Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 443: Connect 6 levels

The strength of a body has no use at all, and it is completely impossible to display.

Just after the rainy night killed'Hu Ge' in seconds, the three-layer spirit card closest to the ground trembled slightly, and there seemed to be spiritual communication within it.

"Secondly kill'Hu Ge'? What is the origin of this kid? Why is it so scary?"

A mysterious wave exudes from a certain spirit card.

Other existences residing in the spirit card can be heard, but the rainy night can't feel it at all.

"Seeing his skills should belong to the Plague Mage family."

The answer given by a certain spirit card after careful observation.

"Who is the leader of this generation? Why did you put such a plague **** in? Isn't this a nonsense?"

"Forget it, since the leader let him in, it's good for us to do our job well."

"Look at this kid's good fortune, see which level he can pass."

The old consciousness in the spirit card communicated briefly, and finally reluctantly recognized this fact.

"Hu Ge? Can giving you a full set of equipment defeat it? Do you have the confidence to wash away your shame?"


"Then you are ready and continue to attack."



The vibration of the spirit card disappeared, and the system prompt sounded:

Ding, congratulations for successfully beheading "Hu Ge" and completing the first level.

Ding, the reward will be sealed and will be issued depending on the level of final clearance...

Ding, the second level is about to proceed, please prepare for the challenger.

Brush, the wing man'Hu Ge' was called out again.

But this time he has a full set of equipment on his body, such as a fine-gold wingman suit and a dark-gold wingman long sword.

The Winged Kingdom is a miniaturized final chapter continent. Although there is only the Winged Race, this race can be transferred to any of the top ten professions.

Warriors, wizards, archers, hunters, etc...

What appeared before the rainy night at this moment was a fully armed soldier with a thick anger in his eyes.

Warriors, the more anger points, the more terrifying.

"Boy prepare to die."

The Wingman'Hu Ge' attacked again, his speed improved a bit.

"Hello, I want to ask? Can I refresh my skills after the battle? If not, I don't need all my strength."

Yu Ye asked in a dazed after stepping away from the attack of the winged man.

At this moment, Yuye is also fully armed, and his attributes are not a bit higher than that of "Hu Ge".

Wing-man'Hu Ge' only felt that he had been severely insulted when he heard this, his sword was heavier and faster.

"Why are you so impolite?"

Yu Ye was a little angry, and the movements on her hands became a little heavier.

Oh, really stupid, don’t you know if the previous skills are refreshed or not?

In the course of the battle, the rainy night flashed, and he patted his forehead.

Hey, fighting against this big silly man must have lowered his IQ.

Such actions and expressions fell in the eyes of the wing man'Hu Ge', and immediately made him furious.

Look down on people so much?

Do you dare to be distracted when fighting with me?

Dare to make extra moves?

Dare to show a mocking look on me?

See how I teach you to be a man...

Scurrying,'Hu Ge' took out twelve points of vigor and strenuously attacked Yuye.




The damage is higher than the other, but he suddenly discovered that after so long, he only knocked out the bloodskin of Yuye?

what's the situation.

Looking away from the distance, Yu Ye was looking at him with interest, her eyes as if she was looking at a clown.

"Hu Ge" felt that his chest was about to be **** off by the rainy night.

Is he a second-tier god? But he is the proud son of heaven, but a member of the Winged Human Race who has been given high hopes.

But now it has been mocked by challengers again and again? Contempt again and again...

Continue to attack...

"Hu Ge" didn't want to give up, he wanted to maintain his dignity, he wanted to kill the rainy night.

He panicked...

However, at the moment when the attack of ‘Hu Ge’ was about to fall on the rainy night, the rainy night turned into a phantom and disappeared.

If you look closely, you can find two afterimages behind the rainy night.

The waning moon shadow's technique was completely unknown to Yuye, but under such circumstances, he used his high-stakes attributes to force it forward.

The previously released skills have been cooled down, and the rainy night is immediately relieved, and the three amplitude skills are activated, and the attributes are increased by seventeen times.

The blight of the crowd, the raging flu, the plague light, and the plague runner, all the skills greet ‘Hu Ge’.

A few seconds later, the sickle of good and evil appeared on the neck of ‘Hu Ge’, swiping it lightly, attacking the weakness.


'Hu Ge' died...

Returning to the spirit card again,'Hu Ge' suddenly closed himself.

He was completely incapable of exerting his strength in the face of Rainy Night. In this previous battle, he did not even exert one-fifth of his strength.

Many operations cannot be done for attributes that are directly reduced by half.

Frustrated, really frustrated.

The spirit card trembles again and communicates.

Most of them are mocking the incompetence of ‘Hu Ge’...

"Hu Ge" can also be heard, but he has no choice but to turn off the acceptance system and immerse himself in his own world.

Ding, congratulations on completing the second level.

Ding, the reward has been sealed.

Ding, the third level is about to begin, please prepare for the challenger.

Ding, the opponent in the third level is Pinnacle Gold...

Uh, it's not challenging.

Again, it was melee combat at first.

Yuye activates all the amplitude skills, releases the blight of the group and reduces its attributes, and it hits his forehead with a violent beating.

After five seconds, it turns into white light and returns to the spirit card. third level is completed...

The reward is sealed, the fourth level, the pinnacle gold wingman with all the equipment.

The wingman who had been beaten by the rainy night roared and rushed forward again.

Twenty times the amplitude, the bane of the crowd...

Even if he is a fully armed pinnacle gold-level wingman, he can only smash into the sand.

Thirty seconds later...

Pass the fourth level...

The fifth level opens, two peak gold-level wingmen...

A warrior, an archer, the warrior resists damage in the front, and the archer hides behind to output, perfect coordination.

For such a combination, Yuye smiled honestly, the group disaster spread, and the attributes of both were reduced by half.

Nihility came to the archer's side...

A set of combo moves it directly, the remaining fighters? After persisting for thirty seconds, the same died.

In the five years of Baihui Space, there was no waste in rainy night.

Killing NPCs of the same level is not a problem at all for Yuye.

Especially he also possesses the bane of magical skills.

He doesn't pay attention to bosses higher than Yuye, and can kill, let alone npcs of the same level.

The difference in attributes between the adamantine-level npc and the gold-level boss is a bit big.

"Impossible, why can't two heavily armed and the same rank behead it?"

An old voice in the spirit card was shocked.

"I understand, it's not that we are too poor, but that our strength is too severely restricted."

"Yes, we are wingmen, but we don't let us lift off, so we lose 50% of our ability. It is reasonable for the challenged to be aggressive."

The analysis of the two was reasonable, and they were immediately approved by everyone. 14