Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 548: The particularity of golden rings

This golden ring, if anyone familiar with Tao Yuan can find it has been wearing on his hand.

Tao Yuan closed his eyes quietly, emptied his mind and body, and kept his breathing at the same frequency; his figure trembled slightly, as if a slight electric current passed through.

In the next second, consciousness was connected with the ring and entered the final chapter continent.

Most people entering the final chapter continent will appear in the career selection hall, but rainy night, gentle and so on are different.

Tao Yuan is also different from ordinary people. The place where he appears at the moment is white.

There is no hall, no professional gods to draw, only the white mist with extremely low visibility, no edge, no clear surroundings.

Suddenly, a loud voice sounded.

Ding, please choose a race.

Ding, due to the particularity of your login device, you can choose a special race.

? ? ? ?

? ? ? ?

Damn it? This is also OK?

What the **** is this login device? Is it a special race for nothing?


Uh, is this the legendary richness that can make ghosts push?

Ding, are you sure to choose a special race-Thunder Giant Race?

Damn it?

What are the Thunder Giants? It’s amazing to hear the name? This...this...Is there still Wang Fa? Is there any reason?

There is no doubt that Tao Yuan has won at the starting line.


Ding, you can choose rare occupations.

? ? ? ?

? ? ? ?

Crazy, really going crazy.

Special race? Rare occupation? What kind of login ring is this?

As an ordinary person, he would have been happily forgetting it at this moment, but Tao Yuan remained calm from beginning to end, calm and calm, with a calm smile on his mouth.

He seemed to know everything well, as if he had experienced all this a thousand times.

Ding, are you sure to choose a rare job-Son of Thunder?


Ding, please name your character.

Tao Yuan.

Ding, the name is available, are you sure?


Uh, did not hide it, did you enter directly with your real name?

Ding, the scene is about to change, please be prepared.

In the next second, Tao Yuan appeared in front of a hall formed by thunder.

The main hall directly leads to the sky, making it impossible to see the whole picture; the whole body is dark purple, and the occasional electric light circulation makes this hall appear extremely noble.

Tao Yuan's complexion remained unchanged, as he walked in lightly.

Ok? Just when he was about to enter, Tao Yuan noticed something, stopped and keenly raised his head to look west.

Crossing big rivers, ignoring national boundaries, focusing on the west.

At the moment, there is also a figure standing at the entrance of the Western Temple. His face is the general manager of the OM district.

At this moment, he also raised his head, looking at the east, to be exact, looking at Tao Yuan through space.

Ding, Tao Yuan asked for a call...



There are a total of six golden rings, which are in the hands of the general managers of the six regions.

The ring only has one additional function-enter the final chapter and become an NPC, survey the final chapter in the third person, and record data...

Tao Yuan's entry did not have any impact on the final chapter, as if a drop of water entered the sea, it could not make any waves.



In the final chapter, the 34 green towns in the mainland are without exception. As long as players enter them, they will be compulsory to participate in the assessment and forcibly fight.

Want to leave? Totally impossible.

But with such a big change, whether it is the gods or the mundane? They all seem to be unaware of it, letting go of their freedom, regardless.

In other words, the NPC deliberately chose to forget, not dare to touch this restricted area.

They seem to have received some information...

In the 48th town, Cheng Ergun decisively issued the order:

It is forbidden for any NPC to approach the green town and not to participate in the assessment.



"Brother? Did you go to the assessment?"

"Ahem, participate."

The player who was questioned was a little guilty, and at the same time prayed in his heart not to keep asking.

"How's your grade?"

"Ahem, a losing streak."


Still TM losing streak? Just send it in and die soon? I don't laugh at you.

"What about you? Brother Li?"

"One losing streak."


No matter which town it is in, the assessment event of the green town is the focus of the players' discussion, and three sentences are absolutely inevitable.

All kinds of comparisons, all kinds of voices emerge in endlessly.

Some powerful and well-known guilds even use the assessment streak as a basis for joining the guild.

"Ten consecutive victories can become an ordinary member, with a monthly salary of 30 gold coins and three thousand Hua Xia coins; a hundred consecutive victories can be called an elite member, with a monthly salary of 80 gold coins and eight thousand Hua Xia coins. A thousand consecutive victories can join the second-tier echelon with a monthly salary of 130 Gold coins, 13 thousand Chinese coins."

As soon as this rule came out, it not only recruited absolute masters for the guild, but also greatly enhanced the guild’s popularity.

Such a good way? It must be used.

So whether it is **** or mundane? The major well-known guilds have adopted this method.

Some even offer higher prices one by one in order to grab a master, and one by one outrageously.

"I have won a 50-game winning streak for Green Plants, can I join your public account?"

A certain member went to a guild to report and spoke proudly.

"Ordinary members, get the identity token in front and change the name card."

The receptionist pointed angrily to the front, without raising his head from start to finish.

"I won one thousand three hundred and eighty-four consecutive victories."

A scared man said calmly.

"Please go inside, our president will personally receive it."

The reception staff raised their heads, their eyes filled with admiration, and they made a faint mouth with a ladylike temperament.

The winning streak is different, and the pay is different.



Especially in the major live broadcast rooms of the outside world, almost as long as the anchors who open the live broadcast are checking the green plants.

"The great **** will live broadcast, impact Qiansheng, and if it is less than Qiansheng, live broadcast will eat shit."

"I have hit Wan Sheng, and I have won it. Don't be afraid."

"Come in and take a look, you won't be disappointed."

The names of the major live broadcast rooms are very strange, attracting the attention of everyone to a large extent.

Many unsuccessful players have chosen to watch the live broadcast, watching other people's fighting and learning knowledge.

The green plant event continues to ferment in the final chapter continent...



Baiju crossed the gap Time flies, and it is September 4th in a blink of an eye.

Two full days have passed since the green plant town assessment event.

Players with low strength and poor equipment have only one impression of the green town-they will not go to death.

There are too many masters, and they will die directly if they enter it. They can do nothing except give points to others.

They couldn't even win a single victory, and the penalty for failure was 30% of their experience.

Thirty percent experience value? It takes two days of non-stop brushing the monsters to make up for it.

Faced with such punishment? How do they continue?

After cursing Green Plant Town several times, the low-end players continued to return to their normal lives.



According to incomplete statistics, nearly 300 million players entered the green town on the first day.

What kind of figure is this? This means that half of the players in the final chapter choose to enter.

The main reason is two words: curiosity.