Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 485: Sacred Dragon VS Real Man, Real Man

   Yuye pouted, somewhat unhappy, but he still chose:


   In the next second, the figure of the rainy night disappeared from the wingman kingdom and entered the arena.

   At the same time, the "real man, real man" who was spamming from the outside world finally matched the opponent after a long eight-minute wait.

   A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he chose to enter it for the first time.

  Who will his opponent be?

   ‘True Man, True Man’ entered the arena, and the top 15 players in the Hall of Fame who had previously received the invitation also sounded the system prompt:

  Ding, has the "real man, real man" successfully matched the opponent? Are you going to watch the battle?

   "The Scarlet Sea" was surprised again, eh? There are people who are not afraid of death? Is the third evil singe? Or the fourth "Worth Jiu Pick"?

   Only these two names can emerge in his heart, as for others, it is not enough to enter his sight.

   Watch the battle and see if they have grown over the years.


  Ding, one hundred gold coins are required to enter the game, do you pay?

   Uh, ten thousand Chinese currency? Watching a game? The price seems a bit expensive.

   If you change to an ordinary person, you will definitely refuse, but the "scarlet sea" doesn't feel distressed at all and chooses to enter.

  'Evil Liao' is also puzzled? There are people who are not afraid of death? Is someone really going to die?

   No, I have to go and see, who is it? Hehe.

   "Evil Liao" entered it after paying 10,000 Hua Xia coins in the mood to watch the excitement.

   In the top 15 of the Hall of Fame, none of them refused this opportunity and all chose to enter.

   Their first purpose is to see who is going to die? The second purpose is to look at the true strength of "real men, real men".

   What's more, they passed the news and broadcast the ring number to attract more players to watch.

   In just one minute, the viewing platform around the arena was full...

  What are you kidding? This is the first show of the first person in the final chapter, can you not watch the battle?



   "True Man, True Man" entered the ring and saw the petite figure in the middle of the ring, and suddenly felt a bitter smile.

  What are you kidding? Is your opponent a kid? This is too ridiculous.

   But such thoughts only existed in the mind of ‘real men, real men’ for a second, and then they were erased.

  The first rule of the master: Don't underestimate your opponent, even if he looks weak.

   The lion fights the rabbit, and does his best.

   ‘True Man, True Man’ narrowed his eyes, his pupils flickered with purple light and began to look at the rainy night earnestly.

   Does he also have a skill similar to Eyesight?

   Yuye noticed that he was being spied on, but he could not help it.

   In the next second, a look of surprise appeared on the face of ‘real man, real man’, and he smacked his tongue secretly.

   He uses the skill ‘Purple Eye’ but he can’t see the attributes of Rainy Night...

   You need to know that this skill was given by the system when "real man, real man" first entered the game.

   No need for him to bother, and he reached the level naturally.

   Even the legendary BOSS attribute can be seen at a glance, but he can't see the attribute of Rainy Night.

  Look at Yuye's calm and relaxed look, it seems that the situation is a hard bone.

   ‘real man, real man’ looked at the rainy night, and the rainy night was also looking at him.

   A young elder brother, a whole set of equipment, brought him a lot of pressure.

   is a master, an absolute master.

   Are you fighting him head-on? Or should he end his life with the enhanced A plague?

   Rainy night fell into thinking.

   "Huh? Why is the opponent of a real man and a real man a child? Who is he?"

   The second "Scarlet Sea" of the Hall of Fame frowned and spoke, very uncomprehending.

   "Yes, does anyone know? Who is that kid?"

   ‘Eiliao’ also spoke with a bit of resentment in his heart, is this to make up the count?

   They can't compare to "real men, real men" so they recognize it? Could it be that they can't beat such a little kid?

   "Don't be fooled by the age of the'Holy Dragon'. His strength should not be underestimated. I dare to say that no one can beat him."

   The tenth "Orion" in the Hall of Fame spoke with a serious tone.

   When other Hall of Fame players around him heard this, they all turned their eyes to "Orion", hoping that he could talk in detail.

   ‘Orion’ did not hide it, and directly told them what he knew about the deeds of the Holy Dragon.

   After listening, everyone was silent.

  The disaster of the crowd? Half the attributes? This skill is really abnormal; and it is still a hidden occupation?

   These two points are enough to make them face the "Holy Dragon".

   The voices of discussion on the entire viewing platform came and went one after another, one after another.

  Note: Players participating in the competition in the arena cannot see the scene of the viewing platform, so avoid distraction.



   Just when the "real man, real man" just wanted to attack, the system prompts the sound:

  Ding, do you place a bet?

  ? ? ? ?

   It took a few seconds for the "real man, real man" to figure out the rules and press down a special copy of level 35 admission ticket.

   Note: There is one and only one entry ticket for this copy, which is extremely rare.

   But there is no specific why copy on the admission ticket? What type is it? With a hint of suspense.

   Such an admission ticket, the estimated price should be similar to a piece of Legendary equipment.

   After all, Legendary equipment is often available, but special dungeon tickets are not often available.


   place a bet?

   After figuring out the rules, Yuye also unambiguously, directly bet on a piece of legendary equipment.

  Ding, your bet is slightly insufficient, please continue to add.

   Uh, rainy night, the eyes are bright, in that case, use Enhanced A Plague.

   Rainy night once again took out a piece of legendary equipment and put it on...

  Ding, your bet is slightly insufficient, please continue to add.

   The same system prompt sounded in the mind of ‘real man, real man’.

   "True Man, True Man" took out a large piece of legendary material-the three-color stone.

   Wow, rainy night exclaimed, how does this person know that he lacks the three-color stone? Fortune boy.

   It seems that he has to use Plague A directly to end the battle to avoid missing this three-color stone.

   Such a big three-color stone should be enough to raise the cloak to legend.

  Ding, the stakes are equal, the battle is about to begin.

   "Huh? Their stakes are so big?"

   "Two pieces of legendary equipment? What is the situation with this ‘Holy Dragon’? Invisible rich man."

   "Special copy ticket? This is also a good thing."

   "This time the'real man, real man' has made a lot of money, and two pieces of legendary equipment have been accounted for."

   "Don't you think that'Holy Dragon' can win?"

   "Mentally retarded, if the'Holy Dragon' can win, I will stand upside down and eat shit."



   "Stop arguing, the battle has begun"

   "Look carefully and study the operation of'real men, real men'."

   "Look, the'Holy Dragon' is the first to attack."



  The bet is completed, the two have no conversation, and the battle begins. +
