Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 552: Stage 1 clearance

At this moment, Changjian Hengge suddenly felt that he had made an unwise choice.

   When you didn’t know anything about the green town? He launched an attack without authorization...

   She... made a big taboo.

   Now I can only take one step and look one step at a time, hoping that the Dragon Touring Guild will not be greatly injured this time.

   The gate of town No. 9 was opened, and countless monsters rushed out from it.

   Looking at the dust that rose up at that moment, without using Long Sword Hengge to order, 10,000 people quickly contracted their formation.

   Looking at the smoke and dust, there are many monsters. At this time, the larger the formation, the more disadvantaged.

   In the face of this unbridled impact, the best formation is a triangle, with a point to break it open.

   But what about this? The tip of the sword at the front needs to bear great pressure.

   Longjian Hengge's order was just given, and a rough voice sounded:

   "I will be the tip of the sword."

   That is Qingtian's voice...

   During the green plant assessment, he relied on his own advantage to win nearly two thousand games. Although he was defeated by an inexplicable master in the end, his defense was not even better than before.

   Qingtian could not equip a shield, but he still took out a dark gold shield to prop it up in front of him.

After    Qingtian, he was the first-class shield fighter in the guild.

   It's impossible for a person to be the tip of a sword at all, they are candidates for replacement.

   The formation is not yet fully formed, and the monster rushes forward.

   Rainy night stood on the high platform, constantly releasing the blight of the crowd, trying to reduce the pressure on the tip of the sword.

   got close, Yuye made a startled voice, and for a while forgot to use the Eyesight Technique.

   These monsters...

   These monsters actually...

   There are all kinds of monsters, as long as the rainy night knows almost all of them.

   Their body shape has not changed much, but they have all lost their original coat color and skin color, and their body surface has all been transformed into emerald green.

   No, not only the body surface, but also the eyes and blood are all green.

   Uh, it has a texture.

   "These monsters have no saneness, so please pay attention to counterattack."

   Changjian Henge keenly discovered this problem and posted it on the guild channel.

  Rainy night was shocked and regained his consciousness and activated the Eyesight to investigate the attributes of these creatures:

   The attribute is not very high, that is, the level of an ordinary Adamantite monster.

   However, when Yuye posted Yuye on the guild channel, the players were still shocked.

   "The attribute is so high?"

   "This is almost like an Adamantite monster."

   "Terror and horror."

  The members of the Dragon Guild said it was lively, but none of them flinched, and all members burst into battle.



   "Lao Niu? Install the Guild Resurrection Stone for me."

  As soon as they came into contact, the Dragon Touring Guild suffered casualties, and Changjian Hengge was in his eyes and anxious.

   In order to preserve combat power, it is imperative to install the Guild Resurrection Stone.

   Guild Resurrection Stone, only guilds above Tier 3 are eligible to apply.

  Effect: It can be installed in any location. After death, guild members can choose to lose 10% of their experience points and resurrect beside the guild resurrection stone.

  Required for application: 30,000 gold coins.

   Although the price is a bit expensive, can it be resurrected only by the loss of 10% experience? It is worth buying from Changjian Hengge.

   Especially when playing guild wars? The most practical.

   However, the Guild Resurrection Stone also has disadvantages. As long as the installer dies, the Guild Resurrection Stone cannot be used.

   Installer? Who should I choose?

   "Di Zhang, come here."

   The old cow shouted loudly.

   Emperor Zhang is only level ten, and the damage is not high. He is completely playing the role of soy sauce. It is most suitable for him to install it.

   and at the center of the team, as long as you don’t die, you can’t die.

   Then, Emperor Zhang took this important task.

   When he understood the importance of the Guild's Resurrection Stone, his favorability for Lao Niu rose again, and he roared:

   "Brother Niu, I must live up to your high expectations."



   Ten minutes later, the gate slowly closed, and monsters no longer gush out.

  Youlong Guild successfully resisted this first wave of shock, but the price paid was not small.

The    formation was on the verge of collapse. Nearly a hundred people were trampled to death, and there was no time to react.

   Fortunately, the existence of the Guild Resurrection Stone is not a big problem.

   just lost 10% of the experience value, as for the equipment dropped by death? Someone has already collected them and handed them over.

   Looking at Qingtian again, at this moment, his arms are red and swollen like elephant legs, and the dark gold quality shield in his hand also shows cracks and is almost scrapped.

   The shield warriors behind Qingtian were not much better, each wounded, and the shields were on the verge of collapse.

   One can imagine the horror of this shock.

   The monster did not rush to attack, but surrounded the Dragon Touring Guild, and waited for the people of the Dragon Touring Guild to gather again.

   Under the command of Long Sword Hengge, the dragon team quickly changed their formation and became a buckler type, with warriors, paladins and other meat shields outside, and archers, mages and other professions wrapped in the middle.

   At the moment when the Dragon Touring Guild formation was ready, countless monsters seemed to have been ordered to attack.

   The rainy night turned into a emotionless machine, constantly releasing the disaster of the group and the flu.

   The strength of individuals in this kind of war has been weakened to the extreme. It is an excellent way to show off the evil of the group, which can reduce the pressure of the players to the greatest extent.

   Even if you can kill a thousand heads? Ten thousand? so what? The guild members are all dead? What else can you do?

   Yuye wanted to release the plague bomb to clear the field, but was stopped by Long Jian Heng Ge.

   This is the first wave of attacks. I can’t just let go of the big It's like fighting the landlord. You bombed the king from the beginning? Isn't this lack of heart?

  Although this can maximize the momentum, but...

   Everyone has their own mission, and they perform their duties. After death, they don't panic at all, and continue to farm monsters after walking out of the resurrection stone in the center.

   No one counts the number of monsters, and no one counts the number and number of deaths in the guild.

  The fighting of 10,000 people is very noisy, but their movements are very simple and effective. There is only one thought in their mind:

   How to kill the monster in front of you, how to help the ally beside you kill the monster next to him...

   Half an hour passed quickly, when the time came, the green hidden creatures turned into flowing liquid and poured into the ground.

   Many people in the guild still hacked unconsciously, without even realizing it.

   More people took a breath, slumped on the ground, breathed, and relaxed their muscles in their own way.

   Half an hour of high-intensity killing monsters is still very tiring.

   The loss is great, but the gain is also great.

   While these monsters have abnormal attributes, each of them is also very valuable, and almost every head killed can get a piece of gold-level equipment.

   After half an hour, many people's backpacks were full.

   The experience value is also very rich, even if the experience value of the death loss cannot be made up for all, it can still be made up for seven or eight eight.

   There are even some big bosses who have never died.

