Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 346: 0 times gap

   Not long after a few people went offline, the blacksmith shop released a shocking news: the four major blacksmith shops in the east, west, north and south began to sell unlimited cold and hot items.

   The price is favorable, if you want to buy as soon as possible.

   As soon as the news came out, the major teams groaned first, and then went to buy in an instant.

  After the auction, they realized that it was not their lack of strength and poor position, but the lack of props and insufficient power.

  Youlong Guild is a good example.

   There is no icy cold, hot props, Dragon Touring Guild is a fart.

   Each of them was thinking in their minds: If they can have the same props as the Dragon Touring Guild, they will definitely not even be able to pass the normal level dungeon.

   Maybe he would have defeated the Heroic dungeon long ago, um, it must be like this.

   These people never find problems with themselves, they just blame external conditions blindly.

   Ha ha, still heroic? Ordinary trouble.

   It didn't take long for the crowd to jam at the gate of the blacksmith's shop like a thirteen-level wave...

   When they saw the price, they were shocked.

   too expensive?

   No, no, this is too cheap.

   is exactly the same as the potion on the auction, but the price between them is very different.

   A set of one hundred gold coins, converted into one gold coin.

   Is this the cabbage on the street? Or a stone that can be seen everywhere? Isn't this a free gift?

   A gold coin and a gold item? Are you kidding me?


   must buy...

   This must be a BUG in the final chapter, so you must seize this opportunity to go shopping.

   The external post bar and the live broadcast room even have the final chapter on the screen where the BUG is revealed, which is eye-catching.

   Men Tingruo City cannot describe the blacksmith's shop at this moment. It is indeed crowded, and you can't see it at a glance.

   Regardless of whether it is rich or not, group buying or bulk selling are all surrounded.

   With these props, the speed of their dungeon clearance will definitely increase.

   Looking at the dwindling items in the warehouse, Buzz's heart was bleeding, and he couldn't breathe in pain.

   He tried his best to stop, but was stopped by Batu.

   This is a completely loss-making business. Not only is it not profitable, but also three gold coins are added to it.

   Is there a problem with Brother's head? Is it water or dung?

   "Brother, I can't sell it anymore, I will die if I sell it."

   Bass pulled Batu's arm and made a **** and tearful accusation, trying to stop him as the culprit.

   "Bath, sell half of the inventory and restore the original price."

   Looking at poor Buss, Batu pondered for two seconds and decided to compromise.


   Buzz went out feebly...

   Looking at Buzz’s back, Batuxin wants to tell him the true story and the reason?

The    Celestial camp is about to strike. In order to enhance the player’s strength, the City Lord’s Mansion asked the Blacksmith Shop to release cold and hot items in advance and at low prices.

   Batu disagreed at first, but the city owner and his old man said that he was willing to make up the difference, so Batu naturally had no reason to refuse.

   So there was this scene...


   Isn’t games all about making money? Why does the city lord still have to post money in the final chapter?

   Is it possible that there is something obscure in it?

   Hehe, in order to improve the player's strength, I don't believe it anyway.



   Inside the cozy little home of six outsiders.

   As soon as a few people started their meal, Ding Dong Ding Dong rang the doorbell.

   Rainy night suddenly put down his job and ran out to open the door. He had to go down and tell the installer to stop talking about the price, otherwise it would be all exposed.

   The distribution staff and installers of the nutrient solution game warehouse are all professionals with the final chapter, and they are all qualified. I still have to help with this small favor.

   Then he made an OK gesture toward the rainy night.

  ? ? ? ?

  What do you want to say? Disagree? Say something, what kind of finger? Brain problem?

   They disagreed, they must not be allowed into the house on rainy night.

   The two people suddenly stalemate at the door...

  Uh, this is the misunderstanding caused by the asymmetry of information.

   "Saya, who is it? Let people come in."

   The old man opened his head and looked through the window to see this scene above his old face, a little puzzled.

   "Children, we won't talk about the price."

   One of the installers in the group quickly reacted and said that they were only put in on the rainy night.

   "Be careful with you, it's worth hundreds of thousands."

   Seeing that one of the young men was a little awkward, the old Zhang suddenly criticized him.

   "That's it, slow down." Old Head Li also quickly agreed.

   This should be considered the most expensive item for them at the moment, but it can’t be broken.

   Again, can you afford it if it breaks? Really.

   Today's young people are really unreliable.

   When the installer heard the price mentioned by Zhang Tou, he glanced at the rainy night in unison.

   Now they finally know why the kid won’t let them say the price.

   Ten million, one hundred thousand, which is a hundred times the difference...

   Doubts emerged in everyone's mind. Could it be that the steward in this family is not an adult? But rainy night?

   But a few people are still very professional, and patiently explain to Grandpa Zhang:

  The packaging of the nutrition warehouse is the latest technology: Nano 4D, which is totally not afraid of bumps.

   The old Zhang head looked dazed, and nodded as if not understanding.

   "Hey hey, slow down, be careful of damage, young people shouldn't be frivolous."



   Uh, a few people felt that they were playing the piano against the cow just now.

   smiled, and started to install according to the instructions of the old Zhang head. UU reading

   It does not take long to install, and the installation is completed in a while. After teaching Rainy Night and others how to use it, several installers filed out.

   Grandma Sun tried her best to keep them for dinner, but she still didn't keep her.

   "Mr. Rain, please come out."

  ? ? ? ?

   After a long rainy night, it took a long time to realize that a few people at the door were calling themselves, and walked over in confusion.

   "Mr. Rain, this is a toolbox for nutrient solution. It needs to be bound to your game account so that no one but you can open it."

  Hey, is there such a high-tech? Experiment.


   Bind successfully, is it turned on?


   Looking at the finger-length nutrient solution inside, a happy smile appeared on Yu Ye's face.

   This is all my hard work to cheat my aunt with various qualifications, bah, in exchange for fair trade.

   must continue to maintain this fine tradition.

   The handover is complete, and the installer leaves.

   Everyone hurriedly took two bites of rice, and then entered their respective rooms to study the nutrition warehouse.

   On a rainy night, I opened the toolbox and took out six bottles of nutrient solution one by one.

   The shape of the nutrition chamber is like an enlarged silver-white bullet, which is large enough to hold any adult body shape.

   It seems that rainy nights should be purchased in the game warehouse, which is the same.

   It is still very comfortable to lie down in it.

  Ding, do you want to start the game compartment?


  Ding, do you check the equipment?


  Ding, is the nutrient solution tested?


   A series of system prompts sounded in everyone's ears, earnestly and rigorously.