Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 547: Large copy? ?

Only a few minutes have passed, and it's strange that these people can come out.

Note: The assessment started at 8 o'clock in the morning on September 2...

Ding, your victory is one, and the green plant warehouse is open to you.

The moment Ba Tian saw the Green Plant Warehouse, his heart suddenly became hot, and all his previous unhappiness disappeared.

There is no equipment, props, or materials below the Purple Gold rank in the warehouse.

And everything seems to be tailor-made for him, which he urgently needs now.

But the price? It's really too high.

One hundred victories can be exchanged for a purple gold grade material...

Five hundred victories can be exchanged for a purple and gold item...

One thousand wins can be exchanged for an epic necklace...



One hundred consecutive victories? I don't know if I can reach it?

Yes, it must be possible, Ba Tian cheered for himself in his heart.

Not only Tyrant, but any player who enters the green town and wins a game is crazy at this moment, desperately wanting to enter the next game, wanting to achieve a hundred consecutive victories.

Only one hundred consecutive victories can exchange for the same long-lasting materials and props.

There is only one player who fails, and the green plant kills them to become a nutrient.

"You said what happened in the town of the Celestial Camp? Why hasn't there been any news yet?"

"I also want to ask, even if the whole army is wiped out, there should be a letter."

"Could it be that what happened in the town?"

Players have not yet entered the speculation...

When the first batch of failed players reappeared next to the resurrection stone in their respective towns, information began to bombard.

"The towns occupied by green plants have undergone tremendous changes-an assessment system has appeared inexplicably."

When a certain player speaks, a group of people are immediately looked at.

"Assessment? What is this? Didn't the green plants in it kill you immediately?"

"Huh? Is it possible that green plants also have life? Have the consciousness of independent thinking"

A certain player was shocked.

"Aren't you kidding me? Green plant..."

Halfway through, the player was stunned.

Yes, no one seems to have studied the life status of green plants. What if they are really conscious?



"When you enter a town occupied by green plants, you will be forced to perform a task: win 10,000 games."

As more news came out, the players' hearts became more excited, but there were also some rational people whose hearts fell to the bottom.

They are keenly aware that this is the plot of the Green Plants, but they can't see anything unfavorable to the human race.

But they still chose not to participate wisely.



When the player who won a victory defeated and took out some screenshots of the items in the Green Plant Warehouse, the players in both the Celestial and the ordinary camps went crazy...

Especially players who have confidence in their own strength.

Enter, you must enter.

That reward is too tempting, no one can bear it.

Xiao Ming who got the news was uncomfortable, why did things turn into this step?

What about occupying the town? It is said to be filled with human lives? Why has it become an assessment? It is clear that the green plants had a lot of malice towards humans yesterday, okay?

"Xiao Ming? Shall we go to participate in the assessment?"

Gemini rubbed his hands and asked with a grin.

It can be seen that the two of them are very interested in this assessment.

The Long Sword Hate Song is not there, and Xiao Ming is the host in the guild.

"Go, organize some masters to go, otherwise it will be the past to give others points."

Xiao Ming said without raising his head.

"Good Le."

"Lao Niu, look for a few reliable players in the guild, let them enter the town occupied by the ordinary camp green plants, and compare whether the two have changed."


Xiao Ming is the helm, and the old man is the executor.

Even if the Long Sword Hate Song is not there, the Dragon Touring Guild can be organized.



Ten minutes later, news came:

The towns occupied by the green plants in the ordinary camp also started the assessment, and the assessment tasks were the same and won 10,000 matches.

At this moment, Lu Zhi's revenge turned into a huge copy.

"True man, true man" gave up mobs and entered it.

The "scarlet sea" entered it.

"I am Suzaku" enters it.

'Evil Liao' enters it.

‘Dark Black Ghost Hand’ enters it.

'Qing Tian' entered it with determination.

He felt that he still had potential to squeeze, but his progress in the guild was very small.

He needs to improve, he needs to be crazy, he wants to join China, even if it is to enter it as a meat shield...



It can be said that none of the top 100 existences in the Hall of Fame have escaped and entered one after another.

Here, for them, it is not only a place where they can get rewards, but also a place where they can prove themselves and give themselves great pressure.

Who can take the lead in completing 10,000 victories? Then who is the king well deserved.

This is a secret contest.

This is not a short battle, but a long journey.

Ten thousand battles? If you can persist? That is not weaker than a transformation for them.

No one from Huaxia Guild entered, and they did not even log in to the game.



The six districts are originally one, so the changes in the Huaxia district cannot be concealed from the other five districts.

Green plants were born in China ahead of schedule? Such news soon spread in the five regions.

"Grass, Huaxia District is one step ahead of us?"

"Huaxia Pig is such a lowly race? How can it be ahead everywhere, they must have played tricks."

"That is, the despicable race must have made small moves."

Haha, I am a pile of shit, and everything looks like shit.



"Can the six regions be synchronized? Do you have to compete like this?"

"Request synchronization, request synchronization."

"Yes, synchronization is requested."

Except for the nasty area of ​​rh, among the five regions, other players have asked their own regions to be opened simultaneously.

However, their request was directly rejected:

"Everything in the final chapter of the continent can only be relied on by the players themselves. The extent to which they can develop depends on the ability of the region."

It is very hard for the players to get such a reply.



Huaxia Magic City, Tao Yuan's office.

There are two documents on the table:

One about the changes in green plants, and the other about the overall trend of the final Tao Yuan looked plain after reading these two documents, and there was no wave of trouble in his heart.

Although things have changed a little, they are still under control in general.

After the treatment, Tao Yuan stood up and came to the window calmly.

Looking at the scenery outside the window condescendingly, it is very comfortable and spectacular.

Silently lit a cigarette, watching the burning sparks, Tao Yuan decided what to do.

He cannot remain so passive forever.

Whether in reality or in games, he has always been a bystander.

Correction? Impossible, guidance? Impossible, change? It's even more impossible; all he can do is look at the files...

Putting out the cigarette, Tao Yuan came to the table again, turning the golden ring on his finger that seemed to be specially made. (Plague Mage of Online Games: 125125320)--(Plague Mage of Online Games)