Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 434: Spike the gods

Yu Ye didn't worry at all, as if it wasn't him who had killed more than a hundred winged men, and the infinite fierce light appeared on his body, and walked in boldly and confidently.

   Bluman followed and saw the two gods behind the rainy night, his legs softened suddenly, and he dared not go forward for a while, trying to discourage the rainy night from leaving.

  What a joke, these are two gods, and they are senior gods.

   Looking at the swaying movement of the rainy night, Bluman thought that he was cold, and he must be taken down. The two people's disguise could not be hidden from the gods, not to mention the distance so close.

How to do? I can't even run by myself, and I definitely can't run with my master.

How to do? How to do? Is it possible to die?

   Bluman sweated out of surprise, and started thinking wildly.

   Forget it, let's fight it, even if you die, you have to save the young master.

  Ah, Bruman shouted to embolden himself, drew out his weapons and wanted to fight.

Huh? what's the situation? Young Master, wait for me.

   Bluman coughed slightly, put away his weapons and ran to look for rainy night.

   Uh, a bit embarrassing.

   After the two left, the two gods gathered together and discussed in a low voice, for fear of being heard by others.

   "This man is not a fool, right?"

   "I also think it's a bit like, scared me, what a ghost jackal howling in broad daylight."

   The next moment the squad leader passed by, the two winged gods immediately stopped discussing, and stood straight to do their job.



  The third floor of the Wing Man Kingdom, rainy night entered it for the first time.

   The first floor is the place where the defeated race lives, allowing them to survive.

   The second floor is where a part of Winged NPC and countless players live.

   The third floor is where the Wingmen race lives, and even Wingmen players cannot enter, and Bruman and Bruman came in on a rainy night today.

  Every building here is a tall palace, a palace of the gods, and the word luxury is completely indescribable;

   Each palace of the gods covers a huge area, and it took ten minutes to walk on a rainy night before passing the area of ​​a palace.

  Walking on the street, winged NPCs can be seen everywhere. From babies to twilight, everyone is greeted.

  Using the wisdom eye technique, Yu Ye was surprised to find that the baby NPC should have the lowest strength, but the rank reached Zijin.

   The more I look at it, the more surprised it is. The Zijin rank seems to be the lowest level here. I take a look at the middle-aged wingman next to him, the god, and one more, he is still a god.

  嚯, gods are everywhere, legends are not as good as dogs.

   There are many winged people on the street, crowded, but most of them have their wings folded, which is similar to normal humans.

  Note: Gods are immortal. From ancient times to the present, the number of wingmen that have reproduced is beyond your imagination.

   There are many shops on both sides of the street, and the things they sell are even more weird, and the people coming and going are very lively.

   Yuye just stepped into the third floor, and felt hostile eyes and unkind smiles from countless winged people.

   A group of god-level wingmen stared at their companions and surrounded Rainy Night and Bruman in the circle, showing their weapons and glaring.

   In order to avoid the rainy night and Bruman's violent and wounding people, some gods transferred all the babies and young wingers to protect them.

  Note: No matter how many winged NPCs are killed, the murderer will be surrounded by countless fierce lights. As long as the winged sees it, he can find it.

   "Brother? Kill my winged human brother? Still dare to enter the third floor? I have to admire your courage."

   A certain spirit wing man showed his wings behind him, opened the domain, and took out a bow and arrow at Yu Ye's head.

   On a rainy night, Bluman suddenly noticed the pressure coming from the depths like prison.

   Kaka, the sound of dislocation and cracking of bones sounded, the waist of the rainy night was suddenly bent, and bloodshots leaked from under the skin.

  Note: With so many gods' realms, the plague magic **** hidden in the backpack is not immune to all, after all, he is just a clone.

  Although it is under great pressure, as a disciple of the plague law god, Yu Ye did not allow himself to bend over and lower his head. The next second he endured the pain of bone collapse, and Yu Ye raised his head and straightened his waist.

   Bluman was oppressed to open the domain, but it is difficult to support it alone. How can a domain be compared with dozens of domains?

  噗, Bruman spit out a big mouthful of blood, his face suddenly pale.

   He suffered far more damage than rainy night...

   originally thought that there would be no danger when entering the third floor, so on rainy night, he put the token sent by "Wing" into the backpack.

   But he is locked by the realm at this moment, he cannot move, and the token cannot be taken out.

   Are you going to die here with Uncle Bluman?

   I can be resurrected, but what about Uncle Bluman?

   Think of a way, think of a way quickly.

   "Uncle Bruman? Do you have legendary equipment?"

   I can’t move, but it’s okay to speak.

  Yes, Bruman endured the pain of his whole body and put a piece of legendary equipment in Yuye's hands.

   This is what you forced me...


  Please God...

   After the skill was released, Yuye felt his body lighten, as if he had broken free of some shackles, and the domain's suppression on it was zero.

   After that, Yuye felt that her control over her body had dropped to the extreme, and then she could not control her limbs.

  The rainy night at this moment opens up the perspective of God, watching my every move.

   This feeling is amazing...

   is here, the teaching dedicated to the plague **** is coming. Don’t blink, don’t blink.

Huh? White confusion?

  Plague Magic God was slightly shocked, and then raised his hand, there was a sound, and white smoke appeared at his fingertips out of thin air.

Ok? It turns out that Baihuo's structure is like this. UU Reading

   raised his right hand, snapped his fingers, and another cloud of confusion emerged.

   Papa, a sound emerged, and hundreds of white confusion appeared on Yu Ye's body.

  嚯, I've been watching the rainy night, what is this operation?

   can't understand at all, can't figure it out, teacher? Can you slow down? It's better to explain it to me.

   Rainy night’s heartfelt voice, the plague magic **** obviously can’t hear it.

   Although Baihuo is smoke, it spreads very fast, like a sharp arrow shot, spraying out in all directions.

  The white bewilderment entered the body, the skill hit, and the many gods besieging the rainy night suddenly stagnated, turning into a sculpture motionless, and the painful expression on their face also condensed.

  Time freezes at this moment...

   Yu Ye's mouth had a wicked smile, and he didn't care about the strangeness beside him, striding forward like an indomitable demon king.

  The other wingmen are dumbfounded, what's the situation? Don't you want to fight? Why are you stuck in place?

   "Ali, Ali, what's wrong with you?"

   A female winged **** keenly perceives something wrong, walks forward and touches the body named Ali. With a snap, Ali's body suddenly fell to the ground and turned into dust.

   The breath that belonged to him disappeared.

   "Ali, Ali."

   The wingwoman screamed fiercely, trying to keep her husband, but she couldn't help it.

   "I spelled it with you."

  The female wingman looked at Yu Ye’s back, waving her wings behind her, and sending a fatal blow.

   However, she quickly followed Ali's footsteps and disappeared into dust.