Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 473: Hell Judge-Agou

Rainy night pondered for two seconds, thinking about the relationship.

It makes sense, and when you look at Bruman, you know that there is a market and potential to sell to those.

Bruman: A legendary powerhouse at the pinnacle of the human race, but he only has a legendary equipment, and it is very troublesome to repair it after it is broken. Up to now, the equipment has not been repaired. If it were not rainy night, he is still naked.

Note: In order to enhance Bruman's combat power, Yuye has purchased a set of legendary equipment for Bruman in the Wingman Country.

"The young master, the advanced level casters in the final chapter are scarce, which leads to the lack of advanced level equipment. However, in the battle age, the equipment is damaged very quickly; if we stock up on a batch of legendary level equipment and sell it, we are right. It can instantly occupy the market and become a hit."

Bluman gave a blueprint for the rainy night scheme with eloquent voice and hands and feet.

In that case? What are you waiting for?

"Do you have a channel?


"Are you sure they can afford it?"




"Okay, keep brushing b to explode the device."

The five people are busy again.

In fact, rainy nights also thought about buying equipment directly from the Wing Man country to make a difference.

But buying a piece of legendary equipment requires a thousand gold coins and one hundred thousand Chinese coins. It is better to swipe it, although it is a little tired, but no money.

One of them is one hundred thousand Chinese coins, and two are two hundred thousand. Rainy nights feel that they can wake up with a smile when they sleep, and everyone is addicted to it.

By the early morning of August 18th, the rainy night had swept 72 pieces of legendary equipment and killed 34 legendary b.

One of the legendary b is very powerful, directly exploding two legendary equipment, after doubling, there are four.

Yuye was full of energy, but yawned and quit the game.

Going down the second floor, rainy night came to the kitchen to fill up the stomach, just as the creation grandparents were all there, and they were discussing what lucky bags and advanced props were in full swing. I was very excited. Rainy night hurriedly joined in.

"Brother, come here, do you know what good things we have made today?"

Rourou is sure you can't guess, quickly praise my arrogant little expression.

"Did you drive out a legendary equipment? An artifact? Or hide the job transfer scroll?"

Rainy night came over and picked up a bag of beef jerky and chewed it in his mouth. He asked quietly and calmly.

If it were changed before, Yuye would definitely exclaim and praise her softly, but after living in the Wingman Country for nearly a month, Yuye's eyesight had been raised to a higher level.

"Huh? Brother? How do you know? Are you always next to me?"

Rourou was a little jealous.

Grandma Sun looked at Yuye's puzzled expression and added:

"Rourou drew a broken artifact, several pieces of legendary equipment, and three secretly hidden career transfer scrolls from the blessing bag in the afternoon, and they were shocked by the Long Sword Hate Song."

The artifact, it is indeed a artifact, but I don't know what order it is, it should be the first order.

Rainy night bowed his head to think...

"Huh, bad brother."

The reaction of the brother in reality was far from the reaction in Rourou's ideal, and the little princess suddenly became unhappy.

"So many things, our softness is really amazing..."

Yuye saw the small look of Rourou's grievances, and suddenly showed a smile to praise Rourou, and it didn't carry any heavy features.

"Rourou gave a lot of good things to the Dragon Guild. In the end, Long Sword Hate Song let us choose freely, so I took a hidden career transfer scroll-Bright Knight."

Old Zhao reported the situation...

Yuye nodded, and Grandpa Zhao had a hidden career scroll, which soon became a hidden career.

There is still a hidden career scroll, Rainy Night Squad, all members of the hidden career...

As for whether their hidden career is strong? Rainy night did not ask; anyway, it was not as strong as mine, anyway, when the monsters were upgraded, they all sat by eating snacks and watching the theater quietly. What does it matter?

The resentment from the rainy night...

After thinking for two seconds, Yuye still did not tell them what he had seen in the Winged Country, lest they get confused...

go to bed......



Yuye and others are trapped in a sweet ideal, but the final chapter mainland is not quiet, and countless players are still struggling with it, brushing a lucky bag.

There is no doubt that after this campaign, a large number of people will find their own opportunities and write a story that belongs to them.

Agou is an orphan, only eleven or twelve years old. His parents have died since childhood, poor and helpless, and his personality is somewhat restrained, but he is extremely self-disciplined and has good academic performance.

On weekdays, he usually depends on the aid and sponsorship of his neighbors. One day he was studying, and suddenly he landed a white parachute next to him with a delicate ring in it.

Ah Gou entered the game and successfully entered the town, but his level was not high, only level 12, and his strength was average.

Today, the lucky bag movement just started, he happened to kill an eleventh level monster and dropped out a lucky bag.

Click to open...

Ding, congratulations on your acquisition of the beast-hell judge...

Ding, do you want to bind? After binding, it cannot be traded or discarded...

Although Agou plays less games, he also clarifies the price of a beast.

He wandered between selling and binding for a long time, unable to make a choice.

Selling can get a lot of money, improve your living environment, and change your life.

But binding...

Measure the pros and cons...The system prompts the sound...

Ding, because you haven't chosen for a long time, the Judge of the Mythical Beast Hell will bind and become your pet.

A few years later, who would have thought that the frightening Hell Judge was bound to pets here in confusion.



Agou is not alone, there are many people like him.

At two o'clock in the morning on August 18, the rainy night fell into a dream.

The dream is a few incomplete pictures, very real, but very absurd.

The first screen:

A handsome, sunny man in a straight suit is walking down the street, and a woman on his left hand is affectionately holding his arm.

The two seemed to be shopping, talking and laughing, as if they were relatives, and the man was still carrying something in his hand.

Yuye tried hard to see clearly, but the more I looked, the more vague.

There are a lot of people on the street and they are very enthusiastic, but the strange thing is that they don't speak or even move.

The picture freezes again.

The second picture:

The scene is a sea of ​​corpses and blood. The sunny and handsome man who went shopping before has changed his style, becoming a warrior wearing a gorgeous armor and singles out an evil dragon. The operation is dazzling and evolving.

There is a big gap between the man and the evil dragon, but the handsome man abruptly uses position and operation to complete the counter-kill.

Yuye's eyes are straight. If he can have such a position and operation, then how can the two-winged tiger of yesterday allow it to dominate.

Yuye tried to model these pictures in his mind, but the more he remembered, the more ambiguous he felt.

The final picture freezes and slowly dissipates.

The third picture: The latest chapter of the novel online game Plague Mage Chapter 473 Chapter Hell Judge——Agou Website: https://