Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 351: Mirror Lake Deep Water Area

These are natural dangers, as long as you pay attention to them, you can usually avoid them, but more dangers come from underwater creatures, such as bloodthirsty sharks and cruel octopus. The existence of these monsters increases the danger factor of Mirror Lake by a lot.

This is not the most terrifying. The most terrifying is that there are many purple-gold-level and epic-level BOSS underwater. At this stage, once we encounter them, we only have to die. So after entering the water, you must follow me closely. To avoid accidents. "


Rainy night nodded earnestly, looking like an obedient child.

"Let's go, let's go."

After an hour of dressing, the bulging ones that rained on the night went into the water.

As for Bluman, he doesn't need this set of equipment. Legendary powerhouses can breathe underwater.



As soon as I entered the mirror lake, I felt a heavy figure, a lot of pressure, and a tight chest.

This lake is weird...

In reality, it was rainy night, but the pressure has never been so great.

"Master, the lake here contains the aura of the fall of the strong, so the pressure is higher than the normal lake, and the deeper the pressure, the greater the pressure."

Bluman opened his mouth to explain for the rainy night.

Nani, can you still speak underwater? Are all Legendary levels open like this?


Yuye nodded to show that he knew.

The sunlight scattered under the lake surface is very beautiful and dreamy after refraction.

During the kicking, Bluman led the rainy night to move quickly underwater.

There are a lot of water and grass in the lake, blocking most of the two people's sight, but there is no danger.

Feeling that there is no danger and the colorful fish beside them, the two set off towards the destination.

Before long, whether it was the rainy night or some reason, a golden treasure box appeared in front of the two of them.

After seeing it on the rainy night, he reminded Bruman, and he decided to pass after hesitating for two seconds.

Treasure chests are generally guarded by creatures, and they are usually bosses, but if they seduce one by one and open the box, there is still a 90% chance of being able to open the treasure chest.

Turn on the voice and rainy night, and the two came to the treasure chest.

Ding, you have attracted the attention of the gold boss electric eel, do you stay away?

Ding, you have been hated by the gold electric eel, do you stay away?

With different distances, the system prompts in Yuye's mind are also different.

Finally, the last system sound played:

Ding, please stay away as soon as possible, otherwise you will be attacked by a gold electric eel.

In the next second, before the electric eel attacked, Bluman took the lead in attacking and turned into a training, bringing out waves of water and appearing beside the electric eel, putting away the weapon and cutting it off with a hand knife.

The electric eel went down to chase Bluman.

Note: You must not see blood in the water, otherwise it may attract carnivorous creatures. This is common sense.

Rainy night quickly came to the treasure chest and took out the key to open the treasure chest.




Opening failed, please restart.

Uh, a key worth a thousand yuan Chinese currency was wasted like this, and it was very hard to bear rainy night.

carry on.




Successfully opened.

Ding, congratulations on your forging blueprint: Burst Wand.

Note: Thirty-level dark gold drawing.

No loss, it took two keys to open the dark gold level blueprint from the gold level box?

Is luck so bad? Uh, luck on rainy night.

After taking it away, the rainy night quickly stayed away from meeting with Bluman.

The gold electric eel was ready to return when the treasure chest was opened in the rainy night, but was stopped by Bluman.

When it returned, the treasure chest was empty, and the rainy night was long gone.

Ka Ka, sent out an electric current to vent the anger in my heart, and the small fishes around could be caught.

Bluman didn't ask what Yuye had obtained, and the two continued to move forward.

"Be careful, there is an undercurrent ahead, let's turn around."

Bluman made a sound to stop the rainy night.


Rainy night nodded and wrote down the scenes in front of him one by one, modeling, so as not to be unable to distinguish in the future.

After leaving the undercurrent area, the two continued to swim forward.

Gradually, there are more and more monsters beside the rainy night.

But as long as Yuye does not actively attack them, Yuye is still safe.

Even so, the rainy night still feels like walking on thin ice.

What a joke, a little sheep suddenly entered the group of lions and couldn't run. You said it was panicked?

Although his face was as stable as an old dog, the little heart of Rainy Night had already thumped and jumped.

Although the risk factor is high, Rainy Night still opened a lot of treasure chests with Bruman.

Not to mention, there are really many treasure chests in this high-level map.

In just one hour, the rainy night has already made a lot of money.

As for the danger around him, he has long been forgotten.

"Master, take out the Murloc Orb and use it quickly."

Ten minutes later, Bruman's anxious voice rang in his ears on the rainy night when he was opening the treasure chest.

Don't procrastinate on rainy night, just click to use.

The next rainy night and Bluman suddenly turned into two colorful fish and continued to swim quietly.

As for the treasure chest, it was completely forgotten, and everything was calm.

A few seconds later, a huge scarlet squid swam over their heads.

Yuye felt a terrifying deterrent on it, which felt only a little weaker than Batu's sense of oppression.

Is this a BOSS about to enter the legend?

Yuye hurriedly lowered the fish's head for fear of being noticed by the squid. As for the wisdom eye technique, he dared not release it at all.

The squid continued to swim forward without noticing the rainy night under him.

After the squid left, Yuye and Bluman breathed a sigh of relief and continued to swim forward.

The appearance of the squid indicates that they have entered the deep water area, and every next step needs to be careful and careful.

Keep going...

Time went by, and three hours passed again, and the murloc beads had been used three times in the rainy night.

Encountered a lot of dangers, but they were all resolved by

Finally, Yuye and Bruman came to a azure blue whirlpool.

"Master, we are going to enter."

"Huh? Get in here?"

Yuye was a little bit incredulous.

Didn’t the whirlpool be dangerous? Why prepare to enter.

Just as Bruman explained to the rainy night, a dark gold BOSS moved into the whirlpool.

? ? ? ?

A terrible guess suddenly appeared in their heads:

Could it be said that the previous scarlet squid also entered it? Thinking of the direction in which the squid had left, they suddenly felt that this possibility reached 80%.


At the moment when the rainy night and Bruman entered, a veteran came from outside town No. 47. His mount was a colorful butterfly.

Holding the token of City Lord No. 48, I soon came to the City Lord's Mansion to meet the City Lord.

After handing the contents of the backpack to City Lord No. 47, the veteran quickly left.

After reading it, the city lord immediately convened a powerful team to discuss matters.

The news brought by the veteran is too terrifying, if it is true, then he has to prepare early.