Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 48: Side mission-save evil souls

Yu Ye intentionally pushed back but was stopped by Chang Jian Heng Ge's eyes, and said with a grandeur: "Old Niu is rich, Xiao Ye is welcome, you must keep up with your nutrition now when you are growing up."


"Xiao Ye, this equipment is definitely worth the price. To be honest, if you really want to buy it, it will definitely be more than 800 gold coins. I still give it less." Lao Niu said openly, making Yu Ye feel more comfortable.

With the Lao Niu taking the lead and the others don’t hesitate to offer gold coins one after another. They all know that these equipment will be swept away once they are released, but they can wait for the blacksmith to send it to the door, and the price will naturally not be. Let rainy night suffer.

Moreover, at their worth, they can still buy such a piece of equipment.

"Seven hundred gold coins, mine." This is an additional skill: the price given by the person who attacked by King Deer was only one hundred lower than that of Lao Niu.

"Six hundred, mine."

"Six hundred one, mine."

"Little brother, seven thousand gold coins."

"And mine, seven thousand gold coins."

Gold equipment turned out to be ten times the price of silver equipment. It was not too scary. Even so, the few people still had the feeling of making a big bargain and were ready to go.



As for the poor Gemini, he stayed melancholy at the base of the Dragon Touring Guild, watching the red sun in the sky, watching the grass on the grass that sway in the wind, playing with the weapon in his hand boringly, muttering and grumbling. .

"Hey, Long Sword, the president doesn't want us, do we want to form a wild group? Prove our strength, how about it, do you have the courage?"

"M, good idea, I'm full of guts, go now."

The two hit it off and quickly set up a team to enter enthusiastically, wanting to show their fists, expand their ambitions, and express their depression.

Note: It is very simple to form a team by virtue of their two-person reputation, and the burst rate of map fragments has been much higher, and the price has been suppressed.

However, half an hour later, the whole team was disgraced and unkempt, and each one lost a piece of equipment.

In the air, the eight people from the other team could still be faintly heard swearing away.

"Grass, two wastes, how capable do you think they are?"

"That's, You Long's two useless dogs."

"Garbage, too, is embarrassing."



For a time, only the handsome and powerful Gemini stars in the village's resurrection spot were messed up in the wind, and their faces were full of wry smiles...

Ding, will your team "Guild Dragon Touring" continue to pass customs? It didn't take long for the system to beep again.


After everything was armed, watching the members one by one couldn't wait to experiment with new equipment, and each of them looked arrogant and proud, Changjian Henge decided yes.

Ding, the scene is about to change, please be prepared.

Boom, the cave suddenly shook the mountain with a strong shock. The rainy night and others felt bad and experienced a few steps directly against the wall, holding weapons into the wall to stabilize themselves, and a few newcomers Unknown situation, staying in place and watching quietly.

Haha, a bunch of fools, they are...

Gecko, why...


However, the next moment they paid the price for their youthful recklessness, tasted the bitter fruit for the recklessness that did not follow the trend, bang bang bang, the three of them would be like scraps of paper floating in the wind, like a cargo ship being hit by the waves, screaming endlessly. , Wailing lingering sound around the beam.

Hahahaha, the old cow fixed on the stone wall laughed unkindly, and a bright light appeared in front of him the next moment, and he lost consciousness for a while.

Ding, the scene is switched successfully, and the current scene is the dawn battlefield.

The shock disappeared, and everyone regained their consciousness. Looking at the surrounding environment and observing the surrounding situation, everyone's mouth was slightly open, because the scene in their eyes was extremely shocking:

The gray-yellow sky is like a blinding wind and sand, like a terrifying locust crossing the border, it is depressing and maddening, and it is impossible to see a glimmer of hope;

As for the floating gray-yellow clouds are more dead and lifeless than the sky, and even the blackness of death is faintly in the yellow;

As for the pale Hao Sun in the sky, it was like an old man at sunset Xishan, exhausting the last brilliance with all his strength, exuding a gray luster.

The scene on all sides can be seen within 100 meters, but it is blurry 100 meters away, and I don’t know what danger is conceived in it; there is a faint smell of blood in the air, which is quiet yellow to the eyes, and the slightest green plants are visible. Not.

As for the ground, there are no obstructions and no weeds. The stone ground should be blue, but now it is blue with black, as if the blood has been poured and dried up. It is flat and abnormal, as if it is a whole The ground paved with a huge piece of bluestone, you can see the edge at a glance.

The whole sky and the whole ground make everyone very uncomfortable, wanting to get away quickly, want to go away quickly.

"Ah, huh." A faint scream and exclaim brought everyone back to reality.

Looking down, the newly joined people lay on the ground like octopus coming ashore, with extremely brutal appearance, enchanting posture, and almost zero blood volume.

After being glared by Changjian Hengge, several people instantly got up to recover their blood.

Before Longjian Hengge could speak, the system prompt sounded:

Ding, the first wave of attack on the second level is coming soon, please prepare for the team ‘Dragon Guild’.

At the moment when the HP of a few people returned to full value there was a change on the battlefield.

Twenty positive and negative vortices appeared on the ground that should have been extremely hard at this moment, just as the fluid vortex is now forming one by one soldiers wearing blue and black armor. When the soldiers are fully assembled, the ground will be restored to its original state. , Everything is like a dream.

Once these soldiers came together, they were like entities, roaring and surrounding the dragon squad from all directions, and the wailing sounded as if coming from the depths of hell, as if coming from the bottom of Jiuyou, it was very infiltrating, and a chill straight from the soles of the feet. Cupola Ling cover.

Wearing a standard black iron armor and holding a uniform standard long sword, the legs, face, and arms are all replaced by blue and black smoke. It is not true, and I don't know if there is any entity, so it can only be left to experiment.

Yuye directly turned on the Eyesight technique to check the attributes, and at the same time, check whether the Bane of Monomer can be used. Seeing the illuminated icon, the heart hanging on the rainy night finally let go:

Name: Heroic Warrior

Introduction: The soul of a fearless and brave warrior who was supposed to rest is re-summoned by an evil force to form combat effectiveness.

Ding, congratulations to your team for accidentally obtaining a side mission-save evil souls, do you accept it?

Task progress: rescue the five hundred evil souls trapped in the second layer of the tenth level dungeon

Task reward: equipment additional permanent attack power

Everyone was shocked, overjoyed, and hurried to take it.

Level: Ten

Class: ordinary monster

Quality: Silver

Physical attack power: 2000

Magic attack power: 0

Physical defense: 1000

Magic Defense: 0

Health value: 500000

Magic value: 0

Agility: 60 I want to talk about "{?$article_title?}" with more like-minded people, follow "Excellent Literature" on WeChat, read novels, talk about life, and find friends~