Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 445: Hidden job transfer-double-winged winger

Suddenly the shaman's lightning strikes and chains of lightning appeared in the air, appearing on the rainy night's face.

You can't change your body shape in the air, you can only be beaten in the rainy night.

Not only the shaman, but also the explosive heroic skills of archers and wizards exploded one after another, targeting the rainy night in the sky.

Yuye was dumbfounded, why could they break the nihilization? Can you accurately capture your position?

This is not scientific, not scientific at all.

Yu Ye's figure was suddenly exposed and appeared, and the archer Wing Ren shot the Overlord Arrow, which was shot into the soul.

The rainy night was too late to react, so I was stunned for three seconds...

Three seconds? Ten peak gold? With Yuye's current blood volume, he absolutely couldn't hold it.

Swish swish, countless skills fell on Yuye's body like raindrops.




In an instant rainy night's blood volume was reduced by one-fifth, let alone a full three seconds.

Don't panic on the rainy night, directly activate ‘hate’ for attribute amplitude.

The five-fold amplitude increased the blood volume of the rainy night, and at the same time relieved the dizziness, the whole person ran away at a very fast speed.

Note: Activating ‘Hate’ can remove the control effect, which was discovered accidentally on Rainy Night.

The attribute has been doubled by five times, and the speed of the rainy night has increased sharply, able to avoid a third of the attacks, but there are still some attacks that can predict his location and cause damage to it.

Rainy night is very irritable.

He was completely crushed and beaten, and could not find any chance to fight back.

If you want to hit close, you will be controlled by the control skill, and the blood volume will be reduced by one percent.

I stretched the distance and wanted to consume, but before consuming much blood, the priest and the restoration of virtue returned their blood to full.

Long-range and short-range are ineffective, and rainy nights are uncomfortable.

No, you have to stop the priest first.

This kind of thought has been in my heart on the rainy night all the time.

No, it's not right, I have to figure out why they can capture my figure first?

Otherwise, even if the nihilism is close to the body, it will be detected, I am afraid it will return without success.

Archer, mage...

The rainy nights are filtered one by one, and one by one, we want to find the reason.


After watching for a long time, rainy night found a small detail.

Before these people attacked, there was always a slight pause, as if they were receiving some information.

The priest has a pause, the warlock has a pause, the archer has a pause...

Ok? The headed wingman without any profession did not stop, did not move at all, just stared at the rainy night with his eyes.

Yuye seems to understand something...

These people should be under the command of this person before they can predict with extreme precision.

Experiment, the rainy night enters nihilization again.

This time, he put all his mind on the head of the winged man.

After ten seconds, Yuye confirmed his thoughts.

Sure enough, it is him, he is the core of the team, a person who can see his actions.

Now that the culprit has been found, Rainy Night will naturally not show mercy.

When the evil mode is activated, the black aura on the rainy night rises instantly, covering his face like a demon from hell.

Ten people were a little surprised, and then they saw an astonishing scene.

Yuye was neither humble nor overbearing, and was completely undefended. He raised his hand and launched a qiāng-like skill, the target headed wingman.

The leader felt the threat of death, and asked the priest and Jiande to brush his blood, and at the same time let the wingmen of other professions stand in front of him to block the damage...

However, a flu raging reduced his blood volume by 10%.

Five levels are enough to kill him in seconds, not to mention that in the evil mode, at least twenty or thirty skills.

The pastor and Rehabilitation's reply made him support a few more skills, but the final result was still the same, death...

As for other wingmen blocking? This is even more a fantasy, can directional skills block it? What a joke.

The leader was killed in seconds, and the other flu ravages couldn't be wasted. Three beams of light hit the priest, restore virtue, and warlock respectively.

The three were also killed in seconds...

It was absolutely impossible for Rainy Night to do such a subtle operation before, but now... he can.

In Baihuo five years, Yuye has a new understanding of the release of these skills.

Whether it's the ability of ‘hate’ to remove control, or the ability to differentiate evil.

In an instant, four people died, and the other six people froze for a few tenths of a second.

However, at the moment when they were stunned, Yuye quietly walked around the sickle of good and evil in his hand, waving his skills and throwing them away.

With the attributes of these people, it can't resist for ten minutes.

But in the end, Yuye only killed nine people, and the last thief remained.

Uh, this thief wing man is really wretched enough. He was invisible as soon as he entered. There were countless chances to gank rainy nights in the middle, and he gave up all of them.

He thought that Yuye could not find him, but Yuye didn't want to waste that time.

Now that it's empty, start the Eyesight Technique directly and lock it.

A gray figure appeared in the rainy night's perspective.


This thief wing man is very uncomfortable, his high-level hiding is already full, why can he be discovered?

Killing ten Wingmen, Yuye's blood volume is still one-third, it is a fierce battle.

Uh, can you be humble?

Ding, congratulations on successfully passing the seventh level.

Ding, congratulations on successfully passing the first stage of the test.

Ding, the first stage reward will be issued soon, please pay attention to check it.



After the rainy night passed the first stage, a series of system prompts sounded in his ears.

At the same time, a winged man composed entirely of light spots appeared in front of the rainy night and personally awarded them awards.

Ding, you have successfully passed the assessment of the ancestors of the winged man and have the qualifications to become a hidden winged winged man. Do you change your job?

Ding, because you already have a hidden profession—Plague Mage, the Winged Wingers will exist as your second hidden profession, and the two professions cannot be opened at the same time.

This means that when the Plague Mage is activated, the Wingman profession can only be hidden and cannot be used.

When using the Wingman class, the Plague Mage class will be hidden again and cannot be used.

Yuye was not very surprised by this, it made sense.

Note: But the attributes of two hidden professions can be superimposed...

Seeing this label, Yu Ye's heart thumped and jumped wildly.

Properties can be superimposed?

You must know that Yuye’s current naked attribute {attribute with no equipment attached} is almost three times that of ordinary what a terrible value this is.

Part of it comes from various tasks and various rewards, but the big one is because of the hidden occupation bonus of the plague mage.

The double-winged winged man is also a hidden occupation, and I must not let it down.

If the two are superimposed, the attributes of Rainy Night will be greatly improved.

Hey, I'm still a little excited when I think about it.


Yuye agreed loudly.

For a time, the winged figure composed of light spots in front of him turned into a golden torrent and entered Yuye's body.

Rainy night only feels warm, a special energy flowing in the body, it seems to build a winged body. 14