Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 564: The divided sea

Squinting his eyes, Yuye just saw a young red dragon before he reacted before being held in his mouth by the black dragon, with his neck hanging weakly to one side, and blood dripping from the sky.

No creature can survive such damage...

Its blood fell to the ground, like terrifying high-temperature magma, corroding one big hole after another.

Yuye was taken aback, and realized that it was the little red dragon who had previously attacked.

Such a red dragon that almost pushed the rainy night to desperation? Death without resistance under the black dragon's mouth? He was severely impacted and couldn't believe it...

Heilong left, Yu Ye just wanted to stand up, and suddenly another force of force pressed him to the ground.

Boom, a huge foot suddenly appeared not far from the rainy night, and the ground was sinking into a big hole...

Huh? Rainy night was a bit annoying, because his sky was dark again.

Rainy night followed his feet and looked up, and the whole person was suddenly shocked.

What kind of creature is this? So scary?

The skin glows gray like cement, and the stripes on it are as deep as ravines.

How big is this belly? Like a curtain, it is inferred from the belly that this creature will not be smaller than the black dragon, or even bigger.

Boom, another big foot appeared not far away, and the figure of the rainy night was shaken.

After a minute, the huge monster left, Rainy Night finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Phew, this?

No, you have to find an item that can be immune to the power of the gods, otherwise, a **** will be crushed once? When will he get to move to the sundial god?

This problem is imminent.

This thought had just arisen, and a white light suddenly appeared on the invisible feather and spread to Yu Ye's body. In this second, Yu Ye felt a shackle untied.

At this moment, another **** passed the rainy night quickly.

He didn't feel anything...

Want to become a feather? Haha, it's still useful.

After solving this matter, Yuye was finally able to rest assured to take out the map of the sea disaster to study carefully.

The overall topography of the sea is actually very complicated.

The Canghai is a huge ocean, located to the east of the final chapter continent, and the Canghai people do not live on the sea, but on a huge island.

What is the area of ​​this island? Probably owns one-tenth of the final chapter continent.

This is a large area...

It is not so much an island as it is another smaller continent.

Therefore, this island is also called the Canghai Continent.

The strength of the Canghai Clan? In ancient times, it definitely ranked in the top three, which should not be underestimated.

The Canghai clan is domineering and arrogant, so in the ancient times, there were no other races on this continent except the Canghai clan.

But the advent of Chaos Sickle directly destroyed this situation...

The huge continent was smashed into five large fragments, countless small pieces, as for the smaller ones, they sank directly to the bottom of the sea, so the sea continent became countless large and small islands.

The Canghai Clan was destroyed? The news that the Canghai Continent was sunk has been spread for a long time, but for a long time no creature dared to step into this land.

The horror of the Canghai Clan is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people...

But as time went by, there were more and more channels to prove that the Canghai Clan was really destroyed.

As a result, countless crazy creatures rushed past like cats smelling blood, occupying this area and dividing up the resources on it.

The Celestial camp, the ordinary camp, countless races want to occupy, but no one can do anything else? Over time, this continent has become a mixed area.

There are all races and all living things exist.

After thousands of years, the Canghai Continent has long been renamed: The Land of Chaos.

The five continents are divided into the south, east, north and west. The four continents in the east, west, south and north are all occupied by one force. The only one in the middle is an accident.

The continent to the east is occupied by the mundane camp. There are the most humans on it, so it is the closest to human society, with towns and coins.

The continent to the south is occupied by the Celestial Camp. Like the ordinary camp, there are many humans, but there are still many races on it.

In the Celestial camp, no matter what your race or your voice, you can join it as long as you have the strength...

The western continent is occupied by the orcs, always full of war, full of this song of blood and fire.

The northern continent was occupied by the elves. Under the cover of the sacred tree of elves, no race dared to attack, and the elves lived peacefully on it.

The continent in the middle has the largest area, and the wealth of the Canghai clan is the most intact, but no creature can climb on it.

That is the territory of Chaos Sickle...

Its brilliance is enough to cover everything in the world.

Needless to say, the four camps must know about the chaos sickle.

In other words, they are here for the chaos sickle...

The five continents have their own lands, and the smaller ones are occupied by dwarves, goblins, beasts, werewolves, druids and other races.

At this moment, Yuye was on a small island to the west, occupied by beasts, and following the law of eating the weak and the strong, just like in ancient times.

Yuye must first go to the Celestial Camp in the south to rescue the Sundial God, obtain information, and then go to the most central continent to obtain the Chaos Scythe...

Ok? Do you want to take the Chaos Sickle first? Under such troubled waters? Wouldn't it be better to save the God of Sundial?

Contemplation on a rainy night? Undecided for a while.

After a few seconds, he still decided to rescue the sundial **** first and obtain the information to pass on to ‘Wing’.

The mission of the ‘wing’ is important.

Yuye kept the map in his mind, and then started to act with a bitter face...

This road is really bitter.

He needs to cross more than ten small to reach the southern continent occupied by the Celestial camp...

The key is? He didn't know what creatures existed on every small island, even if he had invisible feathers, the danger was still great.

Just like this island with beasts everywhere, it is not so easy for him to shuttle past.

Although he is in a state of invisibility, some sensitive beasts can still spot him, such as the previous red dragon.

In the rainy night, I adjusted my breathing, transformed into a winged man form and began to detect the surrounding situation, preparing to find an excellent place to place the Guild Resurrection Stone.

Three minutes later, the guild resurrection stone was laid down in a chaotic forest on Rainy Night.

Off the beaten track here, it is a good place, and the resurrection stone placed in it is not so conspicuous.

After being placed, the rainy night lifted off again and headed south.

Flying dragon? Behemoth? All kinds of monsters and gods of different levels appeared in front of Rainy Night, which is definitely a visual feast.

Yuye deliberately explored their attributes, but finally held back.

A careless one? be found? What awaits him is death.

Although it is a small continent, it still takes a long time to cross the entire continent on rainy night.