Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 515: Get a place full of blood

Intermediate defensive cover: It can withstand six billion damage at a cost of 1,000 gold coins, and the price is 300,000 gold coins.

   High-level defensive cover, spending 10,000 gold coins can withstand 120 billion damage. The price is 800,000 gold coins.

   A local tyrant like Changjian Henge must buy the highest level.

   The high-level defensive cover cost 80 million yuan to purchase, and additional money is required to use it.

   is not a big guild, a big local tyrant, and cannot afford it.

The only advantage of    is that it will not be damaged.

  On this point, Changjian Henge feels that the advanced defensive cover is worth this price.

  120 billion, it seems to resist a lot, but in fact it resists for half an hour at most.

   Half an hour to spend one million Chinese coins? The water seems to be slower than this.

   Looking at the defensive cover? Looking at the soul stone? Long sword hate song is love and hate.

   These two things bring many benefits, but they really burn money.

After    was opened, Changjian Henge did not dare to delay for a moment, and quickly led everyone to build the city wall, striving to re-establish the city defense within these few hours.

   As for the second resident of the Dragon Touring Guild, it was directly abandoned by Changjian Henge.

   Forced defense can also be held, but the price paid is too great, and no one is willing to bear it.

   Again, hold the first wave? There is also the second wave, the third wave, can you hold it?

   therefore gave it up first, and restarted after the end of this war.

   But even if the resident site is destroyed, it is also the site of the Dragon Touring Guild, and no one can get involved.

   Changjian Hengge has issued a statement, reaching out to chop hands, stretch out legs and chop legs.



  Batian Guild was unable to open up the capital turnover at the time, so it originally purchased an intermediate defensive cover, and the defense was clearly at risk.

   The previous city destroyers destroyed more than half of the city's defenses, and the defensive cover was not strong enough, so they could only support the second wave of attacks.

   I wonder if the Tyrant Guild can resist this attack from the Celestial camp? This has just entered the second wave.



  The World Guild is a high-level defensive cover, which is very easy. There are even people listening to music and eating barbecue.

   The ingredients left by the monsters in the past must not be wasted. Some people have already listed them at the auction house at a low price.

   The contract they signed is to protect the safety of the ‘Guild under the Heaven’. Now that the defensive cover is opened, they don’t need to worry about safety, it will naturally get dry.

   As for the money spent on protection? Is it related to them?

   ‘Tianxia Guild’ has never been monolithic.

   Although they seem to be powerful, the decline of the dynasty is often in an instant.



   In the morning's battle, the first six members of the old Zhang gained a lot. After all, they are super masters, and they must be better at manipulating turrets than ordinary people.

   But Gentle is very helpless, looking at the stupid appearance of Jinguang No. 1 and No. 2, she is really angry.

Humph? Let you go down and kill the enemy? Don't you dare? Okay, don't force you, let you control the headquarters of the fort? Can this little thing be done well?

   Gentle and very angry...

   Cough cough, too much, the rain is gentle.

   The player next to Gentle looked at Yu Genre, who was rich and rich, bought three forts directly, thinking Gentle thought he looked good and wanted to lend him one.

   Hey, this charm is nowhere to be put, even the little girl is overwhelmed by it.

   Uh, the person next to Gentle swelled...

   didn't realize it, but directly let two dumb bears manipulate it.

   My God, people are not as good as bears.

   If the player next to Gentle was jealous, but he didn't dare to make any movements, he didn't even dare to look at Gentle a few more times.

   No way, who wants Qingrou to have a big demon's brother?

  Is it abnormal to contain and explode equipment in the game? It's normal.

   But rainy night is not good, kill Gentle once, and destroy a guild, and it is an extremely famous guild.

   Murderer’s sister? Who dares to approach?

   Lao Zhangtou and others watched Jin Guang awkwardly lift the cannonball and put it in it, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

   Uh, it is estimated that only Gentle has this kind of brain-dead behavior, bah, leisurely.

  Wing people in the country.

   After several hours of arduous struggle, rainy night finally replaced the items in the backpack.

   does not ask for usefulness, but asks for expensive...

   When the rainy night walked out of the warehouse, the "No. 1 Merchant in the World" happened to call:

  Rainy night's spirits lifted up, and a happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. This person came at the right time, so he quickly connected.

   "Where are you? The old man has lost a lot this trip."

   just connected, the "No. 1 Merchant in the World" came out with a complaining and tired voice.

   Yuye smiled, and said directly without answering his words:

   "I'm at the gate of the warehouse on the second floor of the Wing Man Kingdom. Come here."

   Is it abnormal to collect money and do business? Still complaining?

   After a short while, the'No. 1 Business in the World' appeared beside Yu Ye without a good face.

   "Here, here you are, five places full of energy and blood, the transaction is complete."

   ‘The World’s Number One Merchant’ simply took out the five palm-sized places full of vitality and blood and handed them to the rainy night.

   I watched it rainy night.

   Supernatural skill, absolute supernatural skill, what is the strength of the "No. 1 Trader in the World"?

   Rainy night wanted to put it in his backpack, but suddenly found a gap in the sky, absorbing five places full of blood.

   The whole process went smoothly, as if it had already been planned.

   Yuye was taken aback, and then let out a desperate roar.

what's the situation? Haven't you taken over yet? Is this gone? Robbed?

   MD, this is a place full of energy and blood that was only obtained at a great price.

   Yu Ye just wanted to question the "No. 1 Business in the World", and the voice of the plague magic **** came in his mind:

   "Don't be embarrassed, I took it, and I took the other five beast eggs."

   Hearing this, Yu Ye's heart finally let go, and her expression eased again.


  "The No.1 Business in the World" looked at the Baoguang on Yu Ye, shook his head and said earnestly:

   "'Holy Dragon'? Are you slacking off these rainy night? I am not slacking.

   "You have to be able to hold 300 million gold coins at all times to not be slack."

   Hearing this explanation, Yu Ye gave him a white look.

   Hey, the "No. 1 Business in the World" smiled twice and left directly.



   "Teacher, do blessings and enjoying the baptism in a place full of blood and blood interfere with each other?"

   Rainy night looked at the sky and asked softly.

   "No interference, you can receive blessings at any time."

   Hearing the words of the plague law god, Yu Ye’s mouth smiled and dialed ‘I’m Xuanwu’.

   When he thinks that he is about to have the first perfectly hatched beast, Yu Ye's little hands can't help shaking.

   This is exciting.

   "Hey, are you?"

  'I am Xuanwu's tone is a little uncomfortable, the tone is not high, as if being disturbed by sleeping.

   "I found a place full of energy and blood, didn't you mean..."

   Yuye hadn’t finished speaking, but ‘I’m Xuanwu’ interrupted it forcibly:

   "Huh? Did you find it? How could it be possible? So fast?"

   The promised thing seemed to be yesterday, how could it be so fast?