Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 526: Is this basalt?

After all, it was a mythical beast, and it was a mythical beast that was hatched in the perfect stage.

   From the beginning of the service to the present, there is only one, and the price of rainy night among them? The costly experience is not enough for outsiders.

   This is one of them, and the second is that rainy night saw that novel standings list, and saw the huge and extreme rewards.

   He has a lot of legendary equipment and a set of artifacts.

   But can one more artifact? Who wants to refuse?

   The terrifying power of the previous three plague bombs successfully sent him to the top 100, and now he wants to hit the first place, and by the way, help Lao Zhangtou and others to also improve the ranking.

  Why is Yuye so confident that he can hit the top? It's because he saw the name of the number one ‘real man, real man’.

   Your own defeated players can be the first place, but you can’t do it without reason.

   Uh, the existence that can't hold on to every move turned out to be the first? This makes the rainy night feel bleak...

  Ding, congratulations for gaining reputation +10000

  Ding, congratulations for gaining reputation +10000



  Rainy night helped solve the crisis in the forty-eighth town, which naturally has reputation.

   There are other rewards besides that, the value is not very high, so rainy night does not care very much.

   The fact that the ‘Holy Dragon’ can restrain the planting clan was ordered by ‘Cheng Er Gun’ to prohibit the spread, and the news was reported.

   Firstly, it is to ensure the safety of rainy night, and secondly, it is selfish to avoid being poached by other towns on rainy night.



   After the rainy night returned to the continent of the final chapter, the biggest impact was the list.

   At the moment when the rainy night appeared, the first place changed hands.

   ranks first with a crushing advantage.

   "Huh? I became second on the ranking list? The first place is "Holy Dragon"?"

   ‘Real man, standing man’’s eyes lit up, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth and murmured.

   He knew that one rainy night would surpass his level, but he did not expect that this day would come so soon.

   These days he has worked very hard to clean monsters, but...

   The reputation list also occupies the first place with the advantage of crushing.

   Hundreds of thousands of prestige? Pay attention to make many players stand by.

  First in equipment list

  The owner of a set of artifacts? Who is first if he is not first?

   Although I can’t use it, it’s rainy night equipment.

   The pet list is temporarily ranked sixth...

   There are four people in front of "I am Xuanwu", "I am Suzaku", and the new beast Xuanwu acquired by Old Zhao.

   They all have sacred beasts, and rainy nights can't compare.

   When the players in the 48th town saw such a list, they all stunned and were shocked.

   "Fuck, there are a total of ten lists, and the ‘Holy Dragon’ alone occupies the top of the eight lists? How could it be possible? I remember that no one was so scary even at the peak."

   "Originally thought that the Great Demon King disappeared for a month and lost a month of leveling time, he would lose sight of everyone, but now that we worry about it, he... is still so scary."

   "It's over, I seem to have had a conflict with the people of'Old Zhang Tou' a few days ago. Will the'Holy Dragon' kill me to vent my anger? No, I have to hide for a while."

   Players reacted differently, some were sad, some were emotional.



   "I took it. I really took it. It must be no problem for the "Holy Dragon" to be selected into the Hall of Fame this time."

   "He is the pride of our 48th town. You didn't see the previous wave of his operations. He was so handsome. Three swishes, the monsters were swept away."

   "Mighty, domineering."



   The players in Town No. 48 have a sense of superiority inexplicably.

   Other players in the Huaxia District started frantically discussing the sudden change of the list and the sudden appearance of the "Holy Dragon" occupying the top spot.

   "I've heard of this man, he seems to be a child, very famous in the 48th town."

   "Is it because he defeated the "real man, real man"? And only used one move?"

   "Yes, isn't it him?"

   "Wow, I heard that the hidden job he changed-the Plague Mage, is extremely powerful and can reduce the attributes of the mission monster by half..."

   "I also know that he values ​​his relatives the most, and he does not hesitate to engage in evil for them."

   "What kind of guilty, it is obviously a unilateral massacre, the Tyrant Guild dare not put one fart now, as for seeking revenge? It is even more nonsense."

   "Uh, brother, be careful."

   Someone stopped him to prevent him from talking nonsense.

   You must know that the Decepticon Guild’s strength should not be underestimated. It can definitely be shot in China, so be careful to speak out.



   As the players discussed, the image of Yuye gradually became clear and clear.

   was portrayed by the majority of players into a new era of three good youths who dare to love and hate, to be happy with gratitude, and to fight and break.

   Uh, this kind of situation was not unexpected in rainy night.

  Ding, congratulations to Yuye for successfully completing the achievement of opening the service for two months.

   At the same time, the other five districts that always pay attention to Huaxia District also obtained all the information of Rainy Night at the same time.

   is him, the player who changes the progress of the Huaxia District by himself.

   For a time, all the information from Yuye since the start of the service appeared on the desk of the person in charge.

   A conspiracy against rainy night is brewing...

   However, things in the game can only be solved in the game...

   Outside Town No. 48, the moment when the six people went out on Rainy Night did not arouse the players' attention.

   Some people even rolled their eyes, and another group went out to die.

   But at the moment, they successfully attracted the attention of all players:

   "Huh? Look, there seems to be someone fighting under the wall."

   After a player on the city wall emptied his cannonball, he lay down on the city wall and looked down boredly.

   "What's the kidding? Who is so stupid now? You don't use the fort but go to hand-to-hand combat. You won't be The man next to him installed the cannonball and fired it and said.

   "No, there is really a human figure below. It doesn't look like an NPC, but a bit like a player."

   "Fuck, those are the six Saints and Dragons, I said, who dares to be so arrogant."

   "Look, what is the origin of that huge monster, it almost completely protects six people."

   With the passage of time, more and more information is obtained by everyone, and more and more comprehensive.

   But in the end, it can only be turned into a sigh and full of envy.

   "Hey, I also want to be like them. This is a lot of monsters, and there is no money."

   "Envy, is anyone willing to go down with me?"

  Mentally retarded, except for the Holy Dragon, who can currently do this to farm monsters.

   "Hey, do you think that monster looks like Xuanwu, one of the Chinese beasts?"

   A certain player frowned, with a suspicious opening.

   "Hey, what you said is really a bit like that, the appearance is similar, but the color is completely different, basalt, completely dark, can pass the netherworld, and is different from the color recorded by China."

   "Perhaps similar pets? Hybrid legendary pets."

   "I took a photo, and I will put it on the Internet for inquiry."

   Someone gives the most direct and effective way.

