Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 385: Low equipment price

"My lord, you may not understand when you first came here. Gold coins are the most precious thing in the kingdom of wings. The 100 gold coins you gave me earlier. If I frugal enough to survive in the outermost periphery of the kingdom of wings for a year, but if If the identity token is activated, it can only last for ten days;

Many newcomers quickly run out of gold coins as soon as they enter the Wingman Realm, but the next thing is a nightmare, because here you will find that earning a gold coin is more difficult than killing a legendary monster. "

Although Ku Li looked at the hundred gold coins, he was jealous and wanted.

But in the end, reason prevailed, and Shengsheng swallowed a spit to return one hundred gold coins to Bluman.


Bluman understood the meaning of Kuli's words for the first time.

To put it simply, the value of gold coins is very high, and it is not worthwhile to activate identity tokens.

On the rainy night, immediately open the gold coin purchase page and exchange Chinese coins for gold coins.

Ding, do you want to redeem?


Ding, congratulations on your successful exchange for a gold coin.

Ding, the system has detected that you are currently in a special copy, and the daily gold coin exchange limit is one hundred...

The daily limit of 100? Okay.

This winged kingdom seems to be very different from the outside world. Yuye and Bluman looked at each other and decided to experience it for themselves.

"Kuli, holding this hundred gold coins is the reward you deserve."

There is no reason to return the money you took out? Isn't this slapped him in the face?

"You really let me take it?"

Ku Li repeatedly confirmed it and put it in his bag.

A mere hundred gold coins? What is the ink? Must I show you the coffin?

"Kuli? I'll give you two choices now? One is to be our guide, let us get acquainted with this winged kingdom as soon as possible, and I will pay you five hundred gold coins after it's done;

Second, as my servant, I usually inquire about some news and do some errands, so that I will pay you 100 gold coins a month, you choose one. "

"My lord, I am willing to be your guide."

After thinking for a long time, Ku Li said.

As Kuli, who was born in the kingdom of wings, he knew very well that these two men would soon fall to the same fate as him, and it was the reality of making a fortune.

At this moment, he had already seen that the two men had one silver and one dark gold, and if they had no special earning ability, the two of them wouldn't have been at ease for too long.

"it is good."

Bluman respected his decision.

"Take us around first, I will ask you if I don't understand."

With that, the three of them moved around.

Although Yuye didn't understand the deep meaning of Bruman's move, she didn't say anything, but silently followed Ku Li to familiarize herself with the kingdom of people.

"Uncle Bruman? Do you know why we were teleported here?"

Yuye asked inexplicably, clearly he was going to the place of trouble, why did he appear in the kingdom of wings?

"I don't know, it should be a transmission problem."

"Could it be the reason for the portal?"

Yu Ye said softly, after all, Gentle had just touched the portal.

Bruman didn't speak, and he didn't know why.

The mystery of space is that the gods of space dare not say 100% that they can figure it out, let alone them.

"My lord, what we are seeing now is only the outermost periphery of the kingdom of wings, which occupies about one-thousandth of the entire kingdom of wings. In general, there are other dark iron to dark gold levels except for the wingmen. Ethnic group.

Simply put, this is a gathering place for other races defeated by Wingmen, but the strength is relatively low, and the same race does not allow five people to gather and talk. Once discovered, cut it. "

Seeing that Yuye and Bluman were not talking, Ku Li dutifully began to introduce Bluman.

"Huh? If the people living here are of a race other than the Wingers? Why are the houses here not suitable for us to live in?"

Yuye asked the question he most wanted to know.

"Oh, this area was not our place of residence at the beginning, but the garrison of the Yiren. We originally wanted to demolish and rebuild, but we were told that the demolisher would cut it, so we had to do it."

Uh, Ku Li said lightly, but no one can hear the sorrow inside.

Here, weak urine is the original sin.

After listening, Bluman took a breath.

"Isn't this the equivalent of a prison? And it's more terrifying than a prison."

Although Bruman always commanded the three armies, he was still a little frightened when he heard such an introduction.

A word came to his mind: captive...

"Hmm, that's it."

Ku Li smiled miserably, very helpless.

"No one resisted?"

Rainy night interrupted to ask.

"Resistance? Yes, but the participants were all beheaded. The two legendary inspectors you saw earlier have thousands of them at the outermost periphery of the Wing Realm, and there are gods sitting on the inspectors, you Do you think there is something to resist?"

"Without discussing this issue, Kuli, let me ask you, what do you say about the internal areas of this winged kingdom?"

Bluman continued to ask, he knew in his heart that if he wanted to find a way to leave, this outermost area would definitely be useless.

"The entire Wing Kingdom is divided into four regions, like concentric rings. The first layer is the area where we are located. It occupies the smallest area and is called the outermost area. The second layer is called the peripheral area, and the third layer. As the transition area, the fourth layer is the core area.

This is what we all call. We don't know how the Wingers call us, and we don't know what kind of people live in it. "

After listening to Ku Li's introduction, Yu Ye has already modeled the Kingdom of Wings in his mind.

The last three floors are not considered for the first time, none of the buildings in front of you will fall, they will all fall into the eyes of rainy night and form in the mind.



"My lord, this is a forging shop opened by a dark gold forge. Would you like to go in and take a look?"

After walking through a residential area exclusively reserved for Yiren, the three came to the commercial area.

There are various shops here, ranging from black iron screws to dark gold equipment. They are all sold and because of different races and different techniques, etc., Have their own characteristics.

"Dark Gold Grade Blacksmith?"

Bluman took a look at Rainy Night Hope and decided to enter.


When I came to the store and saw the price, the rainy night fell apart.

A dark gold-level bow and arrow produced by a dwarf can only cost three gold coins? Three hundred Chinese coins? Is this a joke?

Huh, the gold-level equipment here is only five silver coins?

It was a little dizzy on rainy night, this place seemed a bit interesting.

Can’t you experiment to be able to mail items? If possible, then he would post it.

Ding, do you want to buy level 30 dark gold equipment-Red Lotus Bow and Arrow?


After the payment of the three gold coins was completed, a smile suddenly appeared on the face of the boss.

But Yuye doesn't care about these, so he just packs it and chooses to mail it to: Changjian Hengge.

Ding, the system has detected that you are in a special space. If you need to post ten times the price of the item, do you want to post it?

? ? ?

Rainy night fell into ecstasy, it could really be...