Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 507: External equipment-Plague Shield

But perhaps this thing is too powerful, so it is limited by the system:

Only three can be used in a rainy night within 24 hours.

Pooh? Is there a fart for this restriction?

As for the external equipment-the Plague Shield was specially selected by Yuye for himself.

There is already an external epic equipment-cloak, he feels that he can still come with a shield.

With a shield, you can do many things.

For example, when a monster is chased by a monster, you can raise a shield to block;

Another example is being surrounded by a group of people, you can raise a shield to offset the damage.

The main reason is to give Rainy Night more choices in battle.

Thus, Yuye had a second external equipment.

Equipment Name: Plague Shield

Equipment introduction: This is a game made by the plague magic god. After forging it, I felt uncomfortable, so I threw it into the plague bag.

Equipment type: shield

Suitable occupation: Plague Mage

Wear level: Have six or more different plagues.

The rainy night was a little surprised when he first saw this place, but he was relieved.

He already has five types, and the sixth type of plague also has eyebrows. It is not difficult to wear this equipment.

Durability: None

Quality: Artifact

Grade: Supreme

Additional attributes:

Constitution +10000

Spirit +10000

Physical defense: +10000

Magic defense power: +10000

Health: +50000

Evasion rate: +100%

Hit rate: +100%

With such a terrifying full defense attribute, Yu Ye's heart became hot and he could not wait to rush out of the Wingman Realm to find the sixth plague.

Note: This equipment is an initial attribute, which can be increased as the type of plague increases.

Additional skills: dual form.

Material form-After being turned on, the plague shield is transformed into substance, which can be immune to all physical attacks below the **** level in the next ten seconds.

Illusory Form-After opening the Plague Shield, it will be transformed into Illusory, which can be immune to all magical damage below the God level in the next ten seconds.

Dual form-After opening, the Plague Shield transforms into semi-illusory and semi-substantial, which can be immune to all damage below the **** level for the next five seconds.

Note: The time of immune damage can increase with the increase of the type of plague.

The notes on this equipment made Yuye dumbfounded.

Huh, it's so scary already? Can the terror continue?

Then if he can have nearly a thousand plagues? What about this piece of equipment?



Well, don't think about it so much, Yuye began to look at the plague hall, looking for a way to break the situation.

Just turning his head, a clear system prompt sounded:

Ding, you already have five plagues, so can you avoid the first five levels? Is it exempt?

Reminder: You will not get rewards if you waive the test.

Uh, Yu Ye felt the strong malice of this palace towards him, and rolled his eyes.

What else is there to say? I must try it.

Ding, you choose to try, the battle is about to begin, please prepare.

Suddenly, Yuye only felt the unrestricted rise of his vision, and in a short while, he became the perspective of God.

The buildings below have become finger-sized toys, and each building is engraved with some words.

Two steps forward, five steps backward, fight, fight, fight, fight, reward, reward.

Such words appear frequently, and among them, the words fighting are the most. Rainy night is puzzled. What does it mean?

No, these buildings seem to be regular, in a certain order.

Start from the far east and end at the far west.

The building that ended showed a huge money bag, which must be very rewarding.

Uh, that is rainy night, another player can immediately see: Isn't this a monopoly?

Boom, two loud sounds pulled Yuye's sight back.

A huge dice suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, bigger than Yuye's body. There are six sides on the dice, and a few dots are engraved on each side.

Ding, because you have five plagues and choose to avoid the test, you have five chances to roll the dice.

Ding, please roll this dice.

Yuye obediently pressed the word ‘turn’ in front of him, with temptation on his face.

The dice start to spin quickly, and after ten seconds the dice stop, and the upward side is three.

three? What does it mean?

In the next instant, the rainy night felt a strong weightlessness, a feeling of falling, and the surrounding eyes changed rapidly.

Yu Ye tried to widen his eyes, and he found himself falling toward the third room.

The previous map instantly appeared in Yu Ye's mind. He still remembered that the third building was written about fighting.

Ding, please prepare to fight.

As soon as the rainy night landed, such a system prompt sounded.

Ding, your opponent is God-level BOSS-Canglanhua.

? ? ? ?

After listening, before the rainy night reacted, another system prompt sounded;

Ding, you have been killed by the god-level boss Canglanhua and cannot be resurrected.

Ok? How did i die?

In the next second, Yuye's body turned into fresh air and lifted off again.

Ding, the battle fails and you can't move forward. You are still at the starting point.

Ok? What happened just now? who am I? Where am i? what did I do?

Boom, the huge dice appeared in front of Yuye again.

By now, Yuye finally understood that she had wasted a precious opportunity before.

This time, Yuye did not roll the dice, but carefully analyzed and looked at the buildings below.

For the first six buildings, the first three pages are all battles, and the fourth one is two steps back. After backing up, you will face battle. God-level BOSS will end in defeat

No, if the boss is not strong, rainy night may still stand on the second.

The fifth is to move forward three steps, moving eyes on rainy night, the eighth grid is also fighting, there is death but no life;

In the same way, eight is too. If the boss attribute is not strong, it is possible to stand on the eight on rainy night.

Now, we must place our hopes on the sixth building, on which is a small purse marked with rewards.

This is the safest building at present.

That is to say, the second chance to roll the dice, roll to the top five, rainy night may still be in place, unable to make progress, only roll to six can he get rewards and move on.

After understanding, Yuye nodded and clicked ‘turn’, while silently reading in his heart: six, six, six.

However, how will the heavens make you wishful? The rainy night shook to four, backed two steps, and came to two.

What will the second boss be?

The feeling of weightlessness resurfaced.

Ding, your opponent is the god-level BOSS-Frozen Wolf King.

Uh, the rainy night quietly closed his eyes and waited for death.

Ding, you have been killed by the god-level BOSS Ice Cold Wolf King and cannot be resurrected.

The next second, rainy night's consciousness lifted off again.

Ding, the battle fails and you can't move forward. You are still at the starting point.



The third roll of the dice starts...

It is still three Rainy night is still spiked.

It’s strange that I died three times, but Yuye didn’t feel any pain at all. What happened?

For the fourth time, the rainy night shook to five and came to eight...

Ding, your opponent is the second-order **** BOSS-Bitter Winter: Winter Lion King.

Uh, second-tier gods have a long name longer than first-tier gods...

Nothing to say, Yuye was still killed by spike.

On the rainy night before standing again in front of the dice, looking at his nine-point lucky value, he was lost in thought.

Where is the good luck?

Keep shaking...The plague mage of online games