Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 421: Clear the heroic Ice and Fire dungeon

After dozens of failures like this, Yuye finally stopped cooking, holding his chin in his hand and looking at it not far away, thinking carefully.

   What's the secret in this?

   Is it possible to get a plague in the game? Increased plague degree? Can it affect the outside world and restore the outside world to normal?

   Disappeared in the game/healed in reality? Are the two opposite?

   This is a bold guess.


   Why can things in the game affect the outside world? This thought suddenly popped out of the rainy night in deep thought.

   As soon as this thought came out, Yuye shuddered all over, her eyes widened and she couldn't believe it.

   Right, this is obviously a game? how is this possible?

   Not right, why can't it be reality that has affected the game.

  Where did the curse of your own skill come from? It seems to come with it?

   How do you explain this?

   Is it possible that in reality, I am a plague physique?

   For an instant, Yu Ye's brain became a mass of paste.

   One question, think of another question, in the end there are a lot of questions, but none of them have the answer.

   The rainy night is trapped, very trapped.

   From ten o'clock in the morning, rainy night to sit until noon.

   There is still a mess in his mind, and he can't figure it out.

   "Young Master? What are you thinking about?"

   Bluman noticed the rainy night and asked.

   Speaking on rainy night, he told Bluman about his doubts.

"Young Master, there is nothing to entangle, whether it is reality affecting the game? Or the game affecting reality, you are all you, you have to remember that you are in charge of all this, this is your body, you must be able to figure out, Figure it out."

   After hearing what Bruman said, Yu Ye's heart became more confused.

   He felt like he had grasped something, but he felt vague.

"Master? Remember, you are a disciple of the plague law god, and you are a unique plague mage. Nothing can crush you. If you can't figure it out, just don't think about it. Why bother yourself? I believe that As time goes by, all secrets will be invisible."

   Bluman continued to persuade him, he didn't want the rainy night to sink like this.

   "Don't think about it? The unique plague mage? The plague mage?"

   Yuye repeated these words over and over again.

   In the next instant, a picture suddenly appeared in his mind:

   In the picture is a young man who is definitely not more than twenty-five years old, with sword eyebrows and stars, and his whole body exudes a sword-like aura.

   looks like a handsome man, but the environment he is in is unpleasant.

  A confined space, a lonely single bed, tied hands and feet, painful expressions.

   The man was screaming, as if suffering from some pain.

  , the man fell into a coma with the most horrible cry.

  The picture stops abruptly...

   This scene suddenly appeared in his mind, causing the rainy night to stagnate, and his head was in a state of shutdown on the spot.

  Why does this picture appear in my mind? Who is the man in the picture? Why does he have a familiar feeling?

  What has he experienced? Why are you bound? Why is there such a scream.

  Is there any other pictures in my mind? If there is? Can it be connected?

  What does this picture represent? Yu Ye didn't know, but there was a light in his heart that was lit up, and he grasped the aura.

   He firmly believes that this should be the breakthrough.

   If this mystery can be solved, then all the mysteries must be solved.

  Rainy night is like a machine, quickly searching his mind and exploring his memory.

   This was originally an impossible thing, but for rainy night, it is not difficult.

Ok? Why can't I find the scene just now? As if it was not his memory?

   Yuye struggled to restore the scene just now, but he was surprised to find that everything was forgotten.

   A few minutes later, he completely forgot about the scene in his mind, as if it had never appeared before.

   "Huh? What are you doing? Uncle Bruman is right. If you can't figure it out, don't think about it. Time will answer everything."

   The memory of rainy night returned to this moment, and the knot was temporarily resolved.

   Let's continue cooking.




   The rainy night without thinking about these trivial matters has a high success rate.

   In the town of No. 48, gentle and gentle grandparents emerged.

   "Let's go, let's start to hunt monsters."

   Although everyone has been offline for three days, the heroic Ice and Fire dungeon is still uncleared.

   The team of people who had a strong pass last time seemed to have disappeared, and the record stopped at passing the hero-level ice copy and fire copy.

   The upgrade must be a dungeon, and the five soon came to the ice and fire dungeon.

   "You said? Are the people who cleared the heroic ice and fire dungeons still? Why not continue?"

   "Maybe they tried but failed."

   Someone in front of the copy gives the most reliable answer.

   "I don't believe it, I think it should be something at home."

   "What about him? Can you enter the Ice and Fire dungeon?"

   "Go in, can you not go in? Wait."

   The shock this group of people brought to the players was too great, and there were still many people discussing this matter until three days later.



   "Hey, it's a pity that the demigod followers can't enter this ice and fire instance, otherwise Gentle must be the first one to clear the level."

   gently puffed up his cheeks, raised a small fist, and said fiercely, as if he was very angry with the person who cleared the hero level dungeon.

   "Haha, it's okay to be gentle, we will definitely be able to get through this time, but the five of us will definitely not, we have to find a few people."

   The old Zhangtou smiled comfortingly, and then posted an invitation to Come, clear the hero-level copy, fools don't enter. "



   "There's a fool here, look."

   The slogan posted by Lao Zhangtou immediately caused a crowd of people to watch.

   "Heroic dungeon? Clear the level? Who do you think you are?"

   Various mocking voices swarmed, mocking Lao Zhangtou mercilessly.

   "Look at their equipment? Level? Just want to clear the hero-level copy? If this can be cleared, I will write my name upside down."

   "Hehe, they can make me eat ten catties live broadcast."



   No one is optimistic about this team, thinking that they will not only die or die.

   After painful lessons time and time again, Lao Zhang and others have learned their skills.

   Everyone walking on the street wore a set of tattered equipment to avoid the peeping of others, while entering the dungeon was another, luxurious equipment.

   Therefore, the five people in the eyes of everyone are like this: a piece of ragged equipment, not as long as a master, and low level.

   Can someone like this pass?

   Isn’t this a great joke in the world?

   The old man opened his head and shook his mouth, completely disregarding such ridicule.

   A few minutes later, five inconspicuous players joined the team, and Old Zhang's head flashed into the instance.

   "Huh? Do you think the girl looked gentle before?"

   "What's it like? It's her obviously, since she is here? What about rainy night?"