Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 55: "Slap Face" team

Uh, Lao Niu and others saw such emotional, tear-jerking text, the pale face of the No. 1 seed player appeared in their minds, and the vowed expression of this Long Sword Hate Song, they were still confused and confused. Confused, completely unknown.

"Who knows what this fat girl is doing? It's so mysterious." The old cow buttoned his nose and pushed the person next to him curiously.

"Who knows, the president must have...grass, you actually put your booger on Lao Tzu's clothes, gras, I have a cleanliness addiction, you don't know, gras, Lao Tzu fights with you." After three or four In seconds, the previous person reacted.

President, I report, the old man said that you are a fat girl, he also said that you are ugly and you keep walking around, and...

Chairman, I also report, you are obviously an angel, how can you be so slandered.

Hearing these words, the big guy suddenly took a breath and was astonished as a heavenly man. He looked at him and wanted to know who this ignorant **** was.

I didn’t run away. I was the most handsome and shameless in Qingshan. Seeing everyone’s gaze, he raised his chest and straightened up to meet him. At the same time, he looked at the old cow with a look of enjoyment on his face. At a glance.


Hmph, although it seems that Lao Niu's situation at the moment is very worrying, but he waved his hand and snorted coldly, showing that he didn't care, it was just a small matter.

But Changjian Hengge's eyes drifted away, and he hurriedly ran far away.


After taunting the old cow, Changjian Hengge conjured up a small notebook and a pen from somewhere, wearing fashionable black-framed glasses and lowered his head to write and draw, like a senior scholar recording data, as obedient Good students study hard.

"Wait a moment, get these shoes on."

"Hmm." The second pastor entered with a face as usual, as if he hadn't been affected by the first place, and his mental consciousness was really high.

Lao Niu and others couldn't help but mourn for him, hey, it's so pitiful...

After a while, the second priest also turned into white light and disappeared. After the resurrection, he left a sentence: the first step was completed, the second step failed, and he was killed in seconds.

Changjian Hengge continued to record and calculated frantically.

The third, fourth, and fifth place, until after the twenty pastors tried them all, everyone in the Dragon Touring Guild left without a moment of nostalgia, leaving the rest of the guild with a group of cold figures, one by one. The mystery.

During this period, Changjian Hengge has been recording, and the little book in his hand has been full. As time goes by, the smile on the corner of Changjian Hengge's mouth has become more sunny.

Not to mention that the people in the other guilds are unknown. Therefore, even the people in the Dragon Touring Guild itself are half-understood. Only Changjian Henge understands the beginning and end of the matter.

"President, they are gone." The thief hiding in the dark reported instantly.

"What has changed in the copy?"

"There is no change, no changes in progress, equipment, etc."

"Hey, what the **** is the Long Sword Hate Song doing? Could it be said that the group came out to play?" People in the major guilds all reacted this way, with a trace of emotion in doubt, and a trace of confusion in confusion. bitter.

Hey, every move of the Grand Guild has to be studied, so tired.

At the same time, the wind direction of the live broadcast rooms of major external websites has also changed, and the titles have changed:

Come and come, don't miss it when you pass by, the tenth level dungeon invites you. ——Little Fresh Meat Live Room

You may have seen ten sika deer, or you may have seen sixty sika deer, but I can guarantee you absolutely...——Dasha live studio.

Uh, the number of words is too long to be displayed, but this title also attracted many players to watch.

Hastily, a group of big snakes, asking for comfort. ——Meng Sister Live Room.

The number of deaths in Shoal's shrimp scene today has reached five times, and he can't continue the game in a short time. He is so bored that he has to watch the live broadcast, tease girls, spend money, eat and drink, and spend time and drink.

Thinking about the reason why the group was destroyed, and his eyes on the progress of the Long Sword Henge's clearance, his whole mood was like a storm on the sea, very bad.

When he saw the names of these live broadcast rooms and the faces in the lower left corner of the live broadcast rooms, he almost didn't spit it out. What kind of **** was it? Are there such low requirements for the appearance of live broadcasters?

Grass, so ugly came out live, scare someone, quickly turned off the camera, md roll.

At this moment, he is like a mad dog who squirts and scolds when he sees people. Anything that doesn't go well may become the fuse to ignite gunpowder.

Until he saw a small anchor’s live broadcast room, subscribed more than a dozen, fans five or six, the results were very dismal:

The name of the live broadcast room is: Is it difficult for a level ten copy? For those who have mocked me.

Rampant, where the shit, dare to speak up, this is the first reaction to the shrimp scene in the shallows.

Click in and take a look. The tenth level dungeon has just begun: it just happens to be the same as the dungeon that the Shoal Guild has been playing. It is an endless desert, the hot sun is baking the earth, and it is unsympathetic.

The team leader’s name is: ‘Why am I like that?’ Uh, another silly roe deer, who doesn’t even know his name, and he plays a **** game.

This person is not very old, only seventeen or eighteen years old, very immature, full of sunshine and youthful breath.

But the appearance is mediocre, maybe because of puberty, there are still a lot of white spots on the people want to squeeze them one by one in the past, so I feel sour. If you have to score his appearance, you can only give it a five-point scale.

However, the equipment on his body that was shining with yellow luster immediately raised his temperament by more than one level, and he was among the pass ranks: sixty points.

Ding, the first wave of the first level is coming soon, please prepare for the face-slapped team.

Uh, what **** name, so good, and slap in the face? See how you slap your face for a while. The shrimp scene on the shoal still has no morals.

Hey, what are they busy doing? What seems to be building? A red barrage floated by.

A group of crows drifted one responded.

The people who watched the live broadcast have already gone, and there are only two of them. Naturally, the cold character of the shrimp scene in the shallows will not answer such low-level questions.

One minute later, the first wave of monsters arrived.

Ten desert poisonous scorpions drilled out of the sand and attacked everyone frantically.

The team didn't panic or even seemed to have not seen it, still installing something on its own.

When the poisonous scorpions were killed, the captain clapped his hands casually and sent five people to eliminate the poisonous scorpions first.

Cut, don't know what to do. ——The true voice of the shrimp scene in the shallows.

Oh, God, only sent five people? Really can? Can't believe it. Another player in the live broadcast room could not help sending out a green barrage when seeing this situation.

Hey, I can't see the attributes, please paste the attributes, thank you.


In the live broadcast room, the operations of the five players were almost impossible to say. One person was still able to face two poisonous scorpions, and they were able to retreat and advance. I want to talk about "{?$article_title?}" with more like-minded people, follow "Excellent Literature" on WeChat, read novels, chat about life, and find friends~