B, but there is no way.

After wasting fifty bottles of gold-level recovery potions, ten bottles of gold-level power potions, and twenty bottles of gold-level magic potions, the black ape finally died.

Strength potion: Strength attribute increases by 100 within three minutes after taking it

Magic potion: mental attributes increase by 100 within three minutes after taking it

Xu Shi's system noticed that this rainy night caused the most damage, so a book of his skills was released.

Plague Teleport-You can choose any plague to activate this skill, and the number of teleports will be determined by the quality of the plague.

Cooling time: three minutes.

? ? ? ?

After watching for a long time, Yuye finally understood what this skill book was talking about.

Without him, the Plague World is also introduced.

So he quickly took the skill book into his body, but did not choose to experiment.

The Black Ape exploded three pieces of dark gold equipment, a dagger, a long sword, and a shield.

The equipment of the dark gold rank actually except for the equipment of the dark gold rank? Even if they saw it with their own eyes, everyone still couldn't believe it.

After so long, a shield finally burst out, and the old cow snatched it instantly, without giving others a chance to react.

In addition to equipment, there are seven or eight skill books, more than a dozen second-level gems, and some blueprints, let alone the first pass, the rewards are just a lot.

A pile of drawings Rainy Ye quickly fancyed the twenty-five fine gold shield drawing-the snail shell shield, and wanted to put it in the bag.