Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 34: Watch the play cross-legged

Such micro-manipulation directly shocked Lao Niu, but he still had to save his face. He gave a cold snort and let out a few ruthless words.

"Grass, Ma De, thin man, I fight with you, dare to treat my brother like this." The other players of the Dragon Touring Guild also jumped out and pointed directly at the thin man.

"If something happens to Xiaoye, the old lady will never finish with you, and will take you alive." The stout female priest also said, thrusting her waist like a **** or a tigress.

The thin man was silent and did not explain.

Changjian Hengge only paid attention to the situation on the rainy night, but did not notice the situation here, and even if she noticed it, she would not interfere.

Two attacks from the front and the right. After hitting the rainy night, he retreated a little like a rag bag. Then he was shot by a crossbow arrow and flew out. With a bang, the powerful inertia of the crossbow arrow carried him back against the rock wall. .

Ah, screaming, Yuye has never felt such pain. This is a kind of pain from the inside out, from top to bottom, which is the same as the inexplicable pain in the body before; the attack of King Deer is not painful yet , Normally, the pain was the crossbow arrow. At this moment, Yuye felt all the internal organs shifted.

Yu Ye’s eyes flashed with confusion and unknown, so he turned his head in confusion to look at the man who operated the crossbow arrow. After seeing that he was thin, the anger in Yu Ye’s heart could be imagined, and he didn’t know what the thin man thought; but seeing Youlong Everyone in the guild felt warm again.

He was out on the front line, but there were people making trouble in the rear, which was terrible.

Yuye’s childish disposition, whoever treats him well, he will naturally treat others well; but whoever hurts him, Yuye will also bear resentment in his heart.

Yu Ye was indignant and the four flus raged out, targeting Thin Man, and Yu Ye had no Deer King in his eyes at the moment, and he wanted Thin Man’s explanation, but this explanation was only for him to pay the same price.

"Xiaoye, don't do stupid things." Yuye didn't understand, this group of stunned people didn't understand, but how could Changjian Hengge not understand, and she hurriedly stopped at this moment.

Although this incident was self-defeating, the thin man had good intentions. In the end, her Eagle King speed was still a little slower, unable to successfully block the damage for the rainy night.

The thin man curled his mouth and waved his hands, shrugging his shoulders to show that he didn't care, did not accept the love of Long Sword Hate Song at all, and launched an attack on the giant deer.

Hearing what her aunt said, Yu Ye had to stop, took a vicious look at the thin man, and remembered the hatred in his heart, in order to explode in the future, the next second when the rainy night saw the thin man’s journey and the thin man’s location, he was mercilessly direct Turn on stunt one-the state of nothingness.

Swish, Yu Ye’s figure disappeared immediately and escaped into nothingness, while Deer King’s locking ability was broken for the first time. After losing Yu Ye’s goal, Deer King’s red eyes flashed in confusion, but he soon recovered his hatred and directly targeted the target. Locked on the thin person closest to it.

Several people were stunned when they saw the rainy night enter into nothingness, but immediately understood the meaning of the rainy night, all of them were silent, only when the rainy night did not appear again, as for the surprise, they were not seen a bit, which seemed to be used to it.

"Haha, my old man's brother just has a temper, I like it." The old man was happy.

"Let you pretend, thin, you are pretending, sb."

"Rotten egg, just wait to die, you have the ability to kill the boss alone."

Several stunners of the Dragon Touring Guild stood on the same front at the moment, with the same hatred of the enemy, and their strategies for thin people were very the same. They ate snacks and chatted, but they didn't add blood or hurt them.

"There are so many secrets in Xiao Ye's body, but with these two stunts and this equipment as a primer, Xiao Ye's security will be greatly improved. Don't worry too much in the future, and the next dungeon journey will be much easier. ."

Changjian Hengge thought of this, turned his head and glanced at the brothers beside him, sighed and rushed to the Deer King, showing the attitude of the Dragon Touring Guild.

As long as two people can resist the last four minutes, then one-third of this dungeon will be cleared.

Boom, King Deer hit the thin man, bursting out -4000 damage, another second, and again -4000, relying on the instant recovery potion, the thin man can barely support, the damage of the long sword hate song can only hit -10, -15 points is better than nothing.

One minute later, the rainy night emerged from the darkness and appeared from nothingness. The pain in the body healed a lot, and the cloak behind him regained its vitality. As for the blood volume, it almost returned to its full value. The blood volume of the ordinary potion was almost restored. Can not bear to look.

Coming out of nothingness, Yuye didn't mean to participate in the fight, but quietly came to the old cow, sat cross-legged with them, delicious and delicious, watching the thin man being ravaged.

"Xiaoye, what's the name of the cloak on your body? It's so powerful that it has two special effects? Is it gold-level equipment?" The old cow asked enthusiastically. After this battle, he really recognized Yuye from the bottom of his heart.

Similarly, Yu Ye also recognized them as his uncles and aunts from the bottom of his heart, speak freely at this moment and tell them everything.

"Grass, I still guessed it low. It turned out to be a purple-gold-level equipment, but this attribute seems to be a little low. Oh, yes, this equipment is sealed." Lao Niu seems to be a little surprised, and his brain is not bright~www. Then he touched his head and smiled sly.

"Wow, your luck is too good, first it is a special occupation, then a golden scythe, and now I also added a purple gold-level cloak, huh, let me slow down, slow down, and can't accept this fact."

As the most calm and refined person in the ordinary days, the Confucian scholar in Qingshan became unstable and unrefined after listening to the deeds of the rainy night.

"Little brother, let's upgrade together in the future, I can add blood to you."

"I can too."

The two priests approached from left to right, surrounded the rainy night and stood up against the turbulent mountain, and threw two winks and said seductively.

But for Yuye, this action is tantamount to playing the piano to the cow and wasting his tongue. So our Xiaoyuye said straight and incomprehensible: "No, sister, Gentle is also a pastor. She has recovered a lot of blood, better than you. too much."

Uh, a few words suddenly caused black lines to appear above the heads of several people, one by one, as if they had eaten dead flies, they were speechless, and the rainy night successfully killed the sky.

The Confucian scholar in Qingshan quickly looked for another topic, and the scene became alive, but no one went to mention Rainy Night's equipment.

Two minutes later, the thin man looked very miserable. He could no longer use the cleaning pill, for fear that he would be killed by the deer king after hesitating.

The thin man turned his head and glanced at them. He hated them so much. He wanted to kill and then hurry. He has used no less than twenty bottles of instant recovery potions, which is six hundred thousand Chinese coins, his The heart is no longer as simple as dripping blood, but like a knife cut, like fried. I want to talk about "{?$article_title?}" with more like-minded people, follow "Excellent Literature" on WeChat, read novels, chat about life, and find friends~