Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 524: Rainy night returns! ! !

At the same time, he urged him not to go forward, never go forward, never go forward...

  Important things should be repeated three times.

   In the face of these horrible green plants, Batu is not completely sure of retreating, let alone the dark gold NPC of Bath?

   Close to a range of 100 meters, Bass is very likely to die.

   He is just such a younger brother, even if he dies, Batu does not want Buss to be hurt.

   Batu quietly closed his eyes, listened to the surrounding air attentively, felt the noise on the sides, and quickly retrieved the green plant family in his memory, but he found nothing.

   Forty years, he has not been able to touch some of the real secrets hidden in the final chapter continent.

   Only know that Cheng Ergun specially reminded him: Be careful.

   The life of a legendary blacksmith is more valuable than that of a legendary powerhouse.

   Batu’s success rate for forging legendary equipment is already very high. Almost all legendary NPCs in the surrounding towns have orders from Batu.

These days, Cheng Ergun has been very comfortable. People who didn’t walk around at all in the past now take the initiative to give gifts to themselves. It feels like this... Cheng Ergun...I enjoy it very much. .

   Therefore, Cheng Ergun, the lord of Town No. 48, put Batu in a seemingly dangerous position, but in fact it is extremely safe.



   The wall reinforcements of Town No. 48 have been changed no less than five times, and each time it is dangerous and dangerous, extremely dangerous.

what? You ask why it is dangerous?

   Every time Batu replaces the wall reinforcement, he can block the attack of the Celestial camp for 20 minutes and become one of the Celestial camp? Don't you want to behead it? Don't want to kill it and go fast?

   Even if it can’t be killed, it’s great to interfere with its inability to install wall reinforcements.

   Therefore, every time it is replaced, the powerful skills of the legendary NPC of the Celestial faction are attacked, recruiting dead hands.

   The first five times, Batu responded with his amazing consciousness and the bonus of invincible equipment, and successfully installed it.

   Now it’s time to replace it again. I don’t know if Batu can be replaced this time.

   The installation of the wall reinforcement is actually very simple:

   The last one is broken and scrapped, and you can replace it soon afterwards.

   seems simple, but there is only a 0.1 second response time.

   It’s too fast, not too slow.

   At the same time that Batu was replaced, a certain legendary archer in the Celestial camp had been waiting for a long time to shoot with a bow and aim at Batu;

  The legendary mage has already chanted the forbidden curse, and a huge single forbidden curse thunder strikes on Batu's head;

   This is not over yet, and other Legendary NPCs are also getting ready. At this moment, there are six strong points against Batu.

   Batu's face turned black. There were only three people before, but this time it has doubled?

   His heart moved to activate the invincible defense, but the movement on his hand still did not stop.

   0.1 seconds usually feels very short, but this moment seems eternal.

   The first skill immunity, the second attack immunity, the third and the fourth...

   As a legendary blacksmith, Batu's invincible equipment is naturally not less.

   The last skill is also immune. Just when Batu breathed a sigh of relief, a familiar voice suddenly rang out from the sky, disrupting his rhythm, his hand movement was unstable and the installation failed.

   This is a huge mistake, a mistake that cannot be forgiven.

   Batu was stunned for a second, staying in place like a piece of wood, what did he hear?

   Epic and Purple-Gold NPCs saw this scene, and immediately looked around vigilantly. Where did the danger come from? Why did Master Batu fail?

   The players felt a chill, and their expectations became low. It is important to know whether to have a wall reinforcement device in this battle.

   And the legendary powerhouses in the Celestial camp were also stunned. They clearly saw that their six skills were empty. Why was Batu's movement interrupted?

   What is the factor? Could it be that your own gods have intervened?

   Probably not, how can the gods be so boring.

   Batu raised his head, his eyes filled with light, and the corners of his mouth smiled.

   He is not angry, on the contrary he is very happy.

   Uh, a group of people wiped their eyes, right?

   Is Batu stupid?

   "Brother Batu, I'm back."

   This is the sound that interrupted Batu's installation of the reinforcement of the city wall, and it was also the culprit that caused Batu to lose consciousness.

   Following Batu's gaze, there was a figure floating in the sky.

   No, it cannot be regarded as a human being, but to be precise, a free-spirited man.

   It was rainy night...

   After logging in to the game, ‘Wing’ will send himself out as soon as possible.

   So rainy night quickly took the space portal back to town No. 48.

   As for the mission? A few days later should not get in the way.

   The rainy night stands vertically in the sky, standing upright on the ground, like a giant; waving the white wings behind it, shining in the sun, emitting infinite light behind him.

   At this moment, the rainy night is like an angel.

   "Fuck, who is the birdman in the sky? What is B? Get out."

   Looking at his girlfriend beside him with a look of intoxication, a certain strong man pointed to Yuye’s nose and cursed.

   "What? Is it really birdman?"

   "Do you remember the speculation about the Wing Man? Is it possible that Cheng Wing Man has already appeared?"



   I have to say that the players' brains are very flexible, and the reasoning is straightforward, and it takes a while to sort out the origin of the rainy night.

   "This person looks familiar, but it seems a bit unclear."

   "Look, he has fallen down, eh? Young, is he a child?"

   The players are very puzzled.

   "I see, he is the Holy Dragon who destroyed the Tyrannical Guild a month ago."

   "Fuck, it's really him, is the man like a devil back again?"

   "I remember that the Celestial camp came before, and he didn't Is this time specifically for the rankings?"

   The players guessed the identity of Yuye, and a hint of hope emerged in their hearts.

   Can he create any miracles this time?



   "Brother, it's brother."

   jumped up softly and happily, shook the old head's arm crazy and said.

   The old Zhang head looked at the rainy night figure in the sky, shocked in his heart.

  Although Yuye has already heard that he changed his job to another hidden occupation, but when he really appeared in front of everyone? Still shocked.

   "Handsome, I don't know what Xiaoye's gift is for me?"

   The old Zhang head slobbered, looking forward to it...

   Uh, a few rolled eyes.

   The rainy night is soft as if there is a clear heart, and the eyes are intertwined in an instant, and he smiles softly, the rainy night falls from the sky beside Batu.

   I seem to have done something wrong just now, see if I can make up for it.

   "You kid, finally came back."

   Batu patted Yuye on the shoulder, and said with a smile.

   "Clean up the monsters outside, and then hurry up to help the city lord."

   Batu believes in Yuye very much, and directly handed him a task:

  Ding, Batu releases a dark gold mission to you: clear the monsters around the east of town No. 48.