Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 488: Weaknesses of Jijian

   "Three seconds? Is it really a spike? Oh, Niu X."

   Some players have insufficient balance and distressed money without watching the video, but listening to the words of others can quickly make up the screen and get news.

   The voices of the players' discussions are endless like a spring drizzle, and like the Yellow River flooding out of control.

   You must know that "real man, real man" is the mountain in their hearts that they can only look up to.

   ‘real men, real men’ are at the top of the mountain, and they are at the foot of the mountain.

   But now this mountain has fallen, no, there is another mountain, a mountain of despair.

   Killing ‘real man, real man’ in seconds, it’s so scary.

   Can players not be shocked? Can you be excited? Can we not discuss it?


"Evil Singe" has already watched the video of "Holy Dragon" kill "Real Man, Real Man" more than a hundred times, but he just couldn't see when the rainy night made the move. From the picture, only the rainy night was lifted. One hand.

   Raise your hand? Spike killed the "real man, real man", what do you say? It seems like something happened in a dream.

   But it’s not without gain.'Evil Liao' has studied the initial movements of'True Man, True Man' seven or seven eighty-eight, and thought of three or four ways to solve it.

   You must know that "Eiliao" has slowed down the video screen twenty times...

   Continue to slow down...

   is not only evil, but other masters in the Hall of Fame are also studying, trying to see Yuye’s moves and find a way to crack it.

   In the end, they slowed down fifty times, and finally noticed something strange.

   At the moment when I raised my hand on a rainy night, the airflow at my fingertips changed. It should be this moment.

   Is it possible to control the airflow in rainy night?

  No, wrong, Plague Mage? Could it be that rainy night can control the plague? Raising your hand is to release the plague?

   This is the secret of rainy night...

  Uh, it's hard for them. It took so long to find out the clues after analyzing.

   Actually, they are not to blame. After all, the Plague Mage has never appeared in previous games. It is a new thing, and everyone does not understand it.

   Although they knew that the plague was released by the rainy night, they had no way to resist.

   When they are in a different place, they will be killed in seconds like ‘real men, real men’.

  'Holy Dragon' is a dangerous person, and it is better to not be sinful in the future.

  In an instant, the status of Rainy Night in their hearts soared, pulling them to the same position as "real men, real men".

   When Fat and Thin Ersha saw this video, he felt like he had caught a point, but he felt vague and couldn't figure it out.



  The old Zhang, who was brushing his lucky bag in the Dragon Touring Guild, looked unhappy and even a little depressed.

  I'm a big spender, how long has it been until I was squeezed by "real men, real men"? It really doesn't give face.

   No, I want to complain, I want them to violate the consumer agreement.

   "Have you seen the video sent by Changjian Hengge earlier?"

  Although he was very depressed, the old Zhang Tou was the first to click on the video screen sent by Changjian Hengge, exclaiming, with strong dissatisfaction in his tone.

The title of    Extreme Sword is not for nothing.

   "A real man, a real man? Isn't it normal for him to occupy the top spot?"

   Old Li did not turn on the screen, and looked at the poker in his hand and said lightly, very calm.

   "Hey, old head Li, look at the screen and talk."

   Lao Zhao's head clicked on immediately, and after reading it, he took a breath, in disbelief, patted Lao Li's head on the shoulder and motioned him to look at the screen.

   "Don't think about looking at my cards."

   Old Li Tau cautiously put down and hid the cards in his hand like a mole, before he clicked on this video.

   "Fuck it? What's the situation? Am I dazzled?"

   Old Li's head turned over and stood up from the ground, and said in horror.

   Although Xiaoye is very strong and powerful, it shouldn’t be enough to kill "real man, real man" in a second?

   You must know that since entering the game, they have almost never separated. Hey, that's not right, they have been separated for almost a month since August 1st.

   Could it be that Rainy Night’s attributes have improved again within this half month in the Wing Man Realm? No, it can't be regarded as an improvement, it should be regarded as a skyrocket; at the same time, acquiring such abnormal skills? Enough to kill real men, real men?

   This kind of thing seems to them to be like a fantasy, it is impossible to realize it, even if Rainy Night was that person.

  Uh, they didn't know that this skill was acquired on rainy nights a few days before the service was launched.

   If you know a real man, a real man can securely rank first in the Hall of Fame. He has real abilities and has been recognized by everyone. Among them are Jijian and Lao Litou.

   They have a clear idea of ​​the strength of'real men, real men'.

At that time, Jijian’s old Zhangtou was full of spirits and real men. The real man came to a duel. After the battle, the real man claimed to be open to three or seven. He praised Jijian for being a not weak opponent and gave him enough. face.

   However, the real situation is that Lao Zhangtou suffered a fiasco, not to mention three or seven, none in nineteen. It may be too much to say that the crushing, but it is almost the same.

   Throughout the battle, the old Zhang's head was squeezed and beaten, and there was basically no strength to fight back. It was like a first-class master against a third-rate master.

   Every time the old Zhang Tou was about to use the pole sword, he would be cracked by a real man, a real man, and he could not take the initiative in the whole battle.

  The end of the battle, real The real man commented on the old Zhangtou. He has more speed, insufficient damage, and insufficient control. He can bully first-rate players and below, but encountering real experts is all flaws.

   Old Zhang was not convinced, and he wanted to continue the fight without steaming the steamed buns.

   However, the next moment, slap, a real man, a real man shot a series of control ten seconds to kill.

   The old Zhangtou is uncomfortable...

   was so bullied? With the character of the old Zhangtou, can he bear it?

   The answer is of course no, so after that, the old man, grandma Sun and others secretly took action to fight the ‘real man, the real man’ in an attempt to avenge the old Zhang’s head. There was no exception and no victory.

   It's shameful now.

Although the outside world did not understand these few battles, and there was even no news, the president of Huaxia Guild could not afford to lose this face. He immediately put down the copy in his hand and decided to personally take the lead for the Jijian old man to get back for the Huaxia Guild. A trace of face.

   But his operations with the "real man, real man" can only be considered as 50-50. In the end, the president of the China Guild narrowly defeated the real man and the real man with a slight advantage in equipment.

   This is the place to be the king.

   The top ten protectors of the country are very strong, and they can beat them by seven or three when encountering "Evil Liao" and others, but it is really impossible to encounter "real men, real men".

   "Old Zhangtou, can this be a spike?"

   Old Li Tau stammered.

   "Count, how can it not count."
