Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 365: Rise in a group-Tyrant Guild

Hmm, it must be so.

   And everyone lost a lot of equipment, what if you come back on a rainy night and find it? How do they explain?

   So he chose an elite dungeon, just before entering...

  A sharp arrow struck, and five people died.

   The equipment dropped again.

   Ten minutes passed, and five people died again after being resurrected.

   This is a long-planned massacre...

   At a critical moment, Gentle wanted to ask for help to Changjian Hengge, but suddenly found that they had no friends with Changjian Hengge.

   input the name and click add, but was told that the player does not add any friends.

   The most painful thing is not being able to tell Yuye to avoid distraction when he completes the task.

   So the five tragedies.

   Twenty minutes passed again, and five people were forced to quit the game after five deaths.

   A few hours later, as soon as the five people went online, a sharp arrow came and died again.

   A few people had to forcibly quit the game and were afraid to log in.



feeling bad.

   was killed, but I don’t know who killed it.

   The most important thing is the current physical condition of the five people in reality, very weak.

   Successive deaths have had a great impact on them, but with the help of death relief potions, everyone recovered quickly.



   The higher the level goes, the slower it is. According to the current level of the six, it will take at least three days to reach the twenty-fourth level.

   25th level takes about six to seven days, and so on...

   After entering the game, I heard a series of system prompts on rainy night.

   In one night, all the NPCs in the forty-seventh town had a thousand points of affection towards rainy night.

   Seeing rainy night appearing in the town, they are all glaring and eager to catch him.

   "Master, you are here."

   Bluman suddenly appeared beside Rainy Night.

   "Uncle Bruman, does this decline in favorability have anything to do with you?"

   "Yes, I did it all."

   Looking at Bluman, he is not ashamed, but proud of him, hurry up and praise my expression.

   Rainy night mentality collapsed.

  Uh, Bruman is real leather.



   I originally wanted to take on some quests in Town No. 47, but now this good impression? Take a fart; it's not bad if the rainy night is blasted out of town.

   In the rainy night, I had no choice but to go to the level 45 monster leveling point outside the city with Bluman, and start to level up.

   Hey, there are only two people in the huge leveling area, Yuye and Bruman, so unhappy.

  , you ask other people?

   Can they survive at the 45th level monster leveling point?

   The answer is of course impossible.

   The forty-seventh town was under martial law for one day, and the players were very grieved and had no choice but to lift the martial law.

   In addition, each player will be given props: Quick Return to City Scroll.

   It only takes three seconds to quickly return to the city, and the power below the gold level cannot be interrupted.

   It was a little boring to sit behind the Sea Dragon King in the rainy night, so he opened the friend list and wanted to send the primary space portal drawing to Gentle.

Ok? Why isn't Gentle online?

   After dealing with the things in the town, I came to the level 45 leveling area. About fifteen minutes have passed. Gentle hasn't even entered the game for so long?

   Is it because you are obsessed with watching TV? Or is Grandma Sun doing something delicious?

Huh? Why didn't grandparents go online? This is not scientific.

   Yuye just wanted to go offline, and the gentle avatar lighted up, indicating that it was online.

   Then, the grandparents also entered the game.

   In order not to make Yuye suspicious, the five finally decided to enter the game.

   Even if it is possible to die, he still has to enter the game.

   Seeing this scene, the rainy night suddenly felt relieved, and mailed the blueprint of the portal and three space stones to Qingrou.

  Uh, why only send three?

   Hey, because three pieces are free of postage, you will have to pay if you have more, so I’ll see Gentle deal face to face in a few days

   The five people appeared at the door of the instance, but the arrow did not appear. He whispered, and immediately put down his holding heart.

   Looking at the five of them, almost all their equipment was lost, and their experience points lost 60%.

  Note: The experience value required for resurrection in the red name state is doubled.

   The figures of five people flashed past and entered an elite instance. After ten minutes, the red name status disappeared and resurrected in the town.

   Can't beat, can't beat.

   There is no rainy night, no Long Sword Hengge four people, just Jinguang 2 and Gentle, they simply can't beat.

   The amount of treatment is enough, but control and output are not involved.

   Fortunately, there is a little benefit, the clearing of the blame brushed the red name status.



   "Xiao Ye, the Tyrant Guild will cancel the protection tonight, do you want to come?"

   After brushing the monster for an hour in the rainy night, the voice of Changjian Hengge came.

   "Huh? I'm not going anymore."

   Yuye is a little puzzled, why did my aunt ask me to go? I am not familiar with them, should we go to play mahjong together?

   "The person who killed us yesterday has been ascertained and was done by Ba Tian's men."

   Changjian Hengge's words are a bit inexplicable, but Yuye can hear a little bit of murderousness.

   Rainy night, keenly aware of something wrong, we? So he asked faintly:

   "Did something happen yesterday?"

   Changjian Hengge heard this, and immediately understood something, and said quickly:

   "It's okay, nothing happened yesterday."

  Since Qingrou and others didn't tell Yuye, then Changjian Hengge would not talk too much. After saying this, Changjian Hengge talked to Yuye again before hanging up.

   Changjian Hengge has something to hide from herself...

   Contacting yesterday's grandparents' situation, combined with their faces at noon today, rainy night felt that they had touched something.

   Make a soft call:

   "Gentle, what are you doing? Have you studied the drawings?"

   The sound of rainy night is very soft, and the corner of his mouth is smiling.

   " I have almost studied it thoroughly, haha, brother, gentle and smart."

   "Smart and smart." Yu Ye smiled and praised. The two spoke for a while, and then Yu Ye asked abruptly:

   "Gentle, were you besieged yesterday?"

   "Ah, brother, why are you..... No, no."

   Gentle was shocked at first, and then changed his mind as if thinking of something.

   "Brother, what really did yesterday..."

   "Beep toot."

   Yuye got the answer she wanted and hung up.

  The anger hits the sky from the soles of the feet, and the black gas hidden in the body is like being ignited by combustibles, and it rises for several meters with a sound.

   "Uncle Bruman, let's go back to Town No. 48."

   Listening to these stern words, watching the rainy night with his face twisted together, Bruman's heart stunned. What happened to the master?

  "Master, I suggest that we go back to the city lord’s mansion first. Last night, I told them about the transfer of drawings.

   As long as the epic engraver in Town No. 47 takes the action, it should be possible to turn it into a real object in less than an hour, connect to Town No. 48, and then we can return as quickly as possible. "

   Bluman did not ask the reason for Yuye’s return, but gave him the fastest way to return to town No. 48.

   "Go, go back."

   Calm down a bit on the rainy night and agree to Bruman's proposal. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow "Hot Netwen or rdww444" on WeChat and talk about favorite books with more book friends