Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 32: Equipped with Evil Holy Cloak

Boom, flying; boom, trample; a minute later, I had been hit by the rainy night. I had no skin, a blue nose and a swollen face. There was no good meat or a painless place on my body. Hey, the rainy night sighed and took the last bottle of instant recovery medicine.

Five bottles of instant recovery potions lasted for a full minute, and this result is already pretty good.

Ten seconds later, the last few bottles of demon potions in the rainy night backpack were also exhausted. During this period of time, the crossbow arrows were fired twice, and only one of the four arrows hit. The Deer King should not be too fast or react too fast.

Changjian Hengge scolded them carelessly, said a few harsh words mockingly, and then took a self-consciously grabbing a crossbow and aimed at it, wanting to let them know what is called a sharpshooter, what is called Baibu Chuanyang,

But the result was not satisfactory, he slapped his face, hit two arrows and went out but didn't make a hit.

The members of the Dragon Touring Guild held back their laughter, and the next moment someone didn't hold it back, they laughed out loud, and then everyone suddenly laughed.

The old face of Changjian Hengge blushed, and he could only change the subject and shout at Yuye: "Xiaoye, can you do it? Can't you quit the dungeon first."

"Yeah. I can still insist." Yu Ye said vaguely, her swollen face utterly unclear.

A few seconds later, Yuye’s blood volume bottomed out again. It was at the moment when Yuye had just finished attacking the old power and the new power was not coming. The deer king arched directly, just as the antlers were about to pierce Yuye’s back waist. In a critical moment, rainy night quickly used the last hole card: Upgrade Dan.

He still doesn't want to die...

Ding, congratulations to the player's "Holy Dragon" reaching level ten, I hope you can continue to work hard.

A golden light flashed across Yuye's body, and his blood volume instantly returned to full.

outside world:

Ding, congratulations to the player "Holy Dragon" for becoming the 100th level 10 player in Novice Village No. 999, hereby reward: Resurrection Dan*1

"Grass, Lao Tzu is the ninety-ninth, this is too...why? Why is the resurrection pill not given to me? My luck is also too bad, I knew it would be upgraded in a while, I want to die "One person was distraught and very uncomfortable, and was only one step away from missing the revival pill.

"The one hundred tenth level is okay. I should be able to catch up with the last wave if I speed up a little bit at my current level."

"Another tenth level, so fast? How did they get promoted?" a little rookie called from the bottom of his heart.

"The first one has a reward, and the hundredth has a reward, so will there be the one thousandth and ten thousandth?" The data analysis mad demon calmly analyzed.

"With the Resurrection Pill, this'Holy Dragon' will be more difficult to kill in the future." Listening to the system prompt in the sky, the'Shallow Shrimp Play' calmly touched his chin and wondered what he was thinking about? However, there was still a gloomy and trembling gloom in his eyes under his calm complexion.

Hey, don't they conquer the tenth level copy? Don’t want to take the lead?

Oh, it turns out that they are in this place to repair the equipment durability. No wonder, it should be the second defeat. There is another team with them. Seeing how they are conspiring, they must have shared information.

"We sent five archers and five fighters, but it didn't last for two hours? What about you?" The captain of another team came to the side of the'Shallow Shrimp Show', as if asked casually.

The captain’s head is floating with the name “Magical Pikachu”, his face is very beautiful, his face is white, so that the blood on his neck is clearly visible, the body is extremely slender, the walk is light, the male and female appearance, that temperament, That appearance made countless women bend their waists.

From time to time, the jealous gaze of the male swept over, and he acted indifferently, as if the world in his eyes was still disappearing, and only one person was left in the ‘Shallow Shrimp Show’.

An extraordinary silver gear wrapped him tightly, and the bow and arrow that he refused to take back his backpack exposed his career. I wonder who he was? However, players who can collect all ten pieces at this stage are not mortals.

"What we sent is a full-professional mix, and it seems that the effect is not great." The'Shoal Shrimp Play' raised his head and smiled, hiding the ray of darkness in his heart.

"Yeah, let's continue the experiment next?" The handsome man frowned slightly and asked like a gully.


"Do you really feel that the 15% of the Dragon Touring Guild was able to pass 15% because of the lineup?" The man's doubts became stronger, and there was a hint of doubt.

"Well, the equipment is similar, the consciousness is similar, I can't think of other reasons."

"Then I will listen to you, and try a few rounds with you." The handsome man made a decision.

Uh, I don’t know what agreement the two of them reached? It turned out to be able to make the handsome man ignore the threat of death and go crazy with him.

The screen returns to the tenth level dungeon, and the rainy night is upgraded to the tenth level.

Yu Ye's blood volume returned to full again. After being headed into the air, Yu Ye's brain quickly turned and suddenly remembered that he still had one piece of equipment that he didn't use: the seal* evil demon saint cloak, purple gold-level equipment.

This purple-gold-level cloak had been in the rainy night's backpack for a long time, and at this moment it finally reached the moment when it was exposed.

Each person’s character panel has only nine equipment grids, which are regulated by the system and cannot be changed by manpower unless... but at the moment when the rainy night reaches the tenth level, he skips that step directly, tenth A grid appeared silently, lying quietly under the scorpion armor.

Seeing this situation on the rainy night, although there was some doubt in his heart, he immediately left it behind and clicked on the cloak: equipment.

Rainy night only felt that his body was full of explosive power, and it was still rising, giving him the illusion that a punch could crush a mountain; the blood surged up to fill up the blood of the rainy night in an instant , And the upper limit is directly increased by 3000+.

Speed ​​and damage have been improved a lot, giving Yuye full of confidence.

Boom, after equipment Rainy Night resisted the attack of King Deer for the first time and missed directly.

Adding a 10% dodge rate is no joke.

In the next impact, Deer King’s damage to Yu Ye’s body was already less than 1500, and he instantly won 50 double resistance. At this moment, Yu Ye was equivalent to a heavy shield, which was indestructible.

Seeing this, a smile appeared at the corner of Yu Ye's mouth, and there was more playfulness in his eyes when he looked at King Deer. He understood that the increase in attributes was only a small head, and the real big head was still behind.

King Deer keenly felt that Yu Ye's body had a touch of danger, and he couldn't help but want to quickly solve Yu Ye, and strangle the danger in the cradle.

Before, it looked at each other with Rainy Night, and felt that Rainy Night is an ant, a small character that can be slaughtered by others; but now, Rainy Night wearing a cloak is almost like a **** or devil, and it can even feel the trembling from the bottom of its heart. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow "Hot Netwen or rdww444" on WeChat and talk about favorite books with more book friends

