Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 312: Lava spider

Physical Attack: 500

Magic attack power: 500

Physical defense: 500

Magic Defense: 500

Health: 1000000

Magic value: 500000

Agility: 150

Skills: Lava Fireball, Breathing Flame, Powerful Slap, Brutal Crash

There are many skills, but these skills can be avoided by ordinary players.

The attributes of the 20th-level ordinary silver monster were not as high as they thought, and not as terrifying as they thought.

But everyone knew and understood that the real difficulty of the Fire Dungeon was not the monster but the high temperature environment of the Dungeon itself.

If there is no preparation in advance, the difficulty of this copy will increase a lot.

The long sword and hate song four have rainy night help, ice cold props can be used, and can ignore changes in the environment.

But the first and second teams of the Dragon Touring Guild did not have such good luck.

It's difficult to move in the ice and fire dungeons, and you have to take medicine every second.

And according to the latest news, the team of the Fire dungeon of the Dragon Touring Guild has already opened up the first level and is currently in the second level.

The blood loss intensity of the second layer is twice that of the first layer.

Twenty points of blood lost every second...

Moreover, the priest's dispersal had no effect at all, and everyone could only silently lick the medicine bottle.

Everyone burst into tears, watching the Confucian scholars and old cows showing off in the group, and they really couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry.



On the offensive, the blight of the group turned into a faint black light and accurately hit the target in front of him, without the slightest omission.

There are only a hundred human-like lava beasts in front of the rainy night, which shouldn't be too difficult.

The body of each lava beast is covered with a layer of hard rock, which greatly enhances its defenses.

However, these are all so pale under the disaster of the rainy night.

The bone dragon may be due to the bones of the whole body, and it does not lose blood in the fire instance, on the contrary, it is still a bit like a fish in water.

With Rainy Night and Bone Dragon, it is enough to brush this wave...

But Lao Zhangtou and others looked sad and distressed.

The temperature on the ground was terrifying. They wanted to sit down to play cards and eat beef jerky, so they had no choice but to give up.

Hey, the three old men let out three helpless sighs.

But can this little difficulty make them difficult? Of course not.

Can't you play cards while standing? Are you kidding me?

The first wave of hundreds of lava beasts was quickly emptied, dropping some silver-level apocalyptic ooze, all of which were collected by the rainy night.

Several people continue to move forward...

There are only five levels of ordinary fire dungeons, and each level is as if it were built in a volcanic crater. The lower the level, the higher the temperature.

The pattern of each layer is like a huge cave, there is only one road, and you can move forward to the next layer.

The first wave was easy, and soon the second and third waves.

Although the number of monsters in each wave doubles and increases, there is still no suspense. The group disaster, the flu rages, and the world is in the same sorrow. They can't survive a few times and can only die with hatred.

During the rainy night, it served as t, which was completely worthy of the first one.

The old cow who watched smacked his tongue secretly, feeling a little inferior in his heart, and even prepared to apply with Changjian Hengge: there is no need to take him next time when teaming with Yuye.


The light of one person in the rainy night obscures the dimness of others...

In the past, it would pull and move on rainy nights, but now with a gentle and terrifying amount of healing, he felt that there was no need to waste time.

Hand-to-hand, keep fighting with it.

When the blood volume was less than 70%, the gentle healing technique flew, the green light flashed, and the blood volume on the rainy night returned to its full value.

The gentle healing skills floated over his head in the rainy night without interruption, so his blood volume remained at full value.

It was also Jin Guang fell into a deep sleep, unable to participate in the battle, otherwise the time for everyone to spawn monsters would be faster.

Kill a monster and get one hundred experience points each, which is not bad.

Seven minutes later, the Rainy Night Team successfully cleared the first level and gained 100,000 experience points to the second level.

It took the Dragon Touring Guild wasteland team a total of 13 minutes to clear the first level. Rainy night was almost half of them.

But they are not the fastest yet. It only took five minutes for the Decepticon Guild to clear the first level. The reason why they were able to be so fast is because:

The thieves in the guild took out the fire-attribute potion blueprint, and increased fire attribute damage by 30% within three minutes after taking it.

With such a perverted potion aid, it is nothing that they can clear the first layer of the ice dungeon in five minutes.

The dark black ghost hand group of six also only used six and a half minutes. Although they did not have fire attribute potions, Qiangu Yipit silently collected several sets of ice resistance equipment.

In the Ice Dungeon, they are also considered like a fish in the water, this may be fate, fools have fools.

Strong players have their own strong mid players, and a mountain has a higher mountain.

The other teams also have their own opportunities...

The major teams don't know the speed of other teams. All they can do is speed up and strive for the first place.

After clearing the first level, the Rainy Night Team didn't get any substantial good things.

They are all silver-grade potions, apocalyptic oozes, first-grade gems...

The potions dropped by the lava beasts do not have the rare potions such as fire resistance potions and huge potions in the imagination of Long Sword Hengge. Most of them are low-level healing potions and magic potions.

It's very tasteless, and many of these medicines are in the backpacks.

On the second floor, the ten people can obviously feel the heat transpiring, but with the cold item in their hands, the blood volume of the people is not reduced, and they are still not panic.

The second level is different from the first level monsters, the second level monsters turned out to be lava spiders.

The appearance of the huge spider is covered with thick lava armor, which enhances its defensive power while also causing a lot of fire damage to everyone.

The gentle little head couldn't understand: Are spiders afraid of fire? Why are spiders here covered in lava? There seems to be a lot of sparks on it.

Uh, let's ask the designer for this question.

The lava spider propped up eight legs with one person high and low, which is considered a giant spider among the spiders.

Sharp mouthparts, sharpened feet, almost every part of the body is a weapon for fighting.

Use the Eyesight Technique to investigate attributes in Rainy Night:

Name: Lava Spider

Introduction: The creatures living in the second layer of the Fire dungeon, without the aid of toxins, allow them to have a more terrifying stack: high-temperature lava.

Level: Level 21

Class: Silver

Quality: Normal

Physical Attack: 600

Magic attack power: 300

Physical defense: 600

Magic Defense: 300

Health: 1200000

Mana value: 300000

Agility: 80

Skills: Cobweb binding, magma gushing, blade attack... What kind of spider is a poison-free spider?

Soon, the rainy night reapplied the old trick to behead the first wave of fifty spiders.

Under the dense spider leg attack, the rainy night's position improved slightly.

It stabbed, the sickle of good and evil slashed across, and the spider's legs were cut off, and the red blood dripped instantly, Sisi, this blood was instantly vaporized when it fell on the ground.

Red blood, this spider turned out to be red blood.

The amount of things dropped on the second layer is obviously a lot more than that on the first layer, but the quality has not improved much. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow WeChat to read novels, chat about life, and find friends~