Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 497: Inquiries from 5 regions

   But this time, they gave up.

   The majority of players in the RH zone think it is impossible to kill the gods at this stage. It must be false news. They sneered at this, and even some people took the initiative to clean up the information on the Internet.

  Uh, maybe they have blood flowing with hypocrisy from ancient times to the present, so they don't want to believe this hard truth.

   Even if they put pictures, voices, and video screens in front of them, they still don't believe them.

   For such a district service? Not only the Huaxia District, but even the OM District and other district clothes gave him a roll of eyes, ashamed to be with them, and ashamed.



   Generally speaking, the slaughter of gods incident has caused a great impact among the six regions, and has greatly increased the popularity of Huaxia District.

   Although I can’t rely on this one time to determine the opportunity of Big Brother, but fight bit by bit, China will always have the right to speak over time.

   ‘I’m Xuanwu’ is indispensable. He successfully made the players in the six regions remember this ID.

  The first person can always get a lot of preferential treatment...

   For a time, a large wave of advertisers who smelled the smell of copper came in and signed a series of contracts with "I am Xuanwu".

   For example: When I show up, I say that XX yogurt is delicious; I say that XX mobile phone is easy to use.

   If you move your lips, you get a lot of money.



  The "I am Xuanwu" who fell into the eyes of money will naturally not refuse such a good thing.

   At the same time, the headquarters of the SH area final chapter company received a letter of inquiry from the other five regions.

  Why are the conditions in Huaxia District frequently occurring? The first pass of various first kills and dungeons originated from this? Is the final chapter company in Huaxia District secretly releasing water? From it? They need an explanation and detailed data.

   There are differences in the level of players in the six regions, but it is impossible to be so big.

   Dissatisfaction has long been brewing among the five regions, and the killing of the gods this time was the fuse and completely detonated their emotions.

   The same area? The same player? Why can you be so good?

   Faced with such a question, the group of people on top of Tao Yuan's head directly pushed it out and asked him to respond.

   It’s the best solution to this matter. It’s impossible to solve it. Take this opportunity to change one. Pooh, it’s impossible to change a general manager, but it’s also great to suppress his arrogance.

   This was the plan of those old foxes, but Tao Yuan had to enter it.

   Xiaoyu was a little worried, and a touch of sadness appeared on her bright face. No matter how Tao Yuan handled this matter, she didn't feel right.

  Compared with Xiaoyu, Tao Yuan was much more calm, extinguishing the cigarette in his hand and getting busy.

   In fact, there is the easiest way to directly open the authority to allow inspectors in the five major districts to investigate various information and data.

   But once so? Tao Yuan's position could not be maintained, and he might even be nailed to the pillar of shame.

   The six districts are equal. The precedent set by Huaxia District is equivalent to being inferior to others, and it is easy to be criticized.

   So Tao Yuan directly replied hard, and there was no room for negotiation:

   "Let someone of the same identity talk to me, otherwise I refuse to reply."

   Such a request is not excessive at all.

   A few minutes later, the general manager from the five regions brought the holographic projection to Tao Yuan's closed office.

   The general manager of the OM district is a pure white man, tall, with a convincing smile at the corner of his mouth, as if he is the leader.

  The RH area is also a yellow man, but both his figure and spirit are a lot worse than Tao Yuan's, his eyes are looking around, how wretched he is.

   The general manager of the YD district is a black man with thick lips. After appearing, he said nothing, quietly waiting for Tao Yuan's reply.

   The general manager of the AO district is very strange. He turned out to be a yellow race. After seeing Tao Yuan, he waved hello in a friendly manner. Tao Yuan smiled back.

   The general managers of Huaxia District and AO District are all from Huaxia. It is said that they have a very good personal relationship. This is no secret.

  The last big regional server is the NM area. In recent years, the NM area has developed rapidly, and many excellent game talents have been released.


   The general manager of the district has a typical YDAN style, continuing the ancient heritage, shirtless, with rare paint on his face, and bright feathers on his head.

   These people are not very old, they are in their prime of life.



   Seeing that the number of people is full, Tao Yuan doesn’t talk nonsense, and directly uploads Yuye’s information for them to view.

Uh? Your solution is to sell Yuye?

   Yuye’s information is very simple, no, it should be said that there is only one sentence, an explanation of the skill of group disaster.

   See such skills? The general managers of the five regions frowned?

   "Uncontrollable factors in the game have come to China?"

   The general manager of the OM district asked plainly.

   "Yes, we discovered this problem together at the time, but we tried our best to eliminate it, so we could only let it go. I didn't expect it to create such a perverted skill."

   Tao Yuan explained to him.

   "This virus? Has the ability to tamper with the game?"

   The ugly middle-aged man general manager in the RH district opened his mouth, raising the severity of the matter to a higher level.

   I don’t know why I only want to live in Huaxia District? He feels uncomfortable;

  Unlucky in Huaxia District, he was all comfortable.

  He is the leader in this five district questioning event.

   "Harada, pay attention to the words. If you can't speak, you can come to Huaxia's preschool for further study."

   Tao Yuan didn't show his face at all, and he smelled of gunpowder when he opened his mouth.

   The grudge between him and Harada is not clear in one or two The two have not dealt with each other since their youth, and the hatred continues to the present.

   With the passage of time, not only has the hatred not weakened, but on the contrary, it has become more and more intense.

   "The virus cannot tamper with the game. It just gives a certain player some of his abilities. This is the A record. We studied it at the time."

   The thick-lips general manager of YD district spoke calmly and gave Tao Yuan the fairest reply.

   "Because of him, Huaxia District is able to take the lead everywhere. Okay, I have answered your questions, please go back."

   gave information on this skill, but did not announce who this player is? This is Tao Yuan's greatest protection against rainy nights.

   But Harada was a bit reluctant, and asked Tao Yuan to hand over all the information.

   "Harada, you have to remember that we are equal, so let's go."

   Tao Yuan said these words calmly, but anyone can hear the cold breath inside.

   The general manager of the OM district is the first to leave. Now that I have figured it out, what is the use of staying here? Next is the YD area.

   Watching all the allies leave one by one, the general manager of the RH district had to leave dingy.

   Tao Yuan sat on the leather chair, with a touch of guilt in his heart.

   Although he only gave one skill, he saved his face, the face of Huaxia District, but he pushed the rainy night to the forefront.

  It is not difficult to find out who is the owner of the ‘cluster’s curse’ with their ability and ability.
