Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 542: Required for upgrade-death stone

   Although "Di Zhang" entered the final chapter relatively late, he didn't know a lot of things, and he didn't know everything in detail, but his roommates entered the first time.

   You must know that his roommates have been struggling for nearly two months, and they are only at the level of twenty-seven and eighth. For that matter, they have been bragging about and showing off to "Di Zhang".

   asked him to contact them as soon as he entered the town, so as to facilitate him to upgrade.

   And the "Holy Dragon" in front of him is already level 37? Level 37? What is that concept? Ten levels higher than his little friend.

   This should be the gap between ordinary people and great gods...

   Under the shock, "Di Zhang" opened the ranking list. When he saw Yu Ye at the top of the list, his mentality changed again, and his eyes looked at Yu Ye with something different.

   That is a respectful look...In the game, there are only strengths and weaknesses, regardless of age.

   Under curiosity,'Di Zhang' opened the other lists, and he just glanced at the whole person and suddenly froze in place.

   First on the eighth list? "Holy Dragon" is such a terrifying player?

  嚯, what kind of big brother do you face? Huh? It seems to follow such a big man, there is nothing wrong, there is no shame, hehe.

  As a college student in the new era? The mentality of'Di Zhang' changed quickly, and a smile soon appeared on his face.

   "Hey, let me help you and let you see my strength."

   "Di Zhang" shouted loudly, and then aimed at drawing the bow and shot. He wanted to show his strength and not let the great **** feel like he was a waste.

   Snap, the arrows are flying, the posture is very handsome, but he shoots directly into the air and landed ten meters away from the monster.

   Uh, shame.

   "Di Zhang" did not believe in evil, and shot an arrow again, but the ending was still the same, and it failed.

   There is no special lock, the archer is really not easy to hit, especially the monster who wants to hit the displacement.

   You must know that the initial career of Emperor Zhang was not an archer, but a chosen fighter.

  A warrior? An archer? The gap between the two is huge.

   Without practice? "Di Zhang" is a waste.

After    tried four or five times in a row, ‘Zhangdi’ smiled wryly and retracted the bow and arrow:

"excuse me."

   Seeing the state of ‘Zhang Di’, he rolled his eyes on the rainy night and cried directly. It’s too watery, isn’t it even the most basic prediction?

  Yuye has also worked with the hidden profession of the Dragon Touring Guild-Broken Fleeing Years. Compared with others, "Di Zhang" is like a heaven and an underground, which is completely incomparable.



   Rainy night on the other side struggling to kill monsters and thousands of heads for ten minutes, sweating his forehead, but looking at the level of'Zhang Di', it turned out to be level zero? No change at all.

what happened? Isn't so many experience points enough to raise his level by one level? really.

   No, it’s not right. Rainy night is doing crazy calculations in the brain. These experience points should be enough to increase the level of'Zhang Di' by three levels.

but now? However, there is no improvement at the first level. There must be some tricks in this, and there must be hidden secrets.

   "'Emperor Zhang'? Take a look at your experience bar? Why didn't you upgrade?"

   No more monsters on the rainy night, and after the hatred was resolved, he came to the side of ‘Di Zhang’ and asked.

"Let me see."

   After so many things, "Di Zhang" has never had time to rest, so he has no time to study his own changes.

  Life Archer is very different from other professions.

   At this moment, when he saw the experience bar and saw the need for upgrading, the whole person suddenly became bad.

   At this moment, he suddenly realized that what he needed to upgrade was no longer experience points, but something called a stone of death.

   "Death Stone? What the **** is that?"

   Seeing such a special upgrade item, rainy night wondered and asked, is there anyone else using this item to upgrade?

   "I don't know, I have never heard of it."

   ‘Zhang Di’ spread out his hands and said nonchalantly.

   When Yuye heard this, he immediately rolled his eyes and quit the game.

   Isn't this a waste of effort?

   Qingrou has urged him several times a long time ago, so that he will be offline soon.

   Looking at the "Holy Dragon" who quit the game, "Zhang Di" pouted and chose to return to the city.

   He has to figure out his own changes as soon as possible, and then...better brag to his friends.

   But now he seems to have the capital to brag:

   I don’t need you to bring me, I have thicker thighs, haha.

  Also, is Lao Tzu a hidden occupation? Are you envious? Haha.



   Rainy night, walked out of the nutrition warehouse and came downstairs, picked up a piece of bread and told the grandparents about the'Zhangdi' to make them ready.

   also asked grandparents if they had heard of the item "stone of death"?

After    got no reply, Yuye rubbed his head tiredly and pulled gently upstairs to sleep.

Ok? Why are you so tired inexplicably today?



  The Final Chapter Building, Tao Yuan ran into trouble again:

All the files of   'Di Zhang' (from joining the game to exiting the game on September 1st) have been organized into a book and placed in front of him, waiting for Tao Yuan's instructions.

   The system has been checked for many times, and none of the nodes went wrong, and there was no deviation in any link, but it still created the freak of "Zhang Di" ~ created a special hidden profession-life shooter.

   Tao Yuan is very clear and understands that in the final chapter there is no hidden profession of life archer.

   is abrupt and confusing.

   First, the "Holy Dragon" changed uncontrollably, as if it were a bug, and then "Zhang Di" changed inexplicably. I don't know how the next plot will be staged.

   Tao Yuan was very annoyed. He suddenly felt that the final chapter, a game jointly researched by various countries, seemed not that simple, as if he was about to leave his control.

   There was a trace of fear in his heart.

   In the end, Tao Yuan decided to put the information of "Di Zhang" and the information of "Holy Dragon" together as top secret. He always felt that these two people would collide with some different sparks.

   In a blink of an eye, the night passed.

   At six o'clock on September 2, the biological clock on the rainy night awakened him on time.

   After washing, Yu Ye walked down the stairs stiffly. His face was pale and he had an indescribable temperament.

   "Sao Ye, wake up, hurry up and have breakfast."

   Grandma Sun will greet the rainy night kindly, with a gentle smile on her face.

   Rainy night did not go to the table, ignored Grandma Sun’s words, but took a steady step to the window and looked up at the outside scene.

   The sun shines on the face of the rainy night, reflecting something different.

   At this moment, Yu Ye seemed to have completely changed a person, with his hands behind his back, and the momentum of his body increased again.

   Whether it is from the eyes, from the body shape, from the steps, the rainy night is different from before.