Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 352: Fallen god

Otherwise, town forty-seven may be destroyed just like that, and it was destroyed in his own hands.

He would never allow such things to happen.

The news is: a demigod-level powerhouse is about to attack town No. 47.

As soon as the city lord in Town No. 47 was the first to announce the news, the crowd below boiled like boiling water.

"How is it possible? Haven't the Demigods all been involved in the front battlefield? Why are they here?"

The epic generals of the town guards were the first to stand up and refute loudly, not wanting to accept this fact.

He is already the strongest person in the city guards, but his strength is only epic. Facing the demigod is like cannon fodder, he can't play any role, not to mention the group of soldiers under his rank that are lower than his. It will not last long at all.

Even if the strength of the city lord reaches the legendary realm of the unity of heaven and man, and seems to be very close to the demigod, there is still an irreparable gap between the two.

The stewards in other blacksmith shops and auction houses are mostly life occupations. Even if they reach the realm of legend, they are still far from combat occupations. The three life occupations may not be able to play a combat occupation.

Not to mention that most of the shop owners can't reach the legend, even if they reach it? Why do people help you defend against the enemy?

Is it because you are handsome? Or are you popular?

Merchants and towns are merely relations of interest. Standing idly by, watching the fire from the sidelines, and retreating in time is the best solution.

With the current configuration of strength in Town No. 47, it is simply not enough to resist the demigod-level powerhouse, and it will only be destroyed sooner or later.

"Yes, City Lord, is the source of this news reliable? Is it a false news that someone deliberately spread? Want to attract our attention? Know that the attack of the Celestial camp is not far away."

The think tank in Town No. 47 uttered a second voice, twisting his long beard and pondering for two seconds and asked, his eyes full of worries, full of worries about the future.

He knew in his heart that even if the city owner had brought everyone here, the news must be 100% true.

Ten thousand steps back and said, even if it is fake, it must be prepared in advance and arranged in advance.

Not only to deal with the arrival of the demigod, but also to deal with the attack of the Celestial camp.

Eventful autumn...

"What? Old Li? Are we going to leave the town?"

"Wait, let's see what the city chief said and if there is a way to defend against the enemy. If it doesn't work, just withdraw. There seems to be a lot of guilds and guilds in town No. 48 next to it."

"Call me when you leave, you must call me."

"And me, I have to go too."

The generals, think tanks and others who are concerned about the safety of the town are discussing with anxiety, but the businessmen are already planning to retreat.

The building will fall, it is better to plan early.

The news that a demigod powerhouse is about to appear should not be told to these profit-seeking businessmen to prevent them from causing chaos.

Wait until the demigod powerhouse arrives? If you don't want to fight, you can't do it.

But the city lord of Town No. 47 couldn't be so cruel, so he asked the butler to inform them and discuss matters together.

It's best to stay, not to stay or force.

Under such circumstances, it is better to block than to sparse, and if these businessmen die and turn against the enemy, the chaos will be even greater.



"I wonder if you still remember Mirror Lake?"

The lord of the city in the forty-seventh town shook his body. He looked into the distance and listened to the discussion of the crowd below. After two seconds, he suddenly asked:




The expressions of the people below are mostly the same, all with a hint of panic in shock, and sigh in their absence.

"Is the legend true? There really are gods at the bottom of the mirror lake?"

The five-big and three-thick, tall and mammoth city guard general took two steps back, looking in horror, and asked with frightened eyes.

The voice of the city lord was not loud, but the shock it brought was unparalleled.

"Brother? What kind of legend? I just came to Town No. 47 not long ago, and I don't know much about it."

The wandering pharmacist in the crowd below asked the shocked person beside him in a puzzled face.

Some disdain in my heart, cut, isn't it a legend? Could it be true?

"It is said that thousands of years ago, Mirror Lake was not a mirror lake, but a large swath of mountains, blocking the town of No. 47 and town No. 48.

Suddenly one day, a certain **** fell, and when it fell from the sky, a powerful destructive force burst out, destroying the mountains into dust and forming a vast lake. "

After the owner of the riding shop next to him explained, the others added again.

"This is the first kind of legend, and it is also the most widely spread legend, but there is also the second kind of legend that is closest to the facts:

It’s not that the gods have fallen, but the gods of a certain badly wounded and dying Celestial camp get news and come to Mirror Lake to look for something. They will destroy the mountains without being angry. After failing to destroy the mountains, they are in the mountains. Underneath actually gained something and found a way to recover from his injuries.

I have been dormant all these years because I was healing. "

"Could it be that his injury is about to recover?"

The wandering pharmacist was shocked and asked quickly.

If this is the case, then he must quickly make plans to continue wandering.

Everyone swept their eyes and turned to the city lord, trying to reach the answer from him.

"The legend is true, but it's not a thousand years, but five hundred years ago, I heard the last city lord confessed that one must be careful of the mirror lake, where a badly wounded **** lurks.

The last city lord also reported to 400 years ago, but the reply was: the power of the **** is inexistent, and it is possible to kill him with several legendary powerhouses, so he did not send a **** Support for the strong.

And explain: as long as you have the ability to kill the badly wounded god, then all the gains will belong to you, without reporting, and there will be rewards for decentralization in the common camp.

So the previous city lord enthusiastically joined several legendary masters to go, but the final result was not satisfactory.

Not found for the first time...

But they never gave up. They didn't find it until the fifth time, the third time, and decades later.

At the end of that battle, the last city lord came back and drove Hexi, and soon I became the new city lord.

But I found the handbook of the city lord, which clearly records:

The five legendary powerhouses besieged the dying gods, with a brilliant record, and knocked them down to the gods. Among them, there is a person you may know, he is: Bruman. "

The legendary powerhouse drove the god-level powerhouse to the god-level abruptly, this record is enough to be called brilliant.

Zijin and epics are like a chasm, epics and legends are like heaven, and legends and gods are like immortals.

"Hmm? Legendary general Bruman?"

The general of the city guard in town forty-seven was shocked, and he was shocked. It turned out to be Bruman.