Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 328: Strengthen the horror of the plague bomb

"It can also make you feel hungry without quitting the game for a day."

   Changjian Hengge paused and continued to add, while carefully observing the eyes of Xiaocai fans.

Ok? so good? Don’t you save money for meals? Can you save money on grocery shopping? There are many things in one fell swoop.

   Sure enough, Changjian Hengge did not expect it, Yu Ye's eyes flashed, and he felt that he had reached the point of Changjian Hengge.

   Well, there is a play, it should be able to sell, everything is under control.

   Long Sword Hate Song will not let Yu Ye hold so many gold coins by himself. It is not safe. After all, Yu Ye is still a child and easily deceived.

   Changjian Hengge only talked about two effects, but did not talk about the others.

  For example, restore cell activity, increase muscle strength, delay aging, etc...

  Note: Delaying aging is the key point, which requires examinations.

   "Aunty, how much is a set?"

   I am interested in rainy night, so I bought it if it's not expensive.

   "One hundred thousand one."

   Changjian Hengge responded quickly.

   is only one hundred thousand, and it is not very expensive. I bought it.

  Ding, holy dragon asks for a deal? agree or not?

   Now it's Changjian Henge's turn to be dumbfounded, oops, is Xiaoye so happy? It's not like him.


  Ding, you have received a thousand gold coins...

   Looking at the three zeros behind the one, listening to the system prompt, Changjian Hengge felt that his IQ was suppressed and insulted.

   "Xiao Ye, one set of 100,000 gold coins, plus the nutrient solution, one set of five thousand gold coins."

   toot toot...

  As soon as Changjian Hengge finished speaking, Yu Ye hung up the phone without hesitation, leaving her alone in the wind.

  What are you kidding? So expensive? One Taiwan 10 million Chinese currency? If you bought it, wouldn't the gold coins in your backpack be gone?

   No, I haven’t gotten warm yet, wait... when it gets warm, buy again...

   But thinking about it carefully, it doesn't seem to be that expensive. After all, repairing two pieces of equipment requires 100,000 gold coins.

   Would you like to buy it?

   Hey, let's go offline and ask grandparents and Gentle for their opinions.

   Actually, Yuye doesn’t know, this price is already the friendly price of Changjian Hengge. If a nutrition warehouse is sold now, it will start at least 18 million...

   There is a price but no market is talking about this thing.

   Xu was because there was no meal at noon, and the dinner was very rich, with eight meats and one soup.

   After eating, everyone lay on the sofa, and the rainy night told them about the nutrition warehouse, without mentioning the price.

   Yuye knew in her heart that as long as she said the price, grandparents would not buy it.

   The old people were taken aback for a moment, and then the head of the old Zhang became interested:

   "Buy, Xiaoye, I can save a meal."



   Uh, the same idea as Yuye.

   "Is it expensive?"

   The old Zhao head pondered for a while, touched the goatee and asked. He estimated a price in his mind. If it exceeds 100,000, he cannot buy it.

   After all, I can only avoid one meal...

   "One hundred thousand."

   Rainy night kept an eye on it, and only said that the prefix did not say the back. This should not be considered a lie.

   Well, not a lie, I am a good boy on rainy night.

   "Then buy it, we don't need this money."

   The old head raised his watch and agreed to buy it.

   In the end, everyone agreed: buy, anyway, only 600,000 Chinese coins.

  In the past, everyone might think it was very expensive, but now it's just a drop in the bucket...


   Everyone logged into the game at half past eight.

   Rainy night sent a message to Changjian Hengge: agree to purchase, and at the same time send the warm gold coin to Changjian Hengge.

   Hey, what a painful realization...

   just got a huge sum of money, just like that.

   The swift and resolute Changjian Hengge went offline, and let me know about this.

   Presumably, within two days, the nutrition registration warehouse will be able to go to the place of residence of Yuye and others.

   "Xiao Ye, I personally presented you with eighteen nutrient solutions, which can last for nine days. After nine days, you can buy the nutrient solutions yourself, or ask me to buy them."

   After-sales service must be guaranteed, this is the point that Changjian Hengge is still in place.

   Nine days? Only nine days? The 500,000 nutrient solution can only last for three days? This seems to be a bit of a loss, so I don't want to eat below the line.

   Rainy night’s head quickly calculated that it was a loss, it was a loss.

   Can you eat hundreds of thousands in one meal?

   Eat hundreds of thousands? How to make up for it?

   Yuye originally thought that a nutrient solution could be used for at least half a month, but now...

   He suddenly had an urge to lift the table.

   "Can you return the goods?"

   "The user you called is temporarily out of the service area."

   "Auntie, I now have the confidence to clear the ‘Paradise’ level, would you like to have a little experience?"

   Looking at the few gold coins and plague bombs left in the backpack, Yu Ye had the idea of ​​earning nutrient solution.


   Changjian Hengge decisively agreed that there were so many monsters in Paradise that she had never seen before.

   If you can really clear the paradise, then everyone's level is likely to be increased to twenty-three, and you can clear the elite ice and fire dungeon.

  Uh, three black lines appeared on the forehead of the rainy night, isn't it not in the service area?

   "Aunty, I am going to sell you four positions, one position three nutrient solutions, is there a problem?"

   Rainy night ghosts said to Changjian Hengge, and the immature words are full of indisputable.

"it is good."

   Changjian Hengge readily agreed, without the slightest bargaining.

  Uh, it's still cheaper. Seeing Changjian Henge's boldness, Yuye suddenly reacted.

   Rainy night is uncomfortable...

   It didn't take long for the ten-person team to gather again. When the old Zhang head heard that he could successfully transfer his job, he became excited and hurriedly led everyone into the paradise.

There are more than 40 hours left, and everyone has not even cleared the first After forming a team, Yuye signaled everyone to sit down, eat, drink, and then ignore the surroundings. Circumstances, threw out the plague bomb with a snap.

  The power of the enhanced version of the plague bomb, everyone present has also seen it.

   After throwing it out on the rainy night, he took out a tablecloth and placed it flat on the ground, and then took out the winning cans, beef jerky, drinks, etc. from the backpack.

   Seeing the skillful movements of the rainy night, everyone was puzzled.

   The rainy night asked them to sit down, but who dares to sit down in this copy? The overwhelming earth dragon, that scene still haunts my mind.

   Changjian Hengge still looked around in a tight array, ready to fight at all times, and the three men did not dare to take it lightly.

  Only the rainy night group of six sat on the ground with a snap and didn't want to start eating.

   Several people unconditionally believe in Yuye, since he said it was okay, then it must be okay.

   In the next second, the purple plague smoke generally surrounds a range of 1500*1500 at a speed like light.

   Changjian Hengge couldn't help but be lost...

   Which one is this?

   Can a prop like this make us rest easy?

   The confused earth dragon just drilled out of the ground. He wanted to sharpen his skills and give a lesson to those who dare to challenge the paradise.

   But I never thought that as soon as they got out of the ground, they would freeze, and life was drawn with a symbol of rest. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow "Hot Netwen or rdww444" on WeChat and talk about favorite books with more book friends