Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 366: Game with an epic engraver

   When riding behind the Sea Dragon King and returning to Town No. 47, Bruman thought of something and continued to add, his expression very tangled:

"Master, this method can certainly be able to return to Town No. 48 as quickly as possible, but it also has a fatal flaw: outsiders will also master the primary space teleportation blueprints. You must know that this is your desperate exchange for rewards from a demigod. Yes, you can't make others cheaper."

  Uh, Bruman, if you say this, won't your conscience hurt?

   Isn't this a begging to come back?

"It's ok."

   Yu Ye doesn't care, and he doesn't want to care, now he wants to rush back right away and stay by his side to protect her.

   But Yuye doesn't care, but Bruman can't. He must be responsible for Yuye and the drawings.

   This blueprint is worth three legendary powerhouses...

   Are you signing a non-disclosure contract? Or is it a follower?

   Before being an epic follower, Bruman wouldn't even know how to watch it, but now it really has to be done well.

   The epic-level secondary profession can't be regarded as a rare profession, but he is also proud and may not be able to see the dark gold-level Bruman at this moment.

   Time passed quietly, Rainy Night and Bruman came to the City Lord’s Mansion.

   The construction of a portal in Town No. 47 must be approved by the city owner.

   Otherwise, the privately-built city owner has the right to demolish it forcibly and arrest the builder.

   Rainy night stepped into the discussion hall of the City Lord's Mansion again, and found an inexplicable and strange aura in the air.

   The city lord, military division, and others are already disgusted with Yu Ye’s favorability, and almost turned into hatred; but the construction of the portal is another major event, and the city lord has to see Yu Ye.

   "Brumman, according to our agreement last night, if you can really build a portal in Town No. 47, then I will take out a drop of elves to help you restore your strength for free."

   The city lord's gaze stayed on the rainy night for a tenth of a millisecond, and then he moved to Bruman to speak.

   "Santo? You don't regret it?"

   Bluman was very pleasantly surprised, never expected to be able to find a drop of elven source in Town No. 47, which is really a surprise.

  With the help of this drop of spirit source, and with other materials, Bluman is confident that he can upgrade his strength to Zijin in a short time.

   The Dark Gold rank Bruman is already extremely terrifying, and he is promoted to Zijin? That's not terrifying anymore?

   It is no exaggeration to say that the Purple Gold-level Bruman can definitely bring the rainy night to the hero-level Ice and Fire dungeon without any effort.

   Twenty-level copy, let the seventieth-level NPC go to clean it? Isn't this bullying?

   "No regrets."

"In this case, Santo, I have one last additional condition: I hope that those who learn the drawings of the primary space portal can not leak this drawing; and sign a contract with my host, only forging rights, no ownership. Of course we will still pay him a basic salary plus commission."

   Bluman said decisively, without any concessions between his words.


   The city lord frowned slightly, spit out a word, and a dilemma appeared on his face.

   "Why didn't you add this condition last night? Add it now, we seem to have no obligation to comply."

   City Lord is fighting for the greatest benefit for his epic engraver.

   After all, once the contract that Bruman just said was signed, wouldn’t his epic engraver become someone’s free labor?

   No, this kind of thing must never happen.

   "Town Lord, you seem to have forgotten that the initiative is in our hands, and in the face of the threat of a demigod that is always ready to come, having a portal an hour earlier will be a great help to Town 47."

   Bluman never gave in, and brought some truthful threats in his words.

   "I can't be the master of the epic engraver-Li Gua, you should talk to him personally."

   The city lord of the forty-seventh town pondered for two seconds, and finally decided to hand over the choice to the epic engraver-Li Gua.

   "Bingjia, please go to Master Li Gua."

   The guard at the entrance of the conference hall hurriedly left after receiving the order.

  Epic engravers are not rare in the final chapter, but they are still rare species in the towns behind;

   It is not empty talk to double the defense power of their city walls, so it is not an exaggeration to call them a master.

   Yuye was a little anxious, so he asked an epic engraver to come and study directly according to his instructions. Why do you want to engage in these imaginary things?

   But looking at Bruman's eyes without panic, Rainy Night decided to wait.

   So good, I dialed a soft call on a rainy night and asked about the progress.

  Ding, the number you dialed is in a call, please try again later.

   The space portal has reached the final juncture, so I dare not be distracted, so I just choose to hang up.

   no one answered, rainy night had to stand still.

   Uh, watching the severe malice of the people beside him, Yuye was uncomfortable and got goose bumps.

   Hey, Rainy Night really wants to summon Mozart, the demigod Shadow Wolf, and let him prove it:

   I was indeed arrested, and I can’t make trouble. Please don’t doubt that the rainy night is innocent.

   Uh, idiot...

   A few minutes later, the epic engraver-Li Gua appeared.

  The old face, the plain blue shirt, the gentle and elegant temperament, the mellow connotation, let people know that this is a real person at a glance.

   Enter from outside the conference hall without arrogance, rashness, or arrogance.

   In his capacity, you don’t need to salute or say hello to the city lord;

   But he has always been smiling, treating Soldier A and Soldier B as well as military divisions, Brumans, City Lord and others, without any difference in treatment.

   "This should be a good-tempered grandpa."

  Rainy night thinks like this It shouldn't be difficult to persuade this old man to sign a contract, and the owner's things must not be leaked. "

   Bluman thought of this, and his heart was very firm.

   With the passage of time, the former master of the past has become more and more fond of being a housekeeper on rainy nights.

   But they will find out after a while that they are very wrong...

   "City Lord, why did you ask me to come?"

   asked with a smile after saluting from the gua.

   The city lord talked about the previous things, contracts, and difficulties one by one.

   "Bluman? The legendary powerhouse of the year? Long admired the name."

   The epic engraver Li Gua salutes Bruman very seriously, and it is a gift for the younger generation.

   "You are welcome, I have drawn up the contract, and you can sign it."

   Bluman is very happy, this time he will definitely be sure.

   But the next second.

  The epic engraver Li Gua brushed his sleeves, and said lightly, with a hint of pride in his tone:

   "City Lord, originally you didn't intend to find me, I also intend to come to you."


   Bluman's face changed slightly, he had a hunch that things had deviated from the previous track.

   "Oh, has the master researched something extraordinary?"

   The city lord asked with bright eyes, flashing a touch of excitement.