Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 35: Skinny death

Uh, not to mention the price before the thin man is not distressed, nor distressed, anyway, it is a bargain for ten gold coins, which is comfortable and easy to use, but since he sold the sky-high price of 300 gold coins, he knew that the price could be higher. The whole person's mentality changed instantly, just like the old Grande.

   Now every instant potion used is equivalent to a stab in his heart, leaving an indelible mark. That is thirty thousand Huaxia coins, thirty thousand Huaxia coins.

In the end, the thin man couldn't bear to ask for help from Changjian Hengge, and let her assign her subordinates to harass her. Don’t lie down and watch the theater all the time, but Changjian Hengge didn’t hear her. Still self-consciously attacking, and there have been many passive sabotages.

   thought: Can you shameless group stand up and lie down?

In two minutes, not only did King Deer’s HP have not decreased, but on the contrary, it was still rising. It had recovered to 120,000 in a short period of time, and it was also rising rapidly. At this rate of recovery, even if the King of Deer has survived violent transformation, The blood volume will almost be full.

   By that time, he will have to attack for more than an hour and have a huge amount of instantaneous recovery potions. Thinking of this, the thin man completely gave up.

"Long Sword Hengge, I am asking you at last, can your subordinates come to support? Can you hurry up and attack? If this goes on, you will definitely fall short." The thin man had a terrible expression with a distorted expression like a ghost, gritted his teeth. Spit out a word.

   "Okay, okay, I'll just call them." Changjian Hengge took the conversation and nodded and said yes, but was indifferent. It was called ideological work.

   This kind of dialogue, the thin man has experienced three times; this kind of acceptance, the thin man has also heard it three times, this time is just the last attempt.

   "Drafting, ugly girl, what do you want to do? I can't do it if I'm wrong? Quickly let your people attack, or it will really be useless for a while, two hours will be wasted, and the previous efforts will be lost."

   The thin man saw that Changjian Hengge still had this expression, and he tore his face in anger and shouted loudly. He wanted to make the last wave of attempts. He really wanted to kill the Deer King.

King Deer turned his head towards the Long Sword Hengge. The long sword Hengge suddenly flew out like a fat bird, so he spit out a mouthful of blood in the air and pretended to be unconscious after landing. Take care of thin people.

   The thin man ran away instantly, regaining his nature, and all kinds of ugly words popped out instantly:



"Drafting, Changjian Hengge, this is a game, pretend that you are in a coma, do you think I believe it? I really think I'm being taken advantage of, I won't take care of him, get out, let's die together." He thought of himself. After 10,000 years of scolding, Changjian Hengge remained indifferent, and the thin man's anger could no longer be suppressed.

Just unload all the equipment on your body, leaving only the novice vest and novice shorts, and don’t resist, standing upright like a zombie, letting the deer king attack, and taking time to stare coldly at the few wastes of the Dragon Touring Guild .

   Lao Niu: What is this fool watching us doing? are you crazy.

   Confucian scholars in green shirts: The wind is depressed and the water is cold, and the strong men are gone and never returned.

   Two sturdy female men: Oh, did he look at us and take off his clothes? Wow, these strong muscles...

   The next moment, Boom, the King Deer directly hit and unbiased, and directly exploded -6000 damage, trampled again, the plum blossom brand crit, and the thin body turned into white light and disappeared.

   Before he died, he could still hear his stern cursing voice: m, a group of zz, wait for the group to die, I am waiting for you in Novice Village.

   Although he hated anger, he still didn't release more ruthless words, such as: chase them...

   Ding, the system has detected the malicious death of the team member of the ‘Dragon Touring Guild’, ‘Skinny I’m the Leniest’, maliciously disrupting the dungeon process, hereby warns once, and is not allowed to enter the tenth level dungeon for the next twelve hours.

   As for rewards, that is even more nonsense, there is absolutely no...


   A series of slurs from the thin man came again, but they drifted away with the wind, and finally they were inaudible.

   Lao Niu: Well, this is not a fool.

   Qingshan scholar: It is possible, it is estimated that the thin brain was fooled by us.

   Changjian Hengge woke up from the coma and opened his eyelids slightly: Ouch, I'm Cao, thin and strong.

   Although she knew that thin was kind, but looking at the pain and fierce look in Xiao Ye's eyes, she wanted to breathe a sigh for Xiao Ye and toss thin, but she didn't expect the thin to be so strong and chose death directly.

  Uh, the plans are all gone, to whom is the backpack expansion stone sold? Hey, sell it to him. If you don't believe him, he won't buy it. If Changjian Hengge fails to make a plan, he will immediately make another plan.

   Yuye: Lost, lost, I want to give him a single disaster.

   Everyone was mocking and contemptuous, but after they reacted in the next second, they couldn't laugh anymore.

Outside the Novice Village, the skinny sharp-mouthed monkey’s cheeks still has a look of anger on his cheeks. The anger cannot be released. Boom, finally hammered the ground of the resurrection base fiercely and cursed inwardly: Grass, you are in the first year of the new year, do so. Fifteen, md, a group of white-eyed wolves wait.

   "Ding, sell the dragon guild customs clearance strategy, contact those who want it." After Shouzi made this system prompt, he felt better and walked towards the equipment repair point.

   "Grass, real? It is said that the Dragon Touring Guild has exceeded 15%. He has a strategy? I don't believe it. Isn't they a rival?"

"Aren't you stupid? The person who sent the message is the most stingy skinny man everyone knows. He is willing to send the whole village voice. That means he really does, and I remember he was with those people from the Dragon Touring Guild In."

   "Buy, buy, it soon."

   "This must be bought, and the thin person is definitely not a lie."



   Several other teams who had conquered the dungeon reacted instantly and contacted the thin man, hoping to get first-hand information.

   In the ten-level copy of the Dragon Touring Guild:

   The fleshiest and strongest shield is dead, how will they fight in the next battle? Can you still fight? Everyone couldn't help but shifted their eyes to the Long Sword Hengge who slowly stood up from the ground, and pushed all the blame on her.

   "President, what do you do now? Why did you drive the thin man away?"

   "Yes, chairman, don't you have a brain hole? I despise you."

   "The same."



   Long Sword Hate Song is almost to death by them, his face flushed red and speechless, short of breath, and rapid heartbeat. These ungrateful bastards, isn't the old lady doing this for you?

   Before Long Jian Heng Ge could speak, he suddenly heard a system prompt: Thin Guy is selling materials openly.

   "President, look at you and sell them, and they won't let us get better, despise you."

   "That is, stay on the sidelines and meet each other in the future. You are really unfeeling."

   "Slightly." The two female men stuck out their tongues and made faces, and the picture imagined.


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