Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 453: World guild

Ten days passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye it came to August 13th.

   These days, the final chapter released the fourth promotional video-the final chapter, you need your guard...

   As soon as the picture came out, it shocked people's heart, and craved the heat for several days.

   The propaganda is very active and wide. As long as you are still on this blue planet, you will surely be able to hear such news.

   Some people are very disgusted with such propaganda methods, and even swear.

   But after he bought the login ring and entered the game, he suddenly realized that he was wrong, and he was wrong.

   scolded himself twice, why not enter early? Are you a fool?

   There are not a few examples, and even the true portrayal of most players...



   "The final chapter game? Did you go in and play?"

   "Hey, not yet, work is too busy."

   "Okay, you can watch the live broadcast and watch the promo when you have time. Warm reminders, it's worth a try."



   "Mom, can you lend me a thousand Huaxia coins? I want to enter the final chapter..."

   "Yes, in moderation, don't be too addicted."

   There is a conversation like this in a certain family... It's jaw-dropping, you know, it's a 14 or 15-year-old boy who just spoke? Don’t your family stop me? Still agree? This is not scientific...

The final chapter of    has been popularized for a long time. This game can be joined by old men and children down to five or six years old.

   and there are protective measures for them to avoid danger, especially minors.

   They have a unified title: Star of Hope...and they are mandatory.

   Players older than 18 years old are not allowed to attack players wearing the Star of Hope...



   Most of the popularity of mount dungeons these days has passed, but there are still some players who are still reluctant to brush.

   A bronze mount stone is worth five thousand Chinese coins. Many players take advantage of this time to make a fortune and make a fortune.

  The major guilds occupied their territories within ten days and successfully defended them.

  The distribution of the cake has been completed, and the old guild has occupied the most advantageous position and has begun to make profits.

If the guild that joins after    wants to be divided into one level, then there is only one way to go to war, where the strong go up and the weak go down. This is the unchanging law of the weak and the strong in the game.

   This happens in every town, and there are many examples of new guilds squeezing out old guilds and replacing them.

   After all, the final chapter has been in service for a month and a half, and many capitalists have sensed the commercial value in it, and want to join in.

   Town No. 48 is naturally no exception...

   The Zombie Legion was the first to be defeated, and all of them merged into a guild named ‘Tian Xia’.

   is not just a corpse of zombies, the ‘Tianxia’ guild has defeated a lot of guilds all the way and accepted them all.

   In just a few days, he became the overlord of Town No. 48, the well-deserved first guild.

   Whether it is from the scale or the number of guild stations...

   The old dragon roaming, although the Tyrannical Guild is still strong, it is also breathless under the pressure of the "world".

   Forty-eight towns have become a three-legged situation...

  You dragon, dominates the sky, the world.

   But anyone with a discerning eye can see that it’s nothing to say about the Forty-eighth Town of the Unified World, it's just a matter of time.

   The ebb and flow is too normal...

  You dragon? Will Ba Tian fall asleep here?

   Two days passed again, August 15th.

   The ‘Tianxia Guild’ was finished, and the whole guild’s strength was used to attack the Despot, but it hit a nail.

  Countless dwarves’ high-tech turrets and ion beams were moved onto the table, and they defeated the ‘Tianxia’ guild without any resistance.

   Afterwards, according to unreliable sources:

   This batch of equipment is a batch of eliminated city defense equipment purchased by the Tyrant Guild Chaoyou Dragon Guild.

   When everyone heard the news at first, they scoffed and didn't believe it at all until...

   The ‘Tianxia’ guild failed to attack the tyrant, and after the resurrection, rushed to the Dragon Touring Guild with great strength, wanting to kill it in one fell swoop.

   However, a total of 200,000 people have not even seen the gate of the Dragon Guild, all of them died, and none was spared.

   The wisdom of Changjian Hengge is terrifying enough, not to mention Xiao Ming who added.

   After this battle, the "Dragon Touring Guild" announced domineeringly, asking the world to give up a resident to donate to the Roaming Dragon, otherwise it would directly break its guild crystal.

  The humiliating consent of the world...

   The dragon dormant for half a month, hitting a blockbuster, re-established its dominant position.

  The real dragon can't be provoked...

   In the town, the voice of discussion can be heard everywhere:

   "I still can't believe that the Dragon Touring Guild is so terrifying, forcing the world to sign an unequal treaty, and even cede territories..."

   A certain player was shocked and he couldn't believe it.

   "The world has integrated several first-class guilds. I originally thought it would be the overlord, but I didn't expect it...

   Another voice made a mockery, and the three tones represent his heartfelt voice.

   "Don't you really say that the benefits of "Tianxia" are still pretty good. You can get almost five thousand for one month..."



  The overbearing ordinary people of the Dragon Tournament Guild can't be reached, but the Long Sword Hate Song still can't forget the insults from the five people of "Helpless Winter".

   It's a trivial thing for him to repel the'Tianxia'. The most important thing for players who roam the dragon at present is to train them as soon as possible.

   There is still a month and a half, and the event that belongs to China will start, and it is only embarrassing to be in the ring with insufficient strength.

   The guild of Lao Zhangtou and others was also set There are only a dozen people, and most of the time we can’t get together.

   There is no guild resident, no guild warehouse, no guild welfare, but the Huaxia Guild that dominates everything is still established...

   Within the final chapter, the name of the China Guild has been taken and bought back by several people at a high price...

   The president who originally occupied the name of the China Guild disagreed, but after the first few people of Old Zhang gave him a hand, he hurriedly changed his words.

  Using the name of the China Guild to pull the tiger skin and make a banner, now the master is looking for the door? What else can he do?

   However, it is not entirely without gain. At least I know that the members of the China Association have entered the final chapter, and they have mastered the first-hand information.



   Gentle and gentle, Grandma Sun and others are now brushing the newly released 35th level dungeon.

   Although the level of a few people can't keep up with the rainy night, they still reach the thirty-second level. Although it is a bit difficult to brush the thirty-fifth level, it is still possible to pass the level by paying attention to the position.

   There is an old Zhangtou four-man band who does not hide his strength? Easily.

   There is one thing worth mentioning. Because of her luck, Grandma Sun turned out a hidden job transfer scroll by using mobs, which was just right for her, named Ice and Fire.

   Grandma Sun was originally a fire mage, but after changing her job, she can master both the fire attribute and the ice attribute at the same time.

   More than half of the job transfer task has been completed in ten days. As long as you work hard, it won’t take long for the Rainy Night Six-member team to appear the fourth hidden job.

  Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, without the slightest error...