Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 367: Primary space portal

The special scene is activated again, the rainy night at this moment is like air, without any sense of existence; like a god, silently watching the scene in front of him.

This special scene was not just activated, but from the moment when Rainy Night and Bluman stepped into the City Lord's Mansion.

The rainy night can only wait, wait for the scene to end to choose.

"City Lord? After nearly 30 years of summary, research, and finally touched the fur of the space, it will not take long before I can build a primary space portal without the help of external forces."

Having said this, a deep pride appeared on Li Gua's face.

It stands to reason that only a legendary engraver can touch the profound meaning of the space, and his Li Gua can only be touched at the epic level, and speaking out is enough for him to be proud.

Hearing this, everyone in the discussion hall took a breath and was shocked.

Then the words of praise were not repeated into the ears of Li Gua.

The city lord's face was flushed, and he began to promise a series of benefits from Li Gua.

However, Bluman's face was gloomy, even if he was a god-level, he could not imagine the plot would develop like this.

I originally thought that the engraver in Town No. 47 was an ordinary person, but he didn't expect that he was an unborn genius.

Now all the chips disappeared, and Bruman was a little panicked.

"General Bruman, I certainly understand the profound meaning of space, but I think the primary space transfer blueprint will also help me;

The contract is impossible to sign, but I can promise to build a space gate for you for free; and if the general wants the source of the elves, he can consider signing a contract with our city lord. After he recovers his strength, he will serve in Town No. 47. year. "

Li Gua said with a winning ticket, firmly grasping the initiative in his own hands, while threatening Yuye in the opposite direction.

Bruman's face turned black again, and Li Gua had already said very clearly.

The blueprints of the primary space portal are dispensable to me, you are just icing on the cake; and our elves are of great use to you, do you agree?

"Li Gua, how do I believe you really understand the profound meaning of space?"

Bluman was still resisting, making a final questioning.

Hearing such doubts, Li Gua looked around and smiled on his old face.

He knew that not only Bluman questioned him, but the others in the conference hall questioned him.

In the next second, a silver ray the size of a fingernail spit on his hand. This is the power of space.

The blood on Bruman's face was taken away for an instant, and the cheers of the others became even stronger.

"I'll discuss it."

Bluman put the decision right in Yuye's hands in a daze.

In fact, at this moment, Bruman still has a chance to come back. That is to ask how long it will take Li Gua to create a primary space portal?

With the help of the time difference and the oppression of the demigod Shadow Wolf, Bruman still has the opportunity to hold the initiative in his hands again.

But at this moment, Bluman, who was a little confused, obviously did not think of this.

"Master, I personally suggest not to him."

A system prompt appeared in Yu Ye’s mind:

Ding, do you decide to give the drawing of the primary space portal to the epic engraver Li Gua?

Yuye felt very uncomfortable and didn't know how to choose.

Looking at Bruman's expression, you know that the price of this drawing is very high, and it is given to strangers for free? Isn't this killing Yuye?

Rainy night pondered for two seconds, and finally decided to give it to Li Gua.

Compared with Gentle, a drawing is really nothing.

Dial a soft call, Yuye wants to return the drawing first.

Beep, just sounded.

The proceedings hall suddenly fell into chaos...

"Alert, protect Master Li Gua."

The voice of the city lord rang, and the armor quickly moved.

Why is this happening? What happened?

On rainy night, Bluman looked up together, and suddenly found a silver vortex in the center of the conference hall.

You must know that this is the city lord's mansion, the most tightly defended place in the forty-seventh town; and the place where they are located is the conference hall, which is even more tight and tight.

But even in such a tight state, a silver vortex appeared, can everyone not be nervous?

Ok? This is also a space force?

Li Gua reacted first, and the whole person was shocked.

Teleport the vortex? Is it the space mage of the Celestial camp?

No, shouldn't he be stupid enough to vote for the Internet? Who will be inside?

The silver vortex was about to disappear, and a petite figure slowly emerged.

When the rainy night felt that the figure was very familiar, the city lord suddenly ordered: "Attack."

Just kidding, space teleportation, don't you destroy it before he reacts? Is it still reserved for the New Year?

"No, that's gentle."

Yuye’s blessing skills were instantly thrown out, shrouded in Gentle's body, and then an endless group of disasters sprayed out, reducing all the attributes of the gentlemen who attacked by half.

Then, Yuye turned into a plague wheel and approached Gentle at an extremely fast speed. The first wave of attacks came about one-third of the moment when Rainy Ye came to Gentle's side and protected it completely under him.

"Stop, this is the master's sister, she has no intentions."

Bluman subconsciously shouted loudly, but these soldiers obviously didn't listen to him.

"Cheng Ergun, let your people stop, otherwise...they don't need to exist anymore."

Bluman's tone did not rise but fell, but the murderous aura contained therein was enough to make people fearful.

Rao is ashamed to be ashamed, there is still a big gap between him and Bluman.


Hearing Bluman's threat, Cheng Cheng was very aggrieved, but still had to order them to stop.

Ding, the city lord’s favorability towards you has dropped by a thousand points, and the relationship between the two parties has turned into hatred, please do not annoy the city lord, otherwise you will be conceited.

Ding, strategist...

Yuye's head is almost getting bigger when he hears such a system prompt.

Hey, my uncle Bruman, you have mistreated me.

"Brother, you really didn't lie to me, I just built the portal and found your coordinates and sent it over, hehe."

Gentle is very her heart is very warm, she can see the flustered expression of her brother just now; as for the previous attack on her by the soldiers, she chose to ignore it, but she was still a little grateful.

So the gentle fingers moved slightly, the dispersal technique flashed, and the soldiers who had been hit by the rainy night group instantly returned to full attributes.

Group recovery technique, return their blood volume to full.

Seeing this scene, the city owner's face finally looked better.

"Little girl, was it the space vortex that you caused just now? Did you also master the profound meaning of space?"

Li Gua walked two steps quickly, and asked softly with shocked face.

He realized that he had only touched the fur for thirty years. He didn't believe that Qingrou realized the profound meaning of space at this age.

"No, grandpa."

He blinked gently and replied. If you want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow "Hot Netwen or" on WeChat and talk about your favorite books with more book friends