Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 45: value! !

"There are many people out there who want to buy this golden equipment. The disciple wants to ask you how much this equipment should be priced?" The apprentice bowed and said respectfully.

The price depends on the value. Bass and Yuye looked at each other to see the properties of this equipment:

Name: Luxury Staff

Equipment introduction: The equipment created by the incompetent brother Basi of the human forging master Batu, with average attributes.

Haha, seeing the rainy night here is extremely unkind and couldn't help but laugh. It turns out that he is not only the one who has this honor...Bath's old face blushed and continued to watch.

Equipment type: one-handed weapon

Suitable occupation: pastor

Wearing level: level 10

Durability: 100

Quality: Gold

Grade: Supreme

Additional attributes:

Strength +2

Constitution +5

Agility +5

Spirit +20

Physical defense: +20

Magical defense: +20

Health: +500

Magic Attack +70

Magic critical strike rate +5%

Additional special effect: Healing Overflow-when the player releases the healing skills, there is a chance to trigger, after triggering, the healing effect will increase by 50%.

Additional special effects: Doomsday offset-After wearing it, fighting against monsters with doomsday aura will offset its 70 points of damage.

At seventy o'clock, looking at this number, Yu Ye's brows wrinkled slightly, knowing that the apocalyptic offset of his whole body was only ninety points, this staff actually reached seventy points? He couldn't help but asked softly: "Brother Buss, have I used up the last days ooze I gave you?"

"Right." Buzz said happily, blinking, seemingly unaware of anything wrong.

There is a feeling of crying but no tears in the rainy night, but that is the size of a human head, and it is used up when it is used up? With a calm face, this prodigal thing, although he still has nine dollars in his backpack, rainy night is still very sad.

But to be honest, this attribute is really strong. Compared with the silver equipment, it is not a star and a half, and it is not an order of magnitude. Especially with 5% magic crit. This is the second time I have seen it at this stage in the rainy night. The gentle artifact, and magic attack power +70, made Yuye sigh.

By the way, the gentle artifact is still in the silver stage, so I have to think about how to upgrade it?

"Brother Yuye, how much do you think this piece of equipment is worth? After all, this is your equipment." Bass was not eager to set a price or overstepped, but turned to ask Yuye.

"I don't know, I don't understand." Yuye replied in an innocent and honest voice, but he quickly reacted to Guazi's face with a glint and a smirk and said: "Big brother, I'll call and ask. "

This kind of thing must be asked about Changjian Hengge, especially after witnessing the terrifying trader of Changjian Hengge, how can you give up?

Ding, dialing in...

"Sao Ye, is there anything wrong? Everyone is killing monsters."

"Aunty, I would like to ask how much a piece of gold equipment is suitable for?"

"Oh, that's it, then you send me the attributes, I'll handle it for you, don't hang up first." She quickly understood that the golden equipment Yu Ye said should be the golden staff. Everyone knows the relationship between Yuye and the blacksmith shop.


A brief conversation, but Changjian Hengge's eyes flickered, thinking about bad ideas one after another.

"Damn, Lao Niu help me." Changjian Hengge's muffled voice sounded, and then the voice of rude abuse came out, not like a woman, not like a lady, like a man, like a shrew.

"Xiaoye, this equipment is too powerful? I want to use it myself, eh? The price is really not fixed, so let's just throw the auction house and let them bid against each other to see how many gold coins can be sold." Changjian Hengge gave a plan after a shock.

"No, no, it won't work if you lose the auction house. The system will earn a large commission. Xiaoye, wait a while, and I will reply you in ten minutes at most." The shrewd Changjian Hengge scared the auction house. .

Why didn’t the two backpack expansion stones that she auctioned continue to be sold? There are also reasons for this. On the face of it, she made 1 million Chinese coins, but the evil system rake actually cost 20%, which is 1 million all at once. It became eight hundred thousand, two hundred thousand was lost for nothing...

Normally, she doesn't pay attention to these little money, but now she is poor...


"Since you have a way, Brother Buss won't talk too much, but I still want to remind you, don't sell cheaply, don't sell cheaply, this is all my hard work, well, let the rest of the last days Give me the ooze, and strive to give you the staff you deserve today and tomorrow."

Buss patted Rainy Night's shoulder and said with a painful expression on his face, but when he thought of the long-term benefits, Buston swept away the haze.

"Yeah, don't worry." After the rainy night, he handed over the remaining nine pieces of human head-sized apocalyptic slime, leaving only the fist-sized piece for experimentation.

Boom, boom, boom, the blacksmith's unique symphony slowly sounded, sometimes high-pitched, sometimes low-pitched, sometimes flying, sometimes hoarse, making people fascinated and intoxicated.


"Hey, aunt."

"Sao Ye, say hello, this piece of equipment can sell for about 10,000 gold coins at most. It's not bad. After all, the equipment is updated too quickly and has no preservation value." Changjian Hengge's unique vigorous female voice heard. , I seem to be a little dissatisfied with the price in Rainy night did not respond, he was already stupid...smashed by the pie falling from the sky

"Hey, Xiaoye, can you hear me?"

"Ahem, ah, ah, I heard, aunt, ten thousand gold coins are good, I will give you this piece of equipment now." After Changjian Hengge's urging, Yuye finally reacted, her voice trembling. There is uncontrollable ecstasy in the words.

One piece of one million Chinese coins, ten pieces equals 10 million Chinese coins, that is 10 million Chinese coins, the most important thing is that the money came too easily, and all he paid was a design drawing.

"Xiaoye, don't be too happy. The first piece of equipment can be sold at such a price for his special reason. The second and third pieces will definitely not be so high. You'd better be mentally prepared."

As soon as Yuye pouted his ass, Changjian Hengge knew what **** he was going to do, so he pouring cold water on him in an angry mouth to make him return to reality.

"Uh." Yuye was choked for an instant, only feeling that his whole body was drawn out of strength.

"Okay, let's talk about it when you create the second one. We will continue to conquer the instance at one o'clock tomorrow afternoon, Xiaoye, will you have time then?"


"By the way, aunt, can you see how much this piece of equipment is worth?" Said Yuye and mailed the Phosphorus Fire Shield without distress.

"The attributes of this piece of equipment are not bad. Although the special effects are impressive, they are not superb. It should be able to sell for about 400 gold coins. Xiaoye, can you forge more? I will first give them one piece. As for the money, let’s book it first, and I will give it to you when my aunt gets rich." I want to talk about "The Plague Master of Online Games" with more like-minded people, and follow "Hot Netwen or rdww444" on WeChat to chat with more book friends. book of