Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 550: Youlong attack, crisis 4 volts

"Are you leaving? Grandma Sun?"

This sudden sentence once again made Grandma Sun stunned and filled the eyes of the first three people with incredible luster.

"Don't go, I promise."

Grandma Sun adjusted her scattered hair and said to Yuye with a smile.

Rainy night made a victory gesture, and then went upstairs happily.

The four of them looked at each other and couldn't speak for a long time.

Two days ago? Is it rainy night? Or did he know something?



Phew, finally able to enter the game, there are still a lot of things waiting for him to handle in the game.

Ding, welcome back.

Yuye first touched the back of his head without any wounds, then began to look at the familiar town, took a deep breath, and dialed the call of'Zhang Di'.

The brain has been injured in the past few days, and I have been feeling dizzy. The feeling of entering the game has suddenly improved a lot.

"Wow, God, you are finally online."

As soon as it was connected, the excited voice of'Zhang Di' came out.

"Yeah, I knocked my head the day before yesterday and I just left the hospital today."

There is nothing to conceal, rainy night truthfully tell "Di Zhang".

Emperor Zhang suddenly realized that the "Holy Dragon" didn't deliberately let him dove, and the last bit of resentment in his heart disappeared without a trace.

"Great God, I have found a way to upgrade, where are you? I will look for you in the past."

"Di Zhang" can't wait, he believes in the **** of plague.

Since the plague magic **** asked Yu Ye to help him level up, he would definitely be able to help himself.

"Huh? I'm about to go to the Dragon Touring Guild, or you can come together."

"What a coincidence? Great God, I happen to be in the Dragon Touring Guild. Are you also a member of the Dragon Touring Guild?"


"That's a pity, Great God? Have you considered joining Youlong? The treatment here is really good."

Why didn't you see me for two days? "Di Zhang" is so lively, rainy night is really a bit unaccustomed.

So the next second, rainy night snapped up.

"Aunt, I'm back."

Came to the Dragon Touring Guild, rainy night went straight to the meeting room to see the Long Sword Hate Song.

There are not a few ‘Holy Dragon’s in the Dragon Touring Guild that they don’t know, so there is no block.

"Well, just waiting for you, I'm ready to attack the town and strategic deployment."

Changjian Hengge put away the drawing and said to Yuye with a smile.

"Then let's go now."

"it is good."

"Xiao Ming, you stay home and don't lose too much."

Changjian Henge had anticipated what would happen after she left.

"Relax, give up two clubs at most, hehe."

Xiao Ming said nonchalantly, not feeling the burden on his shoulders at all.

"Hmm, pay attention to safety."

Soon, Changjian Hengge issued orders and assembled a team of 10,000 people.

As a new member of "Di Zhang", even if he is a hidden class, he can only look at Changjian Henge and others from a distance.

"Huh? Isn't that a great god? How could he stand with the president?"

In two days, "Di Zhang" met with Changjian Henge twice, one was introduced by Lao Niu, and the other time he destroyed the facilities in the guild.

I don't know why, every time he sees Longjian Hengge, he feels more fear of Longjian Hengge.

He always felt that the one in front of him was not a woman, but a fierce beast, no, more terrifying than the fierce beast.

But now the great **** is talking and laughing with her? what......

There was a chill in Zhang Di's heart for no reason.

"Xiao Ye has a good relationship with our president, why can't we stand together?"

The man next to'Zhang Di' asked with a smile.

Ah, "Di Zhang" exclaimed.



Rainy night saw "Di Zhang" in the crowd at a glance, but it's better not to say hello on this occasion.

After all the players were gathered and Changjian Hengge took the oath, thousands of people were dispatched.

Looking at the leaving team, Xiao Ming slowly became indifferent with a smiling face.

How can he not know the burden on his shoulders?

The main force left? What will be waiting for the dragon?

It must be the counterattack of the major guilds, especially Tianxia, ​​Domineering.

If the Dragon Touring Guild succeeds in occupying a town during this trip, then the Dragon Touring Guild can be regarded as flying high and reaching a new height.

But if the occupation of the town fails, and the three guilds at the rear are all lost? That roaming dragon was seriously injured, and he didn't recover in a month.

In a month? Enough to make a big gap between the top guilds.

The long sword hate song opens up the frontiers and expands the land, Xiao Ming sticks to the rear.

The importance of the rear? Far more important than opening up the territory.

The courage on Xiao Ming's shoulders is very heavy...

The news that the Dragon Touring Guild swarmed out soon spread through the streets of No. 48 Town.

"Huh? This time period? Where will Dragon Touring Guild go?"

Players expressed their incomprehension. The Green Plants Assessment Dragon Touring Guild did not move. Few people participated in the assessment. The Green Plants assessment just ended? Are they dispatched?

"Could it be that their goal is to occupy a town?"

This player said the voice of many people.

"Unlike, I feel like I am going to kill high-level BOSS. After all, 10,000 people? Occupying the town is a bit too reluctant, right."

"Don't guess, the latest news: Guild Dragons has entered the space portal. Their goal is to plant a town, but they don't know which town it is."

The matter of the Dragon Touring Guild was suddenly discussed frantically among the players.

"They are not really going to occupy the town."



The resident of the Tyrant Guild was occupied by green plants and completely destroyed. After exploration, it was no longer suitable for establishing a guild.

Therefore, the members of the Tyrant Guild have temporarily rented houses in cities and towns these days to serve as meeting rooms.

"The main force of the Dragon Touring Guild is dispatched to the green town? Is this news true?"

Ba Tian was very excited and couldn't wait to ask the military division for a definite reply.

"It's true, our people have seen it with their own eyes."

"Assemble members, we will attack this location of Youlong."

Ba Tian pointed to the map of the town on the 48th and said domineeringly.

While the troops were marching, Batian dialed the "Tianxia" call.

"The main force of Youlong disappeared, are you interested?"

Ba Tian didn't mean anything, and said straightforwardly.


"Tianxia" responded coldly.

"Then we cooperate."

"What a cooperative method?"

"Our tyrant occupies the guild sub-station on the left of Yulong, and you'Tianxia' occupy the guild sub-station on the right of Yulong. You succeeded in occupying the guild sub-station on the right.

The occupation failed, Ba Tian did not say, but how could the world not understand.

"it is good."

call ended.

It is not difficult to see from the distance that the "World Guild" has already gathered all the people and is on the way at this moment.

The overlord moved, the world moved.

Second-rate guilds such as zombies are naturally unwilling to be outdone, trailing behind, always ready to take a share.

At the same time, the previous account should also be calculated.

Looking up, the Decepticon Guild only followed two or three small tails behind him, ready to grab food.