Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 560: Guilds have sprung up

Although the guild members are much less, he still wants to take advantage of the chaos to compete for the title of the first guild.

   "Chaos, the more chaos, the greater our chances."

   Zombies and other guilds are also planning.

  "Zombie boss? I think it is the best time to establish a guild at this moment and own a guild residence for three reasons:"

   The military division of the Zombie Guild began to make suggestions.

   "Okay, if you listen to the military, set up a guild and choose the guild location."

   The zombies made a decisive decision.

   So not too long, the system prompts the sound:

  Ding, congratulations to the ‘Zombie Guild’ for successfully occupying the coordinates and becoming their guild resident. Please continue your efforts.

  Ding, congratulations to "Zombie Guild"...

  Ding, congratulations...

   After two months and four days, the ‘Zombie Guild’ finally had its own guild station in Town No. 48.

   Originally players thought it was over, but how could it be possible.

   For a while, the system prompt sounded crazy:

  Ding, congratulations to the ‘wolf hunting guild’ for successfully occupying the coordinates and becoming their guild resident. Please continue your efforts.

  Ding, congratulations...


   Another guild succeeded in having its own station.

  Ding, congratulations to the "Taiqing Guild" for successfully occupying the coordinates...

  Ding, congratulations to "Lingqu Guild" for successfully occupying the coordinates...

   The ‘Zombie Guild’ opened its doors, and then the guild locations sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

  Some are old guilds, but some are new guilds that I have never heard of.

   "Where are there so many guilds? This is too much."

   "In just a few minutes, ten guilds were established in the town? Did they happen to get together? Or did they have a plan?"

   "What kind of guild are these? I have never heard of it before. I don't know how strong it is."

   "Huh? So many guild tokens? Where did they release them?"

   Someone finally asked the crucial question.

   You need to know that the reason why the guilds were scarce in the past was because of the scarcity of guild tokens. Could it be overnight? Has the guild token become full?

   "I don't know, it is estimated that they have already hoarded the guild tokens, and they are waiting for today."



  In the Dragon Touring Guild, Changjian Henge squinted his eyes and listened to these system sounds, feeling very satisfied.

   "Old Niu, guess what, how many guild residences are ours?"

   Xiaoming's sudden sentence made the players in the hall stunned, turning their heads and staring at him with wide eyes.

   "What? Xiao Ming? You said there is our guild inside?"




   "Don't tell them, Xiao Ming, let them guess by themselves."

   Seeing that Xiao Ming meant to confide in the wind, Changjian Hengge hurriedly stopped.


   Xiao Ming laughed, then closed his mouth tightly, without saying a word, leisurely admiring their expressions at the moment.

   Dozens of figures in the hall have different facial expressions...

   There are surprises, joy, scheming, and secretly nodding...

   "Okay, don't think about it, Lao Niu, sell this information to'Tianji Pavilion', and you will never sell less than 50 million Chinese coins."

   Changjian Henge took out a piece of paper, on which was densely recorded some things.

   The old cow looked at it seriously, nodded heavily and left the hall.

   No need to ask, everyone knows what it is: town strategy.

  This thing? Sell ​​for 50 million? It's really not a loss.

   After knowing that the Dragon Touring Guild happened, many guilds have not dared to act rashly.

   What if you just entered the town on your front foot? Has the back foot lair been given? What a fart?

   Ba Tian opened a very bad head, and the trust between people is gone...

   But this information? Enough to hook their interest, even if they don’t go, they will definitely buy...

   "Green shirt? It is announced that my Dragon Touring Guild sells large-scale city defense equipment that can resist the attack of the demons in large quantities. I can't resist it, and I post three times the purchase amount."

   "Is it limited to Town No. 48? Or?"

   "We want the entire Huaxia District to get this news, and we must hit the brand."


Does   Youlong Guild have that much inventory? Naturally there is no.

   But soon there will be so many guilds established? Is it for dry rice?

   Ding, the Dragon Touring Guild solemnly announced that it sells a batch of large-scale city defense equipment at high prices, which can easily resist the attack of the demons. If you want to buy it as soon as possible.

  Note: If you can't resist the demon attack, the purchase amount will be refunded three times.

   Qingshan did not send more than ten voices in one mind, but sent it once every thirty seconds.

   This can make the players remember to the greatest extent...

   "What? Selling city defense equipment? Is the Dragon Touring Guild so perverted?"

   The players heard this voice and began to discuss.

   "That is, other guilds are afraid that their city defense equipment is not enough, and You Long actually sell it?"

   "Even if the dragon dared to sell? Which guild would dare to buy?"

   "Yes, who would dare to buy it? Not long after buying it, it would be equivalent to handing the handle to the Dragon Touring Guild? Who knows if they have any tricks in the city defense equipment."

   I have to say that the wisdom of the masses is great.

   In just a few words, I will analyze the rules and clarify the context.

   Some guilds are afraid to buy, so they can only hide in the corner and wait and see, but some have already contacted Qingshan.

"what price?"

  "The basic suit is 5 million, 100% defend the guild station, and the damage does not exceed 60%.

   Intermediate suit 10 million, 100% defend the guild station, and damage no more than 30%.

   30 million high-end suits, 100% guarding the guild station, and the damage does not exceed 10%, which one do you need? "

   "Intermediate suit."

   has a guild station and can choose to start the demons attack at any time.

   So soon the "Taiqing Guild" bought a set of city defense equipment for the Dragon Touring Qingshan quickly took note of this guild, with a smile on his mouth.

  'Taiqing Guild' is 100% affiliated with You Long, so this didn't run away.

   "The Taiqing Guild has already purchased the intermediate suit of this guild. After an hour, the Demon Clan Siege will be launched. After the negotiation between the guild and the "Taiqing Guild", everyone can go to watch and be a proof..."

The voice of    Qingshan suddenly made a group of guild players interested and chose to go.



   At the same time, inside the town of Tenjin Nine.

After ten minutes of embarrassment between    Rainy Night and "Di Zhang", the fourth stage came quietly.

  Ding, please arrive at the City Lord’s Mansion within half an hour...

  The task seems very simple, but the next rainy night and "Di Zhang" instantly cried.

   Although the road was originally covered by green plants, it was considered spacious, but now dense green creatures and green skeletons have emerged, covering the road densely.

   Birds neighed from time to time in the sky, announcing their arrival.

   Yuye and "Di Zhang" looked at each other, and both swallowed their saliva.

"How to do?"


   The very short chat hasn't ended, and the monster rushes over.