Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 461: The Story of Wing Man 1 Clan

"What is the standard of adulthood for the Winged Race?"

"You cannot be considered adult until you reach the legendary strength.

Oh, that's not bad. Pick up three bodyguards for nothing.

Third, each candidate has three opportunities to ask for help. You can ask the Winged Race to help you do one thing, no matter how to build an artifact or something... Only the Winged Race can do it, you can ask for it. "

After ‘Ying’ finished speaking, he looked at Yuye’s eyes and asked:

"If you still want to give up the candidate now? I can do it for you."

"No, no, no trouble, I feel that the candidate suits me well."

Rainy night hurriedly waved...

Haha, the old and the young looked at each other and laughed.

"'Wing', can you tell me about the Saint Wing family? Isn't the Wing people a whole?"

Yuye's heart was full of curiosity and wanted to know, so she asked.

"You are now a member of the Wingmen clan, and you are a candidate for heir, you are qualified to know about this.

Back then, the Creation God threw the whole family of Wingers into this old place. Although the ancestors were very angry and unwilling, they tried countless ways and couldn't leave.

So the ancestors set their sights on this land. Winged people are a race favored by heaven and earth, and they are born warriors.

We are born to fight and to expand our territory.

Since he can't use his fists in the outside world, he must be king and hegemony in this old land. "

‘Ying’ flushed, spoke eloquently and loudly, as if he had personally returned to those rosy years.

The rainy night seemed to be infected too, the blood flow accelerated, and the whole body was hot.

"At that time, the ancestors of the Wingmen had defeated 80% of the races and occupied a huge territory. The king was just around the corner, but... the good times were not long.

How could other races tolerate the winged people becoming the overlord and the existence that oppresses them, so... unite to suppress our winged people.

It was a long-planned betrayal...

The surrender rose up to resist, the neutral one held high the banner, and the hatred furious.

That battle lasted for three years, and the Yiren clan, which originally had tens of millions of people, was defeated.

And the wing-binding net played a big role in it...

In order to prevent the resurgence of the Wingmen clan, the major races proposed to kill all the Wingmen for annihilation...

At a critical moment, dozens of Tier 9 gods and hundreds of Tier 8 gods of the Wing Human race together to make blood sacrifices, opening up the treasure of the Wing Human Race: the space of different dimensions.

Let the remaining tens of thousands of winged children enter it and hide in a certain void in the land of the old, so that the tribe can breathe and not to destroy the tribe.

That night, no wingman warrior retreated, and they fought to the end; that night, no wingman warrior surrendered, and all died with the enemy.

That night, blood flowed into a river, reflecting the sky in red; that night, bones and wailing all over the land, which made people scared and frightened.

That night, we called it a tribe day..."

"Wing"'s tone became low, like an injured tiger cub, throat rumbling, as if it would explode in the next moment.

"Time goes slowly, and children in different dimensions gradually grow up.

Although they are still young, they can't forget that night, they can't forget their parents who have passed away, and they can't forget the people who won't retreat.

From then on, there was only one thought in their minds: revenge, including me.

Blood for blood, tooth for tooth. "

The children grow up and develop strength to avenge, but they are stopped and severely reprimanded by their ancestors.

Continue to accumulate strength...

Ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years, ten thousand years...

We have lived in a different-dimensional space for 30,000 years before our ancestors thought that we were strong enough and agreed to attack.

do you know? Aniu died. Before he died, he told me, brother, you have become a **** and have an endless life span. You must wait and kill a few more bits and pieces for me.

Aniu is a legendary realm, only one step away from the gods, but it is this step... he can't make it...

And Ahua, I know she likes me, but I can’t help it. How can I talk about children's personal relationships? I rejected her and watched her become someone else's wife, watched her death, watched her son continue to grow up, and fortunately, her son was very upright and reached the gods.

do you know? There are also some lovely people, knowing that they can't break through, they break through the different dimension and come to the land of death, blooming the last light and heat in his life.

I can call out each of those people by their name...

There are others that I grew up watching them grow up...

Looking at the broken spirit card, I would stand alone for a while in silence.

I became the patriarch, but I can’t save their lives and can’t do anything for them...

I can only bless them silently in my heart...

That day, I ordered the whole family to attack together...

But I heard opposition...

Thirty thousand years have wiped out the bloodliness of some Wingmen and their pride in being Wingmen. They refused to fight, and they were afraid.

I couldn't believe it at the time, because at the time the objector was my best friend.

We made an appointment together to rush out, to slaughter the dead, and to avenge our parents, but he has changed, completely changed.

At that time, I felt a fire explode in my chest, and I took out my sword and forced him to fight me.

I agree with his decision if I win...

But this battle was blocked by the Wingman ancestors before it even started.



There are 30,000 people staying in different dimensions with him, and 80% of them are children.

And I took away tens of millions of people, hundreds of nine-tier gods, thousands of eighth-tier gods, and tens of thousands of seventh-tier gods, and countless others.

In that battle, we won the victory.

For thirty thousand years, the wing people were recuperating, but they were still in conflict.

We slaughtered the existence of other races above the **** level, and those below the **** level must survive under our supervision.

The originally angry ancestors wanted to exterminate other races, but I was dissuaded.

The lonely space, what if there are only wing people left? Then we are not far from extinction.

The whole land of death was opened inch by inch by us, and we searched a little bit without missing any details.

The raid lasted for thousands of years, and the killings prevailed for thousands of years.

Until the whole land of death was left with the voice of Wing Man...

Another Wannian Wing Man Kingdom was established.

It wasn't until the moment I relaxed that I understood why my friend had chosen...

He is afraid that I will be defeated and repeat the same mistakes. He wants to leave a flame for the wing people.

I didn't go to see him again, nor did he come to find me, but I know that we have each other's shadow in each of us. "

As he said, the corners of Yi's mouth appeared to be curved.

There is no doubt that the two of them have a deep friendship, but for different ideas, they can only not meet and hide in my heart.



"But now, he allows the tribe to go out. It seems that he has also received the news that the Wing Man Kingdom is about to be unblocked, and the Wing Man clan can finally be complete." Want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Mage of Online Games", WeChat Follow "" to read novels, chat about life, and find friends~