Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 412: Plague assessment

   It is necessary to know that once the realm of gods appears, it will permanently solidify an ability, and it will not change from now on, but can only be enhanced over time.

   But now Bruman has broken the truth of countless years? And his own strength is still epic?

  Note: Each color represents an ability.

   Bruman’s yellow god’s realm is the most common and common: amplitude, weakening.

   But now there is a strange white?

   What power does white contain? I don’t know the ‘No. 1 Business in the World’.

   This is already his third biggest surprise today, and the degree of surprise is far greater than the previous two.

   This master and servant really brought him a lot of surprises.

   If it's not unsure, the "No. 1 Merchant in the World" would like to capture Bruman as a test object, or sell it directly as a piece of goods.

  He felt a dangerous breath on Bruman's body.

   After returning to normal, Bluman raised his head and looked at "The World's Number One Business", his eyes were full of coldness, silence, and hostility. He had previously sensed a touch of malice.

   Seeing that there is no extra action in the "No.

   Bluman doesn’t know what happened to him? Without thinking about it, he is only worried about the rainy night.

   "If you want to conquer the plague, you must pass the assessment of the plague, and your master should already be in the assessment at this moment."

   ‘No. 1 Business in the World’ thought for a while, and sent the news to Bluman for free.

   can be regarded as a good relationship, he found that he could not see through Bluman.

   "My lord? Do you know my master's situation at the moment? Do you know how to help him?"

   Bluman heard the words of "The World's Number One Business", turned his head and asked, and at the same time took out all his valuable things.

   ‘The World’s No. 1 Quotient’ shines, this guy really has a lot of good things, but he can’t get it:

   "As for the assessment, I heard the plague law once. If you succeed, you will be conquered. If you fail, you will perish. There is no extra choice. As for helping? There is no way, you can only rely on your master."

   Bluman's expression stagnated and he lowered his head.

   But soon he was relieved, he could persevere, there was no reason why the master could not persevere.

   If you know that the master is a disciple of the plague god, how can you not hold on?

   The master will surely succeed.

   No business was done here in a short period of time, and the "No. 1 Merchant in the World" stepped away to find the next customer. He found a lot of rich treasures in this old place.

After    ‘the best business in the world’ left, Bluman sat cross-legged beside the rainy night to protect him.



   After the white plague entered the body, the eyelids of the rainy night became heavier, his consciousness gradually depressed, and he entered an unfamiliar scene.

   This is an unknown place, Yu Ye is sure that he has never been in the future, and there is no impression in his mind.

This is where? Where is the white plague?

  Ding, you have entered a special scene, please look for the plague-white confusion.

If    succeeds, it leaves this scene...

   Failure is always trapped in this scene...

   Time: unlimited.

   Rainy night's consciousness was floating in the sky, like light and fluttering gas, and his eyes were full of doubts, but when he heard such a system prompt, he quickly recovered his clarity, carefully looking at the surrounding scenes.

   It turns out that this white plague is called: Baizhu? It's really appropriate.

   At night, there is only a bright moon in the sky, shining on the earth with its selfless brilliance, dispelling a little bit of darkness.

   The surrounding environment on a rainy night seems to have been cleaned, and nothing exists.

   There are no clouds, no life, no breath.

   looked down:

   Under the white and flawless moonlight stands a city, an ancient and mysterious city.

   was floating too high to see clearly, and the rainy night controlled his body to descend for a certain distance.

  The closer the distance, the bigger the rainy night's eyes, the more shocked and incredible in my heart.

   This city, rainy night cannot think of words to describe it.

   The vastness and the majestic extremely.

   This is no longer a city, but a majestic miracle.

   The city wall made of simple yellow bricks is like a pillar supporting the sky, almost connected to the sky.

   Even if the rainy night is high in the sky, I can overlook, but I can't see the whole city.

   It is no exaggeration to say that this city can accommodate hundreds of millions of people.

   Behind the city wall, there are countless buildings, both high and short, scattered infinitely.

   Rainy night swallowed subconsciously? Baihuo must be in the city below.

   But want to find a plague in such a big city? Isn't this a foolish dream? Is it the same as finding a needle in a haystack?

   settled down, took a deep breath in the rainy night and recovered his fighting spirit, a fire of hope ignited in his eyes.

   As long as the plague is in this city, he will be able to find it.

   People have to have confidence in themselves. Once they lose their confidence, that person will also be abandoned.

   A city gate was found on a rainy night, and he entered it with his head up and his chest high.

   Step in, the form of rainy night will be transformed from consciousness into entity, directly starting the evil mode, turning the black energy outside the body into a rising black dragon, wanting to go straight into the sky.

  He wants to tell the wisp of the plague and Baihui: He...coming...

   In terms of momentum alone, the white plague has fallen to the lower level.

   But looking for one hiding in this huge city, one bright and one dark, rainy night still suffers.

   He has observed at high altitude, there is no figure in this like a dead prison.

   Step into the first building, the first room.

   had knocked on the door before rainy night, but there was no answer.

   In order to complete the task, Rainy Night weighed in and chose to enter.

   The first room, nothing was found.

   There are no figures, but the items in the room are kept intact, and there is no dust falling, as if someone is cleaning it every day.

   pushed aside the second room, glanced at it, and squatted on the ground with a scared buttocks on the rainy night, a warm current flowed from his legs;

   Yuye’s eyes were full of panic, struggling to move outward; her red lips moved slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but she could not make any sound.

   But at this moment, the arms don't seem to be his arms, and the legs don't seem to be his legs. He can't move at all, his body trembles unnaturally, and his breathing becomes rapid.

   He was scared, and he was extremely scared.

   Looking along the rainy night, the items in this room are neat and spotless, but there are a few corpses lying crookedly on the ground, no, not corpses, but dry corpses.

These corpses still maintained a variety of expressions such as horror, pain, and uncomfortable expressions during their lifetime. Some strangled their throats as if they were about to choke themselves; some held sharp daggers in their hands and pierced them into their chests; I want to open the door and run out, but the screen freezes.

   Rainy night opened the door, raised his head, just facing the corpse that was less than three centimeters away from him, and scared to pee.