Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 422: Legend: China Association

"Do you think they can pass the level? I think they have a 50% chance of clearing the ice dungeon."

  With gentle support, some people are puzzled, but it is only limited to the heroic copy of Ice.

   After all, Gentle is not only a huge milk supply, but also has two extremely scary pets.

   The moment when the golden light was showing great power, they all saw it in their eyes.

   One golden light is scary enough, let alone two?

   Someone had already suspected that the gentle pet was the fifth-level BOSS Silver Bear, but it was just an evolution.

   But now both ends appear at the same time? Can't explain it at all.

   The rumors are self-defeating.

   And now their average level is close to 30, why do they need the reward of level five?

   Anyone at level 30 can see the things in the fifth level dungeon, some pediatric toys.

   Uh, he would definitely refute this sentence if he let Yuye see it.

   The things that he and others took from the fifth-level copy, even the gods were jealous.

   This person believes that the ice dungeon will be 50-50 if it is softly added, but a heroic ice and fire combination dungeon? No play, ten gentle and no play.

  "Impossible, even with a powerful support, they will not be able to pass the level. Don’t you know that the first guild in the mainland of the final chapter worthy of the name-China has announced:

   The heroic Ice and Fire dungeon is not a dungeon that can be cleared at this stage. At least it needs epic equipment or special props to pass the level. It is too scary. "

   "Since the China Association has spoken, then I agree, they cannot pass the customs."

   A certain fanatic of the China Guild said with scarlet eyes.

   "Huh? Has China come to life again?"

   The players in a certain group of people exclaimed, their faces full of disbelief.

   Huaxia Guild, this is an eternal legend, an immortal legend, a guild that has created countless myths.

The game will go bankrupt over time, NPC will die as the plot advances, but the Huaxia Guild will never fall, never bow his head, he will only stand at the forefront forever, looking down ruthlessly like a giant The creatures under their feet bring endless pressure to them.

   is actually evident from his domineering name.

   China Association, this represents the face of China, who would dare to name such a name without the strength of No.1.

   Simply, they are worthy of the name, worthy of the title.

   There are many stories about China Association...

  The most famous and scariest among them is:

   Three consecutive online games before the final chapter, nearly twelve years, their dungeon clearance rate, damage conversion rate, number of kills, and the number of times they won glory for the country are all on the top of the list.

   is in sharp contrast with the second place. The gap is like a sky and a ground; it is like a firefly and the brilliance of the sun and the moon.

   As soon as China Guild came out, other guilds automatically became affiliated.

  Because of the existence of China, how many guilds are destined to be obscured only by the light, as dull as dead stars, unable to show their talents, and depressed;

  Because of the existence of China, the state of Megatron, and all nations came to Korea, foreign enemies did not dare to invade China, and the talk changed;

  Because of the existence of Huaxia, the game planners whitened their sideburns and boiled their hair out, increasing the difficulty of the game again and again, trying to get them stuck outside the door and lose their face.

   But there was no success, remember, no success.

   It has been a month since the final chapter was opened. Huaxia did not show up, but today I got news from Huaxia...

   How can this not be shocking, how can it not be moved, how can it not be remembered?

   "Are you telling the truth? When did the China Association release the news?"

   A certain player asked uncertainly, frowned, thinking that he didn't believe the news.

   "I don't believe it either. After all, there has been no news since the opening of the server. Many people have guessed that China Association has withdrawn from online games. This sudden release of news is not highly credible."

   "In the beginning, I was as unwilling to believe it as you were, until I watched this video."

   As he said, the players in the crowd explained to everyone that a video screen was projected on the street, which showed the figures of the Chinese Guild and the scene of their copy of the ice and fire.

   The players on the street suddenly came humming around, but they were watching silently, and no one spoke.

   "Could it be that some clowns deliberately imitated it? I don't think this operation is like a god, I can type it out."

   looked around, someone questioned.

   "I don't think it's the same either. This operation is far worse than the fat man. How could it be those people?"

   Fat and Thin Er stupidly came over and looked at the screen to make a sound, exposing them mercilessly.

   The senior executives of the Huaxia Guild are familiar with the fat and thin, but none of the ten people on the video screen.

   This must be fake, I didn't run away.

   "True or false, although the names of these people have preempted the names of the senior leaders of the China Association, the operation is far away."

   Unknowingly, Changjian Henge also came here, and after seeing this video, he expressed his opinion.

   After confirming the true and false, the Fat and Thin Er left in sorrow, Changjian Henge shook his head and turned away. Seeing this, the other crowd also dispersed.

   Just kidding, the fat and thin two silly are first-rate masters, can you know the great **** of China Association? They can be trusted.

   Even if they are dizzy? Changjian Hengge will not lie too.

"let's go."

   Although the video is real, the content inside is fake.

   But even so, it is inevitable that everyone will cherish the memory of the China Association.

   After three months, the top players within China are sure that the intercontinental battle will start next.

  In the past intercontinental battles, there was the command of the China Association, and everyone was invincible, but this year...

  Can China still be crushed? Can we still raise the prestige of our country?

   China Association, show up quickly, we need you.

   Although there is no news of China’s entry into the final chapter, everyone believes that China’s Guild must be hidden somewhere and it will surely lead China to glory again.



   "Don't think so much, the Ice and Fire dungeon is already a thing of the past, hurry up and eat, and the mount dungeon will open at 1 o'clock in the afternoon."

   "Mount dungeon? I have to look at the introduction. What is this for?"

   "Raise the level of the mount, hurry up and eat, or you won't be able to catch up with the first wave."



   After entering the dungeon, the old Zhang head looked at the newly added, some strange players beside him, he hehe smiled, and said arrogantly:

   "Tell you that I am a hidden profession, a rogue swordsman, an absolute bull X, an absolute sorrow, don't hold me back, if someone is really too bad, I can only perform the duties of the captain and kick you out of the team."

   With these words, the old Zhang's nose was almost up to the sky, and he looked like a goddess and my second.

   To put it simply, it's an expression of a beating.