Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 525: The attribution of the beast Xuanwu

Task reward: level +1

Ok? This task? You can accept it.

   The range of five thousand yards is big or small, just suitable for rainy night.

   This task can be said to be specially prepared by Batu for the rainy night.

After    accepted, Rainy Night flew up to find three fixed points and threw the white haze plague bomb.

   Three is the upper limit, but the power of three plague bombs is enough to remove the monster closest to the city wall.

  Ding, congratulations on getting 100 experience points

  Ding, congratulations on getting 100 experience points


   The system prompt sounded continuously.

   Rainy night frowned, this experience value is too little.

   Even if the accumulation becomes more, but it is still less.

   Hey, one hundred million experience points used to kill legendary bosses, look at another one hundred?

   Thanks to Batu's level +1, otherwise these three plague bombs would be really wasted.

  Ding, mission completed, level +1

   Looking at the number 37, I am very happy on rainy night.

   The upgrade is so fast...

   Batu was a little shocked. He originally wanted to see how much strength he had improved in the month after the rainy night disappeared, and how to make up for the gap between him and these players.

   It seems that it is completely unnecessary.

   "Well, you go to help the city lord and them, they are almost unable to hold on."

   Batu waved his hand, driving away the rainy night impatiently.

   My kindness seems to have done something wrong, making the gap between Yuye and them even bigger...

   "Here, Brother Batu, here are the two ore you need."

   Rainy night took out the two legendary materials previously obtained and handed them to Bruman.

   Bluman's eyes lit up, and he took another high look at the rainy night.

   "You kid, yes, with these two pieces of material, your legendary equipment will definitely be able to take it to the next level."

   "Haha, okay."

   Yuye scratched his head shyly, said with a smile, and then flew in a gentle direction.

   "Brother, you are finally back."

   leaped over and hugged Yuye gently and excitedly.

   "Gentle, don't cry, isn't my brother coming back?"

   Touching her soft hair, smelling the scent of her body, feeling at ease in the rainy night.

   "Gentle, is this BOSS hard to kill? So many legendary players can't kill him?"

   After releasing the softness, Yuye asked suspiciously.

   "Hmm, this monster is really strong, look at its attributes, Xiao Ye."

   said, the old Zhang head sent the attribute to Yuye.

   is really strong, I want to release the group's disaster from rainy night.

  , however, was gently stopped and showed him his mission.

   Rainy night fell into deep thought, after a long time he raised his head and said softly:

   "Abandon this task."

   Gentle gave up the task without asking why.

   Old Li Tau wanted to say something, but still closed his mouth.

   At this moment, he seemed to see the person's shadow from the rainy night.

   There is no room for doubt, no room for rebuttal.

   The next second, the rainy night unleashes group disasters and the flu rages.

   Luwu's blood volume dropped by 600 million.

   This crazy scene shocked many legendary powerhouses, turning their heads to look at the rainy night.

  Rainy night politely lowered his head to show his respect.

   "It's up to you uncles next."

   Yuye said with a smile.

  Wing Man Kingdom and his party, the legendary powerhouses that I have seen on rainy nights are absolutely numerous.

   Now let him face the legendary powerhouse, all the strangeness in his heart disappeared, only the respect for his age.



   The feeling of fear emerged for the first time in the ignorant green consciousness.

   It takes root under it, working hard to restore blood volume.

   But it can only recover 50 million each time, and the cooling time has been changed to two seconds.

   The blight of the crowd is so perverted...

   Such green nothing has created any threat.

   Soon, Lu Wu died, turning into experience points into the bodies of the legendary powerhouses.

   As for the equipment that broke out, rainy night was divided into half:

   A legend, an epic, and a green stone.

  Equipment Rainy Night didn't care about it. There were countless legendary equipment in the backpack. At this moment, his eyes were on the green stone.

  Ding, congratulations on obtaining the special ore-the dim light of life.

  ? ? ? ?

what is this?

   Rainy night to show the eye surgery:

  The name of the ore-the dim light of life.

   Effect: The equipment forged by it can suppress the horrific healing effect of the green plant family.

   Just saw here, my eyes lit up on rainy night.

   Sure enough, Grandpa Zhang was right. There must be an antidote next to the poisonous thing.

   gave the green stone to Batu, and rushed to the other green plants again on the rainy night.

   After the disaster of the three groups, Yuye led Gentle and the others out from the main entrance.

   "Grandpa Zhang, Grandpa Li, Grandma Grandma, these are the gifts I'm talking about. See who chooses first."

   On the way, Yuye took out the basalt eggs and placed them in front of everyone.

   The four old people took a breath, although they had previously guessed that a sacred beast egg would be taken out on a rainy night.

   But when this sacred beast egg really appeared in front of him, the four of them still took a breath, and their faces were full of shock.

"how can that be?"

   Old Zhangtou was the first to exclaim.

   "Is this still incubated at the highest level?"

   Grandma Sun quickly noticed this detail.

   Yuye nodded, and continued to urge:

   "You decide quickly, we are almost at the gate of Cheng."

   "Sao Ye, take it, give you priority."

   The four elderly people discussed the best solution they thought.

   There is no way, Yu Ye had to put five divine beast eggs in front of them.

   "I have it too. This green dragon egg belongs to me. As for the other four, I will give it to you after I find the blessing of the beast."

   Seeing the four genuine sacred beast eggs, Lao Zhang and others were shocked.

   But as a master, he reacted quickly and started to distribute.

   "Give it to Old Zhao, he is a thief, he has a low blood volume and needs a pet with a thick blood volume, do you have any comments?"

   The calm old head Zhang gave the best distribution plan.



   " Hmph, bad brother, what about the gentle beast? Gentle is also the beast, Jinguang 1 and 2 are too stupid, I don't want it anymore."

   With his hands on his hips gently, he puffed his mouth, turned his head and snorted very unhappy.

   "Brother's Qinglong, will you give you a good one? No, I want the golden dragon softly. It's best to have the same golden color as Jinguang One."

   played a little bit softly and said his own requirements.

   "Well, well, I will help you inquire when I see the'Final Chapter Mainland First Trader' next time."

   "No, you have to promise, otherwise Gentle will ignore you."

   "Good, good, brother promise."



   Looking at the two brothers and sisters, Lao Zhang and others shook his head and smiled.

   When he walked to the gate of the city, a green little Xuanwu appeared on the shoulders of Old Zhao's head.

   a hard shell, a cute snake head.

   Yuye changed his expression, and a strong war spirit appeared in his eyes and walked out of the city.

  Outside the town, there are monsters from the Celestial camp. The reason why Yuye dared to kill is because of Xuanwu.

   The tenth level basalt defense will not be very high, and the twentieth level will not be very powerful, but the 30th level promoted to the gold basalt is enough to ensure their safety.