Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 301: The entire chaos sickle clues, sudden ch

Unknowingly, the time had come to noon, and the six Yuye quit the game and went offline to eat.

   Taking advantage of Grandma Sun’s cooking, Rainy Night and Gentle took the time to do some homework.

   One day of class, two days off.

   These two little students are really comfortable.



   The Dragon Guild, which was besieged by the nine great guilds, was destined to become a giant.

   And the residence of the Dragon Touring Guild will soon become the first supply point of Town No. 48.

   has experienced attacks and resisted monsters. The Dragon Touring Guild succeeded in gaining the approval of Town No. 48, allowing some NPCs to settle in and merchants.

   The most important thing is that all around the Dragon Touring Guild are all monsters from level 20 to level 30, which is suitable for players to level up.

   Walk back along the canyon to the end. This area is the survival point for level 40 monsters; at the other end of the canyon is the refresh point for level 50 monsters.

   It is conceivable that the Dragon Touring Guild will definitely be crowded with people in the future.

   During this time, the Dragon Touring Guild has been expanding and wants to build it into a small city.

   To this goal, everyone is working hard and struggling.

   This prime location, you deserve it.

   It is not allowed to rent a shop in the town, but it is allowed in the Dragon Touring Guild.

   The advertisement has been launched, and players in the town have shown signs of waiting.

   Changjian Hengge chose to establish the guild here and thought about the future. It turns out that her vision is still as vicious as before.



   Although some other guilds are jealous, they have nothing to do.

   However, during this period of time, many members of other guilds can be seen exploring the new map, and they must be determining the location of the guild.

   Although the guild building order has not been issued yet, it still makes sense to find the guild’s location in advance.

  While determining the issue of the guild location, the major guilds are still frantically looking for wild bosses and undiscovered copies.

   The order to build a meeting must be released.

  According to their research: Although the dragon guild on the east occupies the mountains, but there are also high-level monsters in the depths of the grassland, and there are also high-level monsters in the poison fog forest.

   Although the two places to build guilds are not as easy to defend and difficult to attack as the dragon guild, once they are established, they can also make great profits.

   The establishment of the association order is urgent...

   This is the case in the east, and the same is true in the north, south and west.

   Hundreds of guilds in town No. 48 are struggling, wanting to become the overlord like a dragon, and have their own indisputable resident.

  What are the major consortiums entering the game for? Isn’t it for money?

   Now that the cake of the final chapter has been taken out, this is the time to distribute the cake.

  Youlong Guild has divided a part of this cake for various reasons, and the rest can only be snatched by the major guilds.



   At two o'clock in the afternoon, Rainy Night and Qingrou went online. Rainy Night went to the blacksmith shop to forge equipment, while Qingrou went to find a mentor to complete the job transfer task, and the grandparents were still worried about being upgraded to the 20th level.

   Nineteenth to twentieth level requires 100 million experience points, they still need a long, long time...

  Note: At noon, I did not look for a mentor to investigate the job transfer task due to time constraints.

  Note: Personal transfer tasks can only be completed by one person, and others cannot help.

   In the past few days, the wave of job transfers has gradually increased, and the materials required for job transfer have become more expensive.

   used to be some ordinary ore and fur materials, but now they have doubled their worth, ten times, or even a hundred times.



   Gentle and painful to buy a copy of the materials needed for the transfer, the pink and tender face suddenly appeared with frost, and his mouth pouted.

   More than a dozen meals, no, more than 30 meals are gone, so pitiful.

   came to the vocational tutor in the town, and when he entered it softly, he felt the scene move fast, and then his eyes were blurred.

   At the moment when Qingrou was regaining clarity in front of her eyes, she suddenly found herself in the palace where she chose a career, and in front of her was the kindly elder sister.

   ran over gently and coquettishly, holding her sister's hand and chatting.



   On the other side, Rainy Night, etc., level up to level 20, as if breaking some shackles, easily forging another top quality in the triangle set.

   So far, one-tenth of Wutian’s inheritance has been absorbed by the first wave of rainy night. Then, another memory appeared in Yuye’s mind out of thin air, and finally slowly gathered into three drawings.

   These three blueprints do not seem to be armors or weapons, but three special gold-level props.

   The first type is called Binghan.

  Materials needed for forging: gold-grade cryolite

   Effect: After use, the surrounding environment can be transformed into ice cold for three minutes.

   The second name is: Hot

  Materials needed for forging: gold-grade flint

   Effect: After use, the surrounding environment can be turned into hot, lasting three minutes.

   The third name is: Bright Dawn

  Materials needed for forging: Adamantite Light Stone

   Effect: After use, it can light up the extremely dark surroundings for ten minutes.



   Looking at the three drawings, Yuye was a little confused.

   Why did such props appear in the second wave of inheritance? Could it be that what is foreshadowing?

  ? ? ? ?

   After thinking about rainy night for a long time, I finally got a clue.

   Isn’t the cold and hot described in the first two drawings related to the second clue of Chaos Sickle?

   Is there any connection between them?

   What does the third kind of bright dawn mean?

  Rainy night quickly listed five clues one by one, trying to see the secrets among them.

   Tip 1: Endless darkness will eventually dawn, the steep mountain is one step away, the depths of silence are full of noise, and the source of the plague is separated from life and death!

   Tip 2: Endless ice cold ~ ~ proud hot

   Tip 3: The pattern engraved on the iron sheet looks like a map.

   Tip 4: The entanglement of black and white, the entanglement of yellow and red.

   Tip 5: Gold boss.

   Except for three and five which are concrete objects, the other three points cannot be detected at all, and the reason is unknown.

  Although five stipulates specific objects, it is the same as there is no stipulation.

  Golden boss? Which end? Where is it?

   If Tip Two is related to these two drawings? So looking for Chaos Sickle should use these two items.

   Take out the black token and observe the map on it.

Ok? Why is there a familiar feeling?

   Thinking of this, Yu Ye hurriedly took out the scroll that Changjian Hengge gave him earlier, and compared them twice.

   As expected, there are many lines on it that can overlap.

   In the next second, a faint black mist emerged from the token and turned into a huge mouth that swallowed half of the black pattern on the scroll.

  The sudden change made Yuye startled, and he stepped back subconsciously.

   The swallowing is complete, the route above the token is a bit clear, and the direction can be distinguished, and a few words seem to be faintly visible on it; while the route above the scroll is a bit dim.

   Fortunately, Rainy Night has modeled the route on the scroll, so I will not forget it. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow "Hot Netwen or rdww444" on WeChat and talk about favorite books with more book friends