Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 551: The battle for towns begins

Seven or eight guilds are behind the ‘Tianxia Guild’, and the strength of each guild cannot be underestimated.

   These guilds either have an antagonism with the "Tianxia Guild" or they are unhappy with the "Tianxia Guild".

   In a word, it was to engage in a ‘world guild’, so the seven or eight guilds decisively united and named the ‘Sky Destruction Alliance’.

   Their initial strategy was to go to war directly, crippling and abolishing the guilds of the world, and let out a nasty breath.

   But after summing up, it was immediately decided: Let'Tian Xia' go to grab the residence of Dragon Guild first, and wait for the moment when both'Tian Xia Guild' and'Dragon Guild' lose out.

   I have to say, their abacus is very loud.

   But can "Tianxia" make them what they want? Naturally it is impossible.

  'Tian Xia' glanced contemptuously at the little tail behind him, and decisively changed his route-heading to the guild branch to the left of Youlong to connect with the Decepticon Guild.

   With so many tails, it is impossible to fight with the current state of'Tianxia', and it is impossible to lose both sides. Therefore, it is the best strategy to make trouble.



   A few minutes later, ‘Batian’ watched thousands of members of the ‘World Guild’ appear in front of him. He was taken aback for a moment and said in his heart: Did he go wrong? It shouldn't.

   In the next second, when he saw the seven or eight guilds behind the'Tianxia Guild', he instantly understood the intention of the'Tianxia', and immediately yelled at the'Tianxia Guild' as shameless.

   At this time, he wanted to get out of his way and take care of himself.

   But the battle has already begun, the Batian and Youlong have joined hand-to-hand combat, and the way behind is blocked by the "Tianxia Guild"? Where else can they go back?

   ‘Tian Xia’ saw such a situation, he was happy in his heart, and suddenly shouted:

   "Resting in place, always on standby."

   Many members of the "Tianxia Guild" were a little confused, but they still obeyed the orders and sat down to discuss quietly.

   "Tianxia" is very happy, but I did not expect to kill two birds with one stone:

   First, destroy the ‘Devil’s Guild’’s intention to occupy a branch of the Dragon Guild and let it draw water from a bamboo basket.

  Second, succeed in making a siege for oneself.

   is perfect, "Tianxia" can't help but applaud for himself.

   But ‘Batian’ was very uncomfortable and forced the attacking brothers to stop and withdraw.

   Just kidding, if there is only a small tail behind? Ba Tian didn't care at all, he was confident that he could cope.

   But now there are eight or nine evil wolves behind him, and a fierce tiger, he can't handle it.

   If you insist on attacking? Even if this sub-station is successfully smashed down, it will only be in vain to help others make wedding dresses.

   Therefore, the Tyrannical Guild chose to temporarily stop and retreat one hundred meters back to fix it.

   Ba Tian was full of anger, looking at the world fiercely, but there was no conversation.

   So a strange situation formed on the field:

  The members of the Dragon Touring Guild stood on the wall and passed the news back at the same time.

  The members of the Tyrant Guild stayed in a place where the Dragon Touring Guild could not attack, and looked at the members of the World Guild resentfully.

  The members of the Tianxia Guild sat cross-legged on the ground leisurely, sandwiched between the "Defiant Guild" and the "Sky Destroyer Alliance", enjoying the scenery.

   The ‘Sky Destroyer Alliance’ is at the end, and it’s not a fight, and it’s not a retreat. It’s very uncomfortable.

   The scene was so strangely deadlocked...

   When Xiao Ming got the news, his whole mouth was crooked.

   This is really God Bless You Long...

   Stalemate, the longer the stalemate, the better.

   Xiaoming began to deploy others, and the Dragon Touring Guild is not in danger for the time being.



   On the other hand, the Dragon Touring Guild has passed through the space portal to the town of No. 9 of the Celestial Camp.

   Fortunately, the space portal opened by the system is free. Otherwise, it would be a long time ago for Changjian Hengge.

  There are two considerations for choosing No.9 Town:

   First, judging from the overall map of the final chapter, here is the closest to the mundane camp, and it is of great significance to conquer it.

   The second is that there are many high-quality mineral veins around this town.

   One more thing, the death stone once appeared here...

   "Di Zhang" didn't know the first two points, so when he learned that the town the guild wanted to attack was Town No. 9? My heart was immediately warm.

   The position of the old cow in his mind was instantly elevated, and the old cow must have spoken for him.



   "President, are we really going to attack the town?"

   This is already the ninth time the short sword breaks the sky inquiring, the long sword hate song is a bit irritable, but still patiently answered him:


   "President? How to fight? Is there any strategy?"

  The mature and stable old bull placed the shield in front of him and said buzzingly.

   "Slash... kill, slash... kill, everything reacts immediately."

   Changjian Hengge spit out a few words faintly, and the words are full of ease.

"It's that simple?"

   "Hmm, it's that simple."

   Ten thousand troops trimmed for five minutes in front of No. 9 Town, and then attacked forward following the gesture of Changjian Hengge.

   Logically speaking, the surrounding areas of the town should be extremely dangerous, but standing in the front row on a rainy night, none of the green plants dared to act rashly.

   Just when ten thousand people were about to enter the city, the system prompt sounded in everyone's mind:

  Ding, the battle for the town is about to start, please be prepared.


   Changjian Henge frowned, this is a little different from her idea.

  The battle for town? what is that? Is it difficult?

  The original idea of ​​Long Sword Hate Song is very simple:

   rushed into the town and emptied all the green plants with the help of the invisible power of the rainy night.

   Emptying the green plants and occupying the town, she thought it was that simple, so what strategy? There is no plan for any plan.

   But it seems that things are not that simple now.

   "President? What should I do?"

   The dagger breaks through the sky and takes back the heart of the and asks Longjian Hengge with burning eyes.

   Not only him, but other players in the guild have also uttered:

   "President? How to fight?"

   "President? Give an order."




   Changjian Hengge indulged for two seconds, and finally decided: to remain unchanged and respond to changes.

   "Everyone retreat, maintain a good formation, act according to circumstances, and minimize casualties."

   Just after the Long Sword Hate Song was finished, the system prompt sounded again.

  Ding, the battle for the town has officially started, and you are currently the attacker.

  Ding, please stay under the attack of the green hidden creature for half an hour.

  Uh, obviously they are on the offensive side. Why does this mission give them a sense of defensive side?

   "Attention everyone, keep the formation."

   Changjian Hengge feels a little flustered, green hidden creature? what is that? When will the green plant family make a move?

   She has a feeling that things have become fun from this moment.

   Ten thousand people in the guild began to discuss quietly:

   "Green hidden creature? What is that?"

   "The mutation product of the green plant family?"

   "Forget it, why bother with so much? Fight."

   The next second, the sound of the monster's roar passed through everyone's ears.


   is not a plant? But animals? how is this possible?

  How could there be living creatures in the green town?