Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 413: Comprehend Plague Mage Level 2: Fear

After a long time, Yu Ye only recovered, able to control his body, and quickly exited the room.

After    quit, he vomited out with a vomit on the rainy night, tears in his eyes.

   What he saw just now was true. It was a family who died. From an old man in his seventies to an eight-year-old child, no one was spared.

   The tremor became more serious, and his breathing became more rapid. The whole person was lost and lost, and his eyes seemed to be mentally retarded.

   He closed his eyes and wanted to forget the previous picture, but the picture was like a tarsal maggot, which was firmly imprinted on his mind and could not be dispelled.

   Closing eyes not only has no effect, on the contrary, it becomes clearer, vomiting, and retching again on rainy night.

   What happened here? What caused the death of the originally happy family? And is it painful to death?

   It took a full half an hour before the rainy night's mood calmed down.

   He did not choose to leave, but chose to resist the discomfort in his chest and enter this room again. He wanted to figure out the reason behind all this.

  I saw it once, although rainy night was still scared, but he didn't pee his pants.

   entered the room sideways, watching the traces and clues left by them.

   has been busy for more than an hour, and got nothing on rainy night.

   He had no choice but to enter the third room. After searching for another half an hour, he walked out of the building dejectedly on the rainy night.

   The first building has nothing to gain except for peeing pants.

   The second building, enter.

   The same is the same in the first room, but when I walked into the second room on the rainy night, I was shocked again, and the whole person collapsed on the ground again.

   The scene here is even more terrifying than the previous room...

   Two people committed suicide in the first room, and the other three were killed by inexplicable factors.

   Although afraid, it is acceptable.

   But in this room...

   The man with thick bones pressed the thin woman under him and cut her neck to end her life; the woman's sharp edge also entered the man's chest.

   Looking at the figures of other people again, there are also huge wounds on the neck.

   A man killed a family? Then was killed by a woman?

   Such a scene appeared in Yuye's mind...

   No, it’s wrong, the man’s face reveals a deep sadness; while the woman’s face shows relief and a smile?

family? Why is it so? What happened?

   Yu Ye Xin... messed up, inexplicably upset...

   Didn’t you mean looking for the plague-Baihuo? Why is there such a scene?

  Is this Baihou deliberately creating to hinder the rainy night? Or is there something hidden?

   After searching in this room for a while, he left on a rainy night with nothing.

   The third building, the same family including guests all died.

   They die in the same way, even their expressions are almost the same.

  The fourth, fifth, sixth...

   After watching the scenes in these buildings, I don’t know how many times I vomited...

  He saw all kinds of death methods and miserable ways...

   Yu Ye’s heart came up with a bold thought: These people were all killed by the plague-Bai Huo. Because they were too painful before they died, they asked the people beside them to end their lives.

   The idea emerged, and it lingered.

   In order to demonstrate this idea, Yu Ye forced his nausea and continued to open the room.

   After five hours, he searched nearly a hundred buildings and finally determined what he thought of.

   His guess is correct.

   Yuye was timid and scared...

   Could it be said that all the lives in this magnificent city were ended by white deception?

   If this is really the case? How terrible is this plague?

   Although Yuye’s profession is a plague mage, when he really saw the power of the plague, he was scared.

   Continue searching the room...

   Day and night alternate...

   One day, two days, three days, ten days...

   entered nearly ten thousand buildings on rainy nights for ten days and saw the misery of countless families.

   Rainy night has been shocked, shuddered, and scared to urinate from the beginning, and turned into a slightly calmer, vomiting from time to time.

  He grew up very fast...

   But the more I look at, the more fear in Yuye’s heart, the more things I think about in my mind.

   twenty days, thirty days, fifty days, one hundred days...

  Time goes by, and the number of death scenes in my head on rainy nights keeps increasing.

   One hundred days, he walked through about one hundred thousandth of the buildings in this city.

   He is a little numb...

   Two hundred days, three hundred days, four hundred days, six hundred days...

   Nearly two years passed, and the rainy night opened the door like a machine, looking for clues.

   As time goes by, he has not gone mad, but his heart has become cold, his eyes have changed, the innocence within slowly disappeared, and replaced by indifference, which is indifference to life, but from time to time he can still see the colorful emotions in it.

   At this moment, he looked at the scene of death again, and his heart was already calm.

   As if the person in front of him is no longer a person, but a cold object.

   Compared with two years ago, his mood has changed drastically.

   But it's not enough...

   three years, four years, five years...

   If it were in reality, the rainy night would have reached the teenage years.

   But this is a game. Although his age hasn't grown, his mind has skyrocketed.

   "White confusion, come out, all this is fake, I have sensed your position."

   Floating in the sky with closed eyes on rainy night, although he is not very old, he is like a wise wise man, with an inexplicable meaning.

   It clearly exists in the sky, but it gives people the feeling of nothingness.

The black energy on    was originally a rising black dragon, but now it is like a calm lake, rippling around the rainy night. U U Reading

he's changed.....

   If the Plague Mage appears at this moment, you will find that Yu Ye successfully comprehend and opened the second stage of the Plague Mage: Fear.

  Fear is not the fear of the plague mage himself, but the fear and trembling of countless creatures.

   Even the plague itself is no exception, you have to surrender.

   Plague mage, control the plague, not be dominated by it.

   Rainy night’s mind sounded countless system prompts, and received countless rewards, just like comprehending'hate' a few years ago.

   Seeing Baihuo indifferent, refused to appear.

   He took a deep breath in the rainy night, opened his eyes, a little black gas flashed in it, and he moved.

   Without the slightest obstruction, he flew straight towards Baihuo's position.

   Bai Huo still wants to hide, but Yu Ye has already taken action.

   The black energy emitted by himself quietly separated, transformed into a cage and captured the white plague.

   Baihuo still want to struggle? But it was doomed to no avail.

   was forcibly dragged back into Yuye's body by the black chain...

  The white bewildered into the body, the rainy night suddenly felt black and strong, and at the same time a terrifying skill laid the foundation, but due to insufficient numbers, this terrifying skill could not be formed.

   Now that I have found it, then this space should also end...

   "Go away."

   On the rainy night, Zhu's lips moved slightly, spit out a few words, and then the whole space began to shatter, and his consciousness was returning. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow "Hot Netwen or rdww444" on WeChat and talk about favorite books with more book friends