Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 381: Kingdom of Wings

The same items can be played in the hands of Changjian Hengge and become profit.

   The crowd stagnated for a second, and then swarmed to the Dragon Touring Guild.

   You need to know that those masters Zhengshou don't know how to get to Town No. 47. Isn’t this giving pillows as soon as you want to sleep?

   50,000 Chinese coins are really cheap.

   You must know that there are demigods in Town No. 47. If he gets it by luck, wouldn't these five hundred gold coins be a thousand times in return.

   The portal was in a hot state for a while...

   Fortunately, the members of the guild were transferred last night. Otherwise, in order to make money, Changjian Hengge might make them stay behind.

   The rainy night who learned about this soon sent a message to Changjian Hengge:

   "Aunty, the portal is for you to deliver goods. If you use it to deliver other people, then I want half of the profit, but more than less."

   There is no concession in Yuye's words...

   "Xiao Ye, you give all these things to aunt, that's natural..."

   This income is too big, and Changjian Henge doesn't want to divide it out.

   "Oh, you don't know that the portal has a limit on the number of times you can use it, I will let Gentle stop forging the portal now, and that epic engraver is a follower of Gentle."

   "Xiao Ye, give you 60%, 60%."

   Changjian Hengge became soft, because she had already seen that the first portal was only 90% durable.

  Hey, if you can't master the core technology, you have to be controlled by others, and Changjian Hengge is uncomfortable.

   The profit of the sixth floor is an astronomical figure, and Changjian Henge is already discussing whether to exchange something for Yuye again.

   Such a lot of money is very unsafe in the hands of a child.

   On the other side, Rainy Night and Bruman's figure appeared in an unfamiliar place: the forty level training place-dense jungle.

   The tree canopy obscures the sky, and there is almost no sunlight; there are many monsters, and each of them has high attributes.

   Open the map on a rainy night to confirm your location.

  Ding, welcome to the dense jungle of town No. 46.

   Hearing such a system prompt, Yuye was shocked.

   One time transmission? Actually came to the forty-sixth town range?

   This distance seems a little far away...

   Bluman did not stop, took out the portal to determine the coordinates and continued to travel.

   The place of trouble is not around any town, but at the junction of town and city.

   Rainy Night and Bruman need to be teleported continuously along the south side, probably dozens of times.

   This journey is destined to be boring, as rainy night thought.

   But soon, his thoughts were withdrawn. It should be said that this journey is destined to be thrilling and exciting.

   For the third teleportation, even if Bruman has the coordinates, the landscape will inevitably change in the past three hundred years.

   After all, the battle of the legendary powerhouse and the aftermath of the battle of the gods are enough to change the landscape and change the direction of the river.

  It just so happened that the two appeared in the cave where the seventieth-level purple-gold-level boss, the three-headed golden hairy roar.

   Uh, what else can I say? Run quickly.

   Bluman drew his weapon to block, and then told Rainy Night a coordinate.

   After some intense and exciting operation, the two finally escaped.

   The seventh teleport, directly to the 60th-level wolf pack center.

   Uh, isn’t this bad luck?

How to do?

   Fortunately, Bluman had prepared for a long time and took out two low-level invincible scrolls. Although they could only last for one second, they were enough to escape.

   Just like this, although the two have been involved in dangers many times, they were mostly surprised in the end.

   "Master, we may be able to reach the periphery of the Land of Disaster after the last wave of teleportation."

   Bluman wiped off his sweat and tidied up his messy clothes.

  Huh, it can be said that I have experienced ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties on this road. It is not easy to get here.


  Where is the place of trouble? A look of anticipation rose in Yu Ye's heart, and his hand was placed unnaturally around his waist, where the plague collection bag was located.

   The town is in the rear battlefield, and the highest monster level is epic, but the border between the town and the city is different.

   The monsters and major races there are the lowest starting point of gold, and the highest is the gods, which is extremely dangerous.

   Although there are no creatures around the place of trouble in Bruman's impression, and it is still a barren state, it is better to be careful.

   Determine the coordinates and send.

   When the two figures reappeared, Bluman was shocked, his eyes widened, filled with disbelief:

What is this place?

   Yuye’s surprise in her heart is not as serious as Bruman, but doubts also emerge:

Huh? Is this a place of trouble? Didn’t Uncle Bruman say it was deserted? Why is it so lively here? And people come and go?

   The two swallowed their saliva and confirmed: This is a city...

   A city never seen before on a rainy night...

   And at the moment the two appeared outside the city...

  Rainy night and Bluman looked around. The decoration style of the town here is completely different from the one they came into contact with.

   Towns No. 47 and No. 48 have tall walls made up of huge stones, engraved with tedious inscriptions, and people can see that they are very strong at a glance.

   But in the city in front of them, I couldn't see any traces of the wall when I looked around, as if there was no need for a wall here.

   However, there are rows of cyan stones in the place where the city wall should have been originally. Seeing the strong energy fluctuations on it, this should not be a mortal thing, maybe it can act as a city wall.

   There is no city wall, but the buildings in the city are extremely tall. There are almost no buildings lower than twenty stories, and the workmanship is very delicate. Everywhere you can see the details and the carefulness of the workman.

   Very strange, most of the buildings here have no only a huge window, every floor of the building is like this, even the first floor is no exception.

   But most shops still have doors...

   The two looked far away, there were so many buildings that they could not see the end.

   wanted to drive the night pterodactyl into the air, but was told that it could not fly within a kilometer of the city wall, even with wings.

   "Uncle Bruman? Are you sure this is the outskirts of the land of chaos?"

   swallowed a spit on the rainy night, and asked suspiciously.


   Bluman hesitated, unable to speak for a moment.

   He wanted to say that this is not a place of chaos, but he personally input the coordinates. Could it be wrong?

   Uh, did 300 years have made him forget the home coordinates?

   Isn't this insulting his IQ by asking this question?

   Yes, the portal, check the coordinates, it should be wrong.

   Bluman opened the backpack, but was surprised to find that the portal had disappeared, as if it had been erased by some special power.

   "Master, the portal is gone, we..."

   After Bruman finished speaking, a system prompt sounded in Rainy Night’s mind:

  Ding, welcome to the kingdom of wings...

   This reminder sounded three times in Yu Ye's mind...

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