Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 33: Thunder Destruction VS Absolute Defense

In the rainy night when his attributes were improved in an instant, he clenched his sickle and rushed towards King Deer with a high aura. He wanted to use his real record to wash away the shame left by him, and pay tribute to the thirty previously used by the King Deer’s blood. A bottle of medicine.

When I thought of the thirty-one bottles of medicine, Yu Ye's heart flickered and refused to accept this fact.

Uh, it’s normal for Yuye to have this idea. Be considerate. After all, he lost the 900,000 Hua Xia coins at once. This feeling is very uncomfortable and makes him feel distressed. You know, it’s 900,000 Hua Xia coins. , How much beef, fish, mutton can I buy? How many new clothes can you buy for Gentle?

Hey, by the way, I don’t know what the grandparents eat at noon? Is there meat? Who bought it? Feeling a little hungry, hurry up and finish eating.

Uh, rainy night was distracted for the first time during the battle.

Rainy night can only hope that King Deer can explode more than 900,000 trophies. No, he can get 900,000 trophies from King Deer. Otherwise, how would it be considered a blood loss this time? .

While talking, the dark rainy night ran quickly to approach the deer king, and the deer king screamed softly and rushed towards the rainy night (grass, how many times I said it, I am a deer, not a donkey).

Sen Yanshang Li: All the same, all the same

During the assault, a black light flashed from the scarlet eyes of King Deer suddenly for no apparent reason, which instantly filled the entire pupil like a sparkling prairie fire, making people afraid to look directly. A black light burst out without hesitation, and the goal was directed at the rainy night.

At the last juncture, King Deer finally decided to use the previously undetectable fifth skill: Destroy Thunder, strangling Rainy Night, avoiding him from causing devastating damage to himself, solving Rainy Night, and then solving other ants that made him unable to perceive the danger.

Thunder Destruction-Deer King gathers 15% of his body's (total HP) HP to destroy the locked person through Thunder, causing five times the damage of the full HP to 100,000.

Note: Can only be used in violent Chinese.

This skill is simply terrifying and terrifying. It can kill anyone with a hundred thousand damage, but the rainy night is a special case.

At this moment, the rainy night was only the last ten meters away from King Deer. When he saw the black with death breath in the eyes of King Deer, he saw the dead pupils filled with black. The black and red tones made the hair roots stand up. Can't raise the thought of resistance.

Realizing the terrifying power and the gloomy aura contained in the black energy, the feeling of being stared at by ancient creatures once again swept his body, making him cold blood, breathing stagnant, slow heartbeat, and unable to control his own actions for a while.

I could only watch that black thunder turned into a thunder from the eyes of the King Deer. The front end of the thunder was the sharpest and the most powerful. It was black; the turning at the back and the end were **** with black. The **** color.

At this moment, Yu Yeqing truly realized the feeling of death, and realized his own insignificance.

The feeling of death swept through the body, unable to avoid, unable to resist.

"Xiaoye, be careful, hide." Changjian Henge's anxious voice came. Her consciousness had been paying attention to this side from before. She also felt the previous horror feeling slightly, but it was not very clear and clear. Vaguely made her think it was an illusion.

But now I feel it again, only to realize that it was not an illusion or a falsehood, and that she can still feel trembling and feeling cold after such a distance. It is the first time that she has played online games for so many years. I don’t know if the rainy night faced the thunder. How does it feel? Can he cope?

In the crisis, Changjian Hengge still couldn't help thinking: Hey, why does Yuye have a cloak on his body? What is the cloak? The upper body armor is still the lower body leggings, but the cloak is really good-looking, the atmosphere and mighty suits me very well, it is a bit nondescript to wear on Xiao Ye.

Bah, what do you think?

"Little guy, run, what are you doing." Several members of the Dragon Touring Guild murmured together, but they tried to attack King Deer without stopping the bow and arrow.

The thin man didn't say a word, carefully observing the situation, and after zero and one second, his expression changed to a bad cry.

Seeing that the rainy night was still motionless, Long Jian Heng Ge quickly discovered the problem and sensed a Mi Xin. In shock, he wanted to support, but it was too late. While running, he released the fastest Eagle King to support. .

To trade the life of the Eagle King for Yuye's life, this is the fastest support Changjian Henge can think of.

The thin man understood that the current situation of the battle also wanted to save Yu Ye's life. This attack of the Deer King should be the last struggle. As long as he successfully resisted, the end of the Deer King boss was already doomed.

And there is a faint feeling in his heart that if the rainy night dies, then this team will definitely be destroyed.

However, his method is different from that of Changjian Hengge. He kicked Lao Niu's huge body away and then grabbed the crossbow bolt. Before he aimed at it, he shot it directly and shot it toward the position behind the rainy night.

A distance of ten meters flashed past, and the black light was like a bullet out of the chamber, like a crazy black dragon hitting Yuye’s body straight. At the last moment, Yuye finally recovered a little mobility and opened the seal with his own ability. Stunts-absolute defense.

Absolute defense: After opening, the cloak surrounds the surroundings, resisting the following damage from all directions, and can withstand damage ten times the wearer's health.

At this moment, Yuye's body blood volume is 15000+. At this moment, after the absolute defense is turned on, a black shield appears outside the body. It is said that the black shield is actually a black cloak covering Yuye.

The value above clearly marked the blood volume of 150,000+, and the blood volume of 150,000, which dropped by two-thirds with a bang. The short figure of rainy night was bent into a lobster and fell backwards, spitting out a mouthful of sour water. Cracks appeared on the surface of the black shield.

After King Deer released the skills that collected the power of his whole body, the black in his pupils slowly disappeared, and finally a little bit was still fused in his body.

After the fusion is completed, Deer King seems to have taken a special medicine, as if he has taken Weige, the aura exuding from his whole body is not reduced but even more terrifying than, stepping on the impact of the stars On rainy night, bang, bang, two muffled hums sounded indiscriminately.

The first is the impact of King Deer. I want to make up for the damage and save the rainy night in seconds.


The damage seemed to be blessed by black energy, and it became even more terrifying.

The second is from the damage of the crossbow arrow, and then it flies above the black shield on the rainy night


Uh, the siege crossbow hit the black shield on the rainy night, and the damage was considerable.

"Skinny, what are you doing on horseback? Believe it or not I'm **** you?" The old Niu was a bit embarrassed when he was kicked, but when he saw the situation, he ran away instantly, pinching the skinny's collar and lifting it angrily .

The thin man showed strong fighting ability, he let the old man let go with a wave of his hand, stepped back and stood calmly. If you want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow the "hot web article or" on WeChat and chat about your favorite books with more book friends